C ++中使用邻接矩阵和列表的图形

时间:2018-12-05 02:14:54

标签: c++ graph linked-list


我的主要问题是如何转换字符串*返回的值。 要在调用markEdge函数时使用split函数?

void loadListFromFile(Graph& g, string filename) {
     /* TODO (1):
     * Open the file and update the matrix with the proper
     * edge status, i.e. 1 if there is an edge from source
     * to target.
     * The file format is:
     * sourceNode adjacentNode1 adjacentNode2 ...adjacentNode3
     * Each node is a single character in the range A-Z.

    ifstream ifs;

    if (ifs.is_open() ==  false){
        cerr << "Error opening file for reading." << endl;

    string line;
    int tokenCount;

    getline( ifs, line);

    while (!ifs.eof()){

        split(line, ' ', tokenCount);

        getline(ifs, line);

}// end loadListFromFile()


string * split(const string& str, const char delimiter, int& tokenCount){
string * fields = nullptr;
tokenCount = 0;

string token;
string remaining = str;
if (remaining.back() == '\n') {

size_t delimiterPos = remaining.find_first_of(delimiter, 0);
while ( delimiterPos != string::npos ) {
    token = remaining.substr(0, delimiterPos);
    remaining = remaining.substr(delimiterPos + 1);

    if ( fields ) {
        // resize array and add new token.
        string * fieldsTmp = new string [tokenCount + 1];

        for (int i = 0; i <= tokenCount - 1; i++) {
            fieldsTmp[i] = fields[i];
        fieldsTmp[tokenCount++] = token;

        delete [] fields;
        fields = fieldsTmp;
        fieldsTmp = nullptr;

    } else {
        // create array and add first token.
        fields = new string[tokenCount + 1];
        fields[tokenCount++] = token;
    delimiterPos = remaining.find_first_of(delimiter, 0);
return fields;
}// end split()


void markEdge(const int fromIndex, const char node) {
    /* TODO (1):
     * Add the node to the list at index fromIndex.

    adjList->pushAt(fromIndex, node);

} //结束markEdge()


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