
时间:2018-12-02 13:07:10

标签: isabelle



lemma fmrel_trans:
  "(⋀x y z. x ∈ fmran' xm ⟹ P x y ⟹ Q y z ⟹ R x z) ⟹
   fmrel P xm ym ⟹ fmrel Q ym zm ⟹ fmrel R xm zm"
  unfolding fmrel_iff
  by (metis fmdomE fmdom_notD fmran'I option.rel_inject(2) option.rel_sel)


lemma trancl_to_fmrel:
  "(fmrel f)⇧+⇧+ xm ym ⟹ fmrel f⇧+⇧+ xm ym"
  apply (induct rule: tranclp_induct)
  apply (simp add: fmap.rel_mono_strong)
  apply (rule_tac ?P="f⇧+⇧+" and ?Q="f" and ?ym="y" in fmrel_trans; auto)


lemma fmrel_to_trancl:
  "fmrel r⇧+⇧+ xm ym ⟹
   (⋀x. r x x) ⟹
   (fmrel r)⇧+⇧+ xm ym"


lemma fmrel_tranclp_induct:
  "fmrel r⇧+⇧+ a b ⟹
   (⋀x. r x x) ⟹
   (⋀y. fmrel r a y ⟹ P y) ⟹
   (⋀y z. fmrel r⇧+⇧+ a y ⟹ fmrel r y z ⟹ P y ⟹ P z) ⟹ P b"

lemma fmrel_tranclp_trans_induct:
  "fmrel r⇧+⇧+ a b ⟹
   (⋀x. r x x) ⟹
   (⋀x y. fmrel r x y ⟹ P x y) ⟹
   (⋀x y z. fmrel r⇧+⇧+ x y ⟹ P x y ⟹ fmrel r⇧+⇧+ y z ⟹ P y z ⟹ P x z) ⟹ P a b"


该问题与How to lift a transitive relation from elements to lists?非常相似,但是该问题的证明基于归纳规则list_all2_induct。我找不到fmrel的类似规则。我试图证明这样的事情,但没有成功:

lemma fmrel_induct
  [consumes 1, case_names Nil Cons, induct set: fmrel]:
  assumes P: "fmrel P xs ys"
  assumes Nil: "R fmempty fmempty"
  assumes Cons: "⋀k x xs y ys.
    ⟦P x y; fmrel P xs ys; fmlookup xs k = None; fmlookup ys k = None; R xs ys⟧ ⟹
    R (fmupd k x xs) (fmupd k y ys)"
  shows "R xs ys"


lemma fmrel_to_list_all2:
  "fmrel f xm ym ⟹
   xs = map snd (sorted_list_of_fmap xm) ⟹
   ys = map snd (sorted_list_of_fmap ym) ⟹
   list_all2 f xs ys"



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


这个问题以及我在该网站上回答的一些先前问题促使我开始在独立的图书馆中收集有关listalistfmap的更多结果。该工作是在GitHub repository的上下文中完成的。存储库包含此答案中的所有定理。这些定理可以在理论Quotient_FMap中找到。



theory so_htlartfm

lemma fmap_eqdom_Cons1:
  assumes as_1: "fmlookup xm i = None"
    and as_2: "fmrel R (fmupd i x xm) ym" 
    "(∃z zm. 
    fmlookup zm i = None ∧ ym = (fmupd i z zm) ∧ R x z ∧ fmrel R xm zm)"
proof - 
  from as_2 have eq_dom: "fmdom (fmupd i x xm) = fmdom ym" 
    using fmrel_fmdom_eq by blast
  from as_1 eq_dom as_2 obtain y where y: "fmlookup ym i = Some y"
    by force
  obtain z zm where z_zm: "ym = (fmupd i z zm) ∧ fmlookup zm i = None"
    using y by (smt fmap_ext fmlookup_drop fmupd_lookup)
    assume "¬R x z"
    with as_1 z_zm have "¬fmrel R (fmupd i x xm) ym"
      by (metis fmrel_iff fmupd_lookup option.simps(11))
  with as_2 have c3: "R x z" by auto
    assume "¬fmrel R xm zm"
    with as_1 have "¬fmrel R (fmupd i x xm) ym" 
      by (metis fmrel_iff fmupd_lookup option.rel_sel z_zm)
  with as_2 have c4: "fmrel R xm zm" by auto
  from z_zm c3 c4 show ?thesis by auto

