
时间:2018-12-02 15:28:15

标签: c# button onpaint

我希望您能为我提供帮助,这是一个很大的代码,所以我将尽力解释一下。我正在制作一个可以放置逻辑门并且可以相互连接的程序,我使用的是OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)方法,我很难将门与线连接起来。 (代码也确实很混乱) 我将闸门添加到列表中 私人List<Tuple<Point, int>> droppedShapes = new List<Tuple<Point, int>>(); 而我的台词 私人List<Tuple<Point, Point>> allLines = new List<Tuple<Point, Point>>(); 这样我就可以保存x-y坐标。 我使用按钮来连接线路,因此在连接的每一端都有一个可以单击的按钮。但是我只能将一个组件的2个输入彼此连接。 这是我的代码,希望您能为我提供帮助!


 protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

        Pen whitePen = new Pen(Color.White);
        SolidBrush tealBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Teal);
        SolidBrush whiteBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

        SolidBrush yellowBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow);

        SolidBrush grayBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray);
        SolidBrush redBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);

        foreach (var line in allLines)
            screen.DrawLine(whitePen, line.Item1, line.Item2);

        foreach (var pair in this.droppedShapes)
            var shapeType = pair.Item2; // Reveal your own shape object here
            var location = pair.Item1;

            switch (shapeType) // Reveal your own shape object here
                case 0:
                    screen.DrawRectangle(whitePen, location.X - 10, location.Y - 10, 20, 20);
                    screen.DrawString("&", new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float)18), whiteBrush, location.X - 11, location.Y - 13);
                    screen.DrawLine(whitePen, location.X - 20, location.Y + 6, location.X - 10, location.Y + 6);
                    screen.DrawLine(whitePen, location.X - 20, location.Y - 6, location.X - 10, location.Y - 6);
                    screen.DrawLine(whitePen, location.X + 20, location.Y, location.X + 10, location.Y);

                    newB = new Point(location.X - 25, location.Y + 2);
                    newB2 = new Point(location.X - 25, location.Y - 10);
                    newB3 = new Point(location.X + 20, location.Y - 3);
                    button1 = new Button();
                    button2 = new Button();
                    button3 = new Button();
                    button1.Size = new Size(8, 8);
                    button2.Size = new Size(8, 8);
                    button3.Size = new Size(8, 8);
                    newB.Offset(0, 0);
                    newB2.Offset(0, 0);
                    newB3.Offset(0, 0);
                    button1.Location = newB;
                    button2.Location = newB2;
                    button3.Location = newB3;
                    button1.Click += Button_Click1;
                    button2.Click += Button_Click2;
                    button3.Click += Button_Click3;

                    if (jaOfNee == true)
                       screen.DrawString(pair.Item1.ToString(), new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float) 6), whiteBrush, location.X - 25, location.Y - 25);

                case 1:
                    screen.DrawRectangle(whitePen, location.X - 10, location.Y - 10, 20, 20);
                    screen.DrawString("1", new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float)10), whiteBrush, location.X, location.Y - 9);
                    screen.DrawString(">", new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float)8), whiteBrush, location.X - 8, location.Y - 10);
                    screen.DrawLine(whitePen, location.X + 1, location.Y + 1, location.X - 5, location.Y + 1);
                    screen.DrawLine(whitePen, location.X - 20, location.Y + 6, location.X - 10, location.Y + 6);
                    screen.DrawLine(whitePen, location.X - 20, location.Y - 6, location.X - 10, location.Y - 6);
                    screen.DrawLine(whitePen, location.X + 20, location.Y, location.X + 10, location.Y);
                    newB = new Point(location.X - 25, location.Y + 2);
                    newB2 = new Point(location.X - 25, location.Y - 10);
                    newB3 = new Point(location.X + 20, location.Y - 3);
                    button1 = new Button();
                    button2 = new Button();
                    button3 = new Button();
                    button1.Size = new Size(8, 8);
                    button2.Size = new Size(8, 8);
                    button3.Size = new Size(8, 8);
                    newB.Offset(0, 0);
                    newB2.Offset(0, 0);
                    newB3.Offset(0, 0);
                    button1.Location = newB;
                    button2.Location = newB2;
                    button3.Location = newB3;
                    button1.Click += Button_Click1;
                    button2.Click += Button_Click2;
                    button3.Click += Button_Click3;

                    if (jaOfNee == true)
                        screen.DrawString(pair.Item1.ToString(), new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (float) 6), whiteBrush, location.X - 25, location.Y - 25);





        for (int i = drawPanel.Left - 5; i < drawPanel.Right + 10; i += 5)
            for (int j = drawPanel.Top - 50; j < drawPanel.Bottom - 5; j += 5)
                screen.FillEllipse(redBrush, i, j, 2, 2); //fills screen with a grid

        //  base.OnPaint(e);

        // draw current location
        if (currentLocation != null)
            Point p = currentLocation.Value;
            screen.FillEllipse(tealBrush, p.X + 1, p.Y, -4, -4);

        drawPanel.CreateGraphics().DrawImage(backBuffer, 0, 0); //allows you to draw


 foreach (var line in allLines)
        screen.DrawLine(whitePen, line.Item1, line.Item2);

我还没有使用按钮3,因为我想先连接我的输入,所以不要介意按钮3。 这就是我尝试保存X-Y坐标的方式。

private Point point1;
    private Point point2;

    private void Button_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        point1 = button1.Location;

    private void Button_Click2(object sender, EventArgs e)
        point2 = button2.Location;


    private void Button_Click3(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void DrawLine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        allLines.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(point1, point2));

当我按下DrawLine按钮时,它将位置添加到列表中。 抱歉,代码太糟糕了。 希望您对我的问题有所了解,这真的很难解释我的问题。

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