
时间:2018-11-27 20:01:51

标签: windows batch-file


set /p multiTune="Does your tune file need to be shared with multiple 
Element sequences? (y/n) "
Echