qobjects timmer无法从另一个线程停止

时间:2018-11-28 01:57:45

标签: python ros

我试图用ros,gazebo和qt crator来编码我的机器人组,而我不是专家,我有点愚蠢。




#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy, time , cv2, cv_bridge, numpy
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Twist
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan,  Image, CameraInfo
from math import atan2

class Follower:
  def __init__(self):
    self.bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()
    #cv2.namedWindow("window", 1)
    self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/tb3_0/camera/rgb/image_raw',Image, self.image_callback)
    #self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel',Twist, queue_size=1)
    #self.twist = Twist()

  def image_callback(self, msg):
    image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg,desired_encoding='bgr8')
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    lower_yellow = numpy.array([ 10,  10,  10])
    upper_yellow = numpy.array([255, 255, 250])
    mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_yellow, upper_yellow)

    h, w, d = image.shape
    search_top = 3*h/4
    search_bot = 3*h/4 + 20
    mask[0:search_top, 0:w] = 0
    mask[search_bot:h, 0:w] = 0
    M = cv2.moments(mask)
    if M['m00'] > 0:
      cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00'])
      cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00'])
      #cv2.circle(image, (cx, cy), 20, (0,0,255), -1)
      print "achei amarelo"
      #color = 1
      goal.x = x
      goal.y = y
   # cv2.imshow("mask",mask)
    cv2.imshow("output", image)

#Odometria para identificar posicao
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
theta = 0.0

def newOdom(msg):
    global x
    global y
    global theta

    x = msg.pose.pose.position.x
    y = msg.pose.pose.position.y

    rot_q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
    (roll, pitch, theta) = euler_from_quaternion([rot_q.x, rot_q.y, rot_q.z, rot_q.w])


odom_sub_tb3_0 = rospy.Subscriber("/tb3_0/odom", Odometry, newOdom)
#pub = rospy.Publisher("/tb3_0/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size = 1)

r = rospy.Rate(4)

goal = Point()
goal.x = 0
goal.y = 0

def scan_callback(msg):
    global range_front
    global range_right
    global range_left
    global ranges
    global min_front,i_front, min_right,i_right, min_left ,i_left

    ranges = msg.ranges
    # get the range of a few points
    # in front of the robot (between 5 to -5 degrees)
    range_front[:5] = msg.ranges[5:0:-1]
    range_front[5:] = msg.ranges[-1:-5:-1]
    # to the right (between 300 to 345 degrees)
    range_right = msg.ranges[300:345]
    # to the left (between 15 to 60 degrees)
    range_left = msg.ranges[60:15:-1]
    # get the minimum values of each range
    # minimum value means the shortest obstacle from the robot
    min_range,i_range = min( (ranges[i_range],i_range) for i_range in xrange(len(ranges)) )
    min_front,i_front = min( (range_front[i_front],i_front) for i_front in xrange(len(range_front)) )
    min_right,i_right = min( (range_right[i_right],i_right) for i_right in xrange(len(range_right)) )
    min_left ,i_left  = min( (range_left [i_left ],i_left ) for i_left  in xrange(len(range_left )) )

# Initialize all variables
range_front = []
range_right = []
range_left  = []
min_front = 0
i_front = 0
min_right = 0
i_right = 0
min_left = 0
i_left = 0

# Node para tb3_0 -- leader
cmd_vel_pub_tb3_0 = rospy.Publisher('/tb3_0/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size = 1) # to move the robot
scan_sub_tb3_0 = rospy.Subscriber('/tb3_0/scan', LaserScan, scan_callback)   # to read the laser scanner

command = Twist()
command.linear.x = 0.0
command.angular.z = 0.0

rate = rospy.Rate(10)
time.sleep(1) # wait for node to initialize

near_wall = 0 # start with 0, when we get to a wall, change to 1
follower = Follower()
# Turn the robot right at the start
# to avoid the 'looping wall'
command.angular.z = -0.5
command.linear.x = 0.1

inc_x = goal.x -x
inc_y = goal.y -y

angle_to_goal = atan2(inc_y, inc_x)

    # The algorithm:
    # 1. Robot moves forward to be close to a wall
    # 2. Start following left wall.
    # 3. If too close to the left wall, reverse a bit to get away
    # 4. Otherwise, follow wall by zig-zagging along the wall
    # 5. If front is close to a wall, turn until clear

while(near_wall == 0 and not rospy.is_shutdown()): #1

    print("Moving towards a wall.")
    if(min_front > 0.2 and min_right > 0.2 and min_left > 0.2):
        command.angular.z = -0.1    # if nothing near, go forward
        command.linear.x = 0.15
        print("Posicao x",x)
        print("Posicao y",y)
        print("Posicao theta",theta)
        print "C"
    elif(min_left < 0.2):           # if wall on left, start tracking
        near_wall = 1
        print "A"
        print("Posicao x",x)
        print("Posicao y",y)
        print("Posicao theta",theta)
        command.angular.z = -0.25   # if not on left, turn right
        command.linear.x = 0.0
        print("Posicao x",x)
        print("Posicao y",y)
        print("Posicao theta",theta)


else:   # left wall detected

    if(min_front > 0.2): #2
        if(min_left < 0.12):    #3
            print("Range: {:.2f}m - Too close. Backing up.".format(min_left))
            command.angular.z = -1.2
            command.linear.x = -0.1
            print("Posicao x",x)
            print("Posicao y",y)
            print("Posicao theta",theta)
        elif(min_left > 0.15):  #4
            print("Range: {:.2f}m - Wall-following; turn left.".format(min_left))
            command.angular.z = 1.2
            command.linear.x = 0.15
            print("Posicao x",x)
            print("Posicao y",y)
            print("Posicao theta",theta)
            print("Range: {:.2f}m - Wall-following; turn right.".format(min_left))
            command.angular.z = -1.2
            command.linear.x = 0.15
            print("Posicao x",x)
            print("Posicao y",y)
            print("Posicao theta",theta)

    else:   #5
        print("Front obstacle detected. Turning away.")
        command.angular.z = -1.0
        command.linear.x = 0.0
        print("Posicao x",x)
        print("Posicao y",y)
        print("Posicao theta",theta)
        while(min_front < 0.3 and not rospy.is_shutdown()):
    # publish command
# wait for the loop

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