
时间:2018-12-27 10:55:46

标签: python performance numpy vectorization

所以我的问题是:我有一个RGB图片作为一个大小为(4086, 2048, 3)的数字数组,我将该图片尺寸划分为96x96个色块,然后在这些色块中恢复了位置一个numpy数组。在每种情况下,我总是获得96x96补丁。如果图像的尺寸不允许我在x轴或y轴上创建“纯” 96x96色块,则只需向其添加左侧填充,以便最后一个色块与之前的色块重叠一点。

现在有了这些位置,我想以最快的方式摆脱所有三个通道中每个像素的RGB值为255的所有96x96色块。 strong>,我想找回所有没有此值的补丁位置


  1. 从图像尺寸中提取96x96色块位置的最快方法是什么? (目前我有一个for循环)
  2. 如何以最佳方式摆脱纯白色色块(在3个通道上具有值255)? (目前我有一个for循环)

我要处理许多此类图像,图像分辨率高达(39706, 94762, 3),因此我的“ for循环”在这里很快变得效率低下。谢谢你的帮助! (我也采用了利用GPU的解决方案)


patches = []
patch_y = 0
y_limit = False
slide_width = 4086
slide_height = 2048
# Lets imagine this image_slide has 96x96 patches which value is 255
image_slide = np.random.rand(slide_width, slide_height, 3)
while patch_y < slide_height:
    patch_x = 0
    x_limit = False
    while patch_x < slide_width:
        # Extract the patch at the given position and return it or return None if it's 3 RGB
        # channels are 255
        is_white = PatchExtractor.is_white(patch_x, patch_y, image_slide)

        # Add the patches position to the list if it's not None (not white)
        if not is_white:
            patches.append((patch_x, patch_y))

        if not x_limit and patch_x + crop_size > slide_width - crop_size:
            patch_x = slide_width - crop_size
            x_limit = True
            patch_x += crop_size
    if not y_limit and patch_y + crop_size > slide_height - crop_size:
        patch_y = slide_height - crop_size
        y_limit = True
        patch_y += crop_size

return patches

理想情况下,我希望将补丁位置放置在“ for循环”之外,然后一旦获得补丁,我就可以测试它们是否为白色,或者在for循环之外,并且数量越少越好调用numpy(因此代码在numpy的C层中处理,并且不会在python中来回移动)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


import numpy as np                                                                    

# generate some dummy data and shapes
imsize = (1024, 2048)
patchsize = 96
image = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=imsize + (3,), dtype=np.uint8)
# seed some white patches: cut a square hole in the random noise
image[image.shape[0]//2:3*image.shape[0]//2, image.shape[1]//2:3*image.shape[1]//2] = 255

# pad the image to necessary size; memory imprint similar size as the input image
# white pad for simplicity for now
nx,ny = (np.ceil(dim/patchsize).astype(int) for dim in imsize) # number of patches
if imsize[0] % patchsize or imsize[1] % patchsize:
    # we need to pad along at least one dimension
    padded = np.pad(image, ((0, nx * patchsize - imsize[0]),
                            (0, ny * patchsize - imsize[1]), (0,0)),
                    mode='constant', constant_values=255)
    # no padding needed
    padded = image

# reshape padded image according to patches; doesn't copy memory
patched = padded.reshape(nx, patchsize, ny, patchsize, 3).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3, 4) 
# patched is shape (nx, ny, patchsize, patchsize, 3)
# appending .copy() as a last step to the above will copy memory but might speed up
# the next step; time it to find out

# check for white patches; memory imprint the same size as the padded image
filt = ~(patched == 255).all((2, 3, 4))
# filt is a bool, one for each patch that tells us if it's _not_ all white
# (i.e. we want to keep it)

patch_x,patch_y = filt.nonzero() # patch indices of non-whites from 0 to nx-1, 0 to ny-1
patch_pixel_x = patch_x * patchsize  # proper pixel indices of each pixel
patch_pixel_y = patch_y * patchsize
patches = np.array([patch_pixel_x, patch_pixel_y]).T
# shape (npatch, 2) which is compatible with a list of tuples

# if you want the actual patches as well:
patch_images = patched[filt, ...]
# shape (npatch, patchsize, patchsize, 3),
# patch_images[i,...] is an image with patchsize * patchsize pixels



def get_patches(img, patchsize):
    """Compute patches on an input image without padding: assume "congruent" patches

    Returns an array shaped (npatch, 2) of patch pixel positions"""
    mx,my = (val//patchsize for val in img.shape[:-1])
    patched = img[:mx*patchsize, :my*patchsize, :].reshape(mx, patchsize, my, patchsize, 3)
    filt = ~(patched == 255).all((1, 3, 4))
    patch_x,patch_y = filt.nonzero() # patch indices of non-whites from 0 to nx-1, 0 to ny-1
    patch_pixel_x = patch_x * patchsize  # proper pixel indices of each pixel
    patch_pixel_y = patch_y * patchsize
    patches = np.stack([patch_pixel_x, patch_pixel_y], axis=-1)
    return patches

# fix the patches that fit inside the image
patches = get_patches(image, patchsize)

# fix edge patches if necessary
all_patches = [patches]
if imsize[0] % patchsize:
    # then we have edge patches along the first dim
    tmp_patches = get_patches(image[-patchsize:, ...], patchsize)
    # correct indices
    all_patches.append(tmp_patches + [imsize[0] - patchsize, 0])
if imsize[1] % patchsize:
    # same along second dim
    tmp_patches = get_patches(image[:, -patchsize:, :], patchsize)
    # correct indices
    all_patches.append(tmp_patches + [0, imsize[1] - patchsize])
if imsize[0] % patchsize and imsize[1] % patchsize:
    # then we have a corner patch we still have to fix
    tmp_patches = get_patches(image[-patchsize:, -patchsize:, :], patchsize)
    # correct indices
    all_patches.append(tmp_patches + [imsize[0] - patchsize, imsize[1] - patchsize])

# gather all the patches into an array of shape (npatch, 2)
patches = np.vstack(all_patches)

# if you also want to grab the actual patch values without looping:
xw, yw = np.mgrid[:patchsize, :patchsize]
patch_images = image[patches[:,0,None,None] + xw, patches[:,1,None,None] + yw, :]
# shape (npatch, patchsize, patchsize, 3),
# patch_images[i,...] is an image with patchsize * patchsize pixels
