Select A.loan_officer, A.OrganizationId, [C].Credit as Credit,
[P].Application as 'App', [F].Funding as Fund, [B].ClosingDate as Brok
--Credit Pulls
(SELECT Credit
FROM [E].[dbo].[Main]
where Loan_Officer is not null
and LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline')) as [C],
--Application Units
(SELECT Application
FROM [E].[dbo].[Main]
where loan_Officer is not null
and LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline')
and Denial_Date is null ) as [P],
--Funding Units
(SELECT Funding
FROM [E].[dbo].[Main]
where loan_Officer is not null
and LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline')
and Denial_Date is null) as [F],
-- Brokered Units
(SELECT ClosingDate
FROM [E].[dbo].[Main]
where loan_Officer is not null
and LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline')
and Loan_Info_Channel_F2626 like 'Brok%'
) as [B],
[E].[dbo].[Main] A
Join [B] on B.ClosingDate_748 =A.ClosingDate_748
Join F on F.Funding_Date= A.Funding_Date
Join P on A.Application_Date= A.Application_Date
Join C on C.Credit_Pull_Date = A.Credit_pull_date
答案 0 :(得分:3)
我在这里使用scsimon ...不需要联接,只需使用多个case语句即可;当前作为派生表的每一列都有一个。
SELECT Loan_officer
, OrganizationID
, CASE WHEN Loan_officer is not null and
LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline') THEN Credit else NULL end as Credit
, CASE WHEN Loan_officer is not null and
LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline') and
Denial_date is null THEN Credit else NULL end as Apps
, CASE WHEN Loan_officer is not null and
LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline') and
Denial_date is null THEN Credit else NULL end as Funding as Fund,
, CASE WHEN Loan_officer is not null and
LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline') and
Loan_Info_Channel_F2626 like 'Brok%' THEN ClosingDate else NULL end as Brok
FROM [E].[dbo].[Main]
答案 1 :(得分:1)
SELECT Loan_officer
, OrganizationID
, CASE WHEN Denial_date is null THEN [Application] ELSE NULL END as App
, CASE WHEN Denial_date is null THEN Funding else NULL end as Fund
, CASE WHEN Loan_Info_Channel_F2626 like 'Brok%' THEN ClosingDate ELSE NULL end as Brok
FROM [E].[dbo].[Main]
WHERE Loan_officer IS NOT NULL AND LOANFOLDER IN ('Pipeline', 'Prospect', 'Employee Pipeline')