
时间:2018-12-02 11:39:20

标签: unity3d augmented-reality vuforia



          Image target - Apple 
          Sound - Letter A sound

         Image target- Banana
         Sound - Letter B sound


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



    $first = ( $per_page * $paged ) - $per_page;
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            echo paginate_links( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_pagination_args', array( // WPCS: XSS ok.
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将其放在public class SoundController : MonoBehaviour { // here you reference your Scene's AudioSource in the inspector // e.g. via drag and drop [SerializeField] private AudioSource _audioSource; // Here you reference the according AudioClips [SerializeField] private AudioClip _letterASound; [SerializeField] private AudioClip _letterBSound; // an enum makes it esier to find the correct letter later public enum Letter { A, B // etc } // store the current Sound to be played public Letter CurrentLetter; private Button _button; // a dictionary makes it easy to find the according sound for a specific letter private Dictionary<Letter, AudioClip> _sounds; private void Awake() { // initialize the dictionary _sounds = new Dictionary<Letter, AudioClip>() { {A, _lettarASound}, {B, _letterBSound} } // get the Button component _button = GetComponent<Button>(); // add an onclick callback for the button // (it is save to allways first remove the callback to avoid double calls) _button.onClick.RemoveListener(PlayCurrentSound); _button.onClick.AddListener(PlayCurrentSound); } // make it public so you could even call it from somewhere else if needed public void PlayCurrentSound() { AudioSource.PlayOneShot(_sounds[CurrentLetter]); } } 组件旁边的按钮上,并引用ButtonAudioSource(当然,可以根据需要添加更多内容)。


