# Simple guessing game
import random
import win32com.client as wincl
speak = wincl.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice")
game_running = True
guess2 = False
guess3 = False
while game_running == True:
if game_running == False:
print('Welcome to my guessing game, where you will try to guess which number I am thinking of.')
speak.Speak('Welcome to my guessing game, where you will try to guess which number I am thinking of.')
print('You will have 3 guesses.')
speak.Speak('You will have 3 guesses.')
random_number = random.randint(1, 10)
speak.Speak('Try to guess my number')
guess1 = input('Number: ')
if guess1 == random_number:
print('Wow. You can read my mind')
speak.Speak('Wow. You can read my mind.')
game_running = False
if guess1 != random_number:
print('No, try again.')
speak.Speak('No, try again.')
guess2 = True
if guess2 == True:
if random_number <= 5:
print('The number is less than 5.')
speak.Speak('The number is less than 5.')
print('The number is greater than 5.')
speak.Speak('The number is greater than 5.')
input('Number: ')
if guess2 == random_number:
print('That is correct! You can read my mind. Congratulations.')
speak.Speak('That is correct! You can read my mind. Congratulations.')
if guess2 != random_number:
print ('No, try again.')
speak.Speak('No, try again.')
guess3 = True
if guess3 == True:
print('This is your last chance.')
speak.Speak('This is your last chance.')
if random_number % 2 == 0:
print ('It is an even number.')
speak.Speak('It is an even number.')
input('Number: ')
elif random_number % 2 != 0:
print ('It is an odd number.')
speak.Speak('It is an odd number.')
input('Number: ')
if guess3 == random_number:
print('You got it!')
speak.Speak('You got it!')
print('No. You are out of chances.')
speak.Speak('No. You are out of chances.')
if guess3 != random_number:
print('My number was ' + str(random_number))
speak.Speak('My number was ' + str(random_number))
game_running = False
speak.Speak('Would you like to play again? Press y for yes or n for no.')
play_again = input('Would you like to play again? Press y for yes or n for no: ')
game_running = False
if play_again == 'y' or 'yes':
game_running = True
if play_again == 'n' or 'no':
print('Thanks for playing.')
speak.Speak('Thanks for playing.')
game_running = False