这些口号在我的一小部分数据上运行(共享组ID)。这些口头涉及的结局数目(n)有所不同,并且将从每个口头收集(n-1)个z统计信息。每个mlogit的格式为:y = a + _b * x + \ epsilon,其中y可以取2到9个值(在我的数据中),尽管平均值为3.7。
症状如下。矩阵mat_covariate包含许多缺失值(在我完成的故障排除中,矩阵值的一半以上缺失)。它还包含许多零(可能,但不太可能-尤其是以此速度计,约为16%)。如所写,代码尚未抑制我运行的mlogits,因此我可以返回并检查是什么使它成为矩阵。每个mlogit最多记录一个值,但是这些值通常被记录多次。 40%的木log没有记录。
local counter = 1
forvalues i = 1/`times' {
keep if group_id==`i'
foreach covariate in `covariates' {
if `counter' == 1 {
mlogit class `covariate'
sum outcomes_n, meanonly
local max = `r(max)'
local max_minus = `max' - 1
matrix mat_`covariate' = J(`max_minus',1,0)
forvalues j = 1/`max_minus' {
mat V = e(V)
mat b = e(b)
local z = b[1+2*(`j'-1),1] / ( V[1+2*(`j'-1),1+2*(`j'-1)] ) ^ (.5)
matrix mat_`covariate'[`j',1] = `z'
else {
mlogit class `covariate'
sum outcomes_n, meanonly
local max `r(max)'
local max_minus = `max' - 1
matrix mat_`covariate'_temp = J(`max_minus',1,0)
forvalues j = 1/`max_minus' {
mat V = e(V)
mat b = e(b)
local z = b[1+2*(`j'-1),1] / ( V[1+2*(`j'-1),1+2*(`j'-1)] ) ^ (.5)
matrix mat_`covariate'_temp[`j',1] = `z'
matrix mat_`covariate' = mat_`covariate' \ mat_`covariate'_temp
matrix mat_`covariate' = mat_`covariate' \ mat_`covariate'_temp
local counter = `counter'+1
clear all
version 14
//================== sample data: ==================
set obs 500
set seed 12345
gen id = _n
gen group_id = .
replace group_id = 1 if id <= 50
replace group_id = 2 if id <= 100 & missing(group_id)
replace group_id = 3 if id <= 150 & missing(group_id)
replace group_id = 4 if id <= 200 & missing(group_id)
replace group_id = 5 if id <= 250 & missing(group_id)
replace group_id = 6 if id <= 325 & missing(group_id)
replace group_id = 7 if id <= 400 & missing(group_id)
replace group_id = 8 if id <= 500 & missing(group_id)
gen temp_subgroup_id = .
replace temp_subgroup_id = floor((3)*runiform() + 2) if group_id < 6
replace temp_subgroup_id = floor((4)*runiform() + 2) if group_id < 8 & missing(temp_subgroup_id)
replace temp_subgroup_id = floor((5)*runiform() + 2) if missing(temp_subgroup_id)
egen subgroup_id = group(group_id temp_subgroup_id)
bysort subgroup_id : gen subgroup_size = _N
bysort group_id subgroup_id : gen tag = (_n == 1)
bysort group_id : egen outcomes_n = total(tag)
gen binary_x = floor(2*runiform())
//================== locals: ==================
local covariates binary_x
local times = 8
// times is equal to the number of group_ids
//================== loop in question: ==================
local counter = 1
forvalues i = 1/`times' {
keep if group_id==`i'
foreach covariate in `covariates' {
if `counter' == 1 {
mlogit subgroup_id `covariate'
sum outcomes_n, meanonly
local max = `r(max)'
local max_minus = `max' - 1
matrix mat_`covariate' = J(`max_minus',1,0)
forvalues j = 1/`max_minus' {
mat V = e(V)
mat b = e(b)
local z = b[1+2*(`j'-1),1] / ( V[1+2*(`j'-1),1+2*(`j'-1)] ) ^ (.5)
matrix mat_`covariate'[`j',1] = `z'
else {
mlogit subgroup_id `covariate'
sum outcomes_n, meanonly
local max `r(max)'
local max_minus = `max' - 1
matrix mat_`covariate'_temp = J(`max_minus',1,0)
forvalues j = 1/`max_minus' {
mat V = e(V)
mat b = e(b)
local z = b[1+2*(`j'-1),1] / ( V[1+2*(`j'-1),1+2*(`j'-1)] ) ^ (.5)
matrix mat_`covariate'_temp[`j',1] = `z'
matrix mat_`covariate' = mat_`covariate' \ mat_`covariate'_temp
matrix mat_`covariate' = mat_`covariate' \ mat_`covariate'_temp
local counter = `counter' + 1
//================== symptoms: ==================
matrix list mat_binary_x
答案 0 :(得分:4)
考虑当i == 1
和max_minus == 2
keep if group_id == 1
summarize outcomes_n, meanonly
local max = `r(max)'
local max_minus = `max' - 1
mlogit subgroup_id binary_x
matrix V = e(V)
matrix b = e(b)
. matrix list V
symmetric V[6,6]
1: 1: 2: 2: 3: 3:
o. o.
binary_x _cons binary_x _cons binary_x _cons
1:binary_x .46111111
1:_cons -.225 .225
2:o.binary_x 0 0 0
2:o._cons 0 0 0 0
3:binary_x .2111111 -.09999999 0 0 .47896825
3:_cons -.09999999 .09999999 0 0 -.24285714 .24285714
. matrix list b
1: 1: 2: 2: 3: 3:
o. o.
binary_x _cons binary_x _cons binary_x _cons
y1 .10536052 -.22314364 0 0 .23889194 -.35667502
. local j = `max_minus'
. display "z = `= b[1+2*(`j'-1),1] / ( V[1+2*(`j'-1),1+2*(`j'-1)] ) ^ (.5)'"
z = .