lemma fmap_eqdom_induct [consumes 1, case_names nil step]:
  assumes R: "fmrel R xm ym"
    and nil: "P fmempty fmempty"
    and step: 
    "⋀x xm y ym i. ⟦R x y; fmrel R xm ym; P xm ym⟧ ⟹ 
    P (fmupd i x xm) (fmupd i y ym)"
  shows "P xm ym"
  using R 
proof(induct xm arbitrary: ym)
  case fmempty
  then show ?case
    by (metis fempty_iff fmdom_empty fmfilter_alt_defs(5) 
      fmfilter_false fmrel_fmdom_eq fmrestrict_fset_dom nil)
  case (fmupd i x xm) show ?case 
  proof -
    from fmupd.prems(1) obtain y where y: "fmlookup ym i = Some y"
      by (metis fmupd.prems(1) fmrel_cases fmupd_lookup option.discI)
    from fmupd.hyps(2) fmupd.prems(1) fmupd.prems(1) obtain z zm where 
      zm_i_none: "fmlookup zm i = None" and
      ym_eq_z_zm: "ym = (fmupd i z zm)" and 
      R_x_z: "R x z" and
      R_xm_zm: "fmrel R xm zm"
      using fmap_eqdom_Cons1 by metis
    with R_xm_zm fmupd.hyps(1) have P_xm_zm: "P xm zm" by blast
    from R_x_z R_xm_zm P_xm_zm have "P (fmupd i x xm) (fmupd i z zm)" 
      by (rule step)
    then show ?thesis by (simp add: ym_eq_z_zm)

lemma fmrel_to_rtrancl:
  assumes as_r: "(⋀x. r x x)" 
    and rel_rpp_xm_ym: "(fmrel r⇧*⇧*) xm ym" 
  shows "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* xm ym"
  from rel_rpp_xm_ym show "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* xm ym"
  proof(induct rule: fmap_eqdom_induct)
    case nil then show ?case by auto
    case (step x xm y ym i) show ?case
    proof -
      from as_r have lp_xs_xs: "fmrel r xm xm" by (simp add: fmap.rel_refl)
      from step.hyps(1) have x_xs_y_zs: 
        "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* (fmupd i x xm) (fmupd i y xm)"
      proof(induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
        case base then show ?case by simp
        case (step y z) then show ?case 
        proof -
          have rt_step_2: "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* (fmupd i y xm) (fmupd i z xm)" 
            by (rule r_into_rtranclp, simp add: fmrel_upd lp_xs_xs step.hyps(2))
          from step.IH rt_step_2 show ?thesis by (rule rtranclp_trans) 
      from step.hyps(3) have "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* (fmupd i y xm) (fmupd i y ym)"
      proof(induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
        case base then show ?case by simp
        case (step ya za) show ?case
        proof -
          have rt_step_2: "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* (fmupd i y ya) (fmupd i y za)" 
            by (rule r_into_rtranclp, simp add: as_r fmrel_upd step.hyps(2)) 
          from step.IH rt_step_2 show ?thesis by (rule rtranclp_trans)
      with x_xs_y_zs show ?thesis by simp

lemma fmrel_to_trancl:
  assumes as_r: "(⋀x. r x x)" 
    and rel_rpp_xm_ym: "(fmrel r⇧+⇧+) xm ym" 
  shows "(fmrel r)⇧+⇧+ xm ym" 
  by (metis as_r fmrel_to_rtrancl fmap.rel_mono_strong fmap.rel_refl 
      r_into_rtranclp reflclp_tranclp rel_rpp_xm_ym rtranclpD rtranclp_idemp 
      rtranclp_reflclp tranclp.r_into_trancl)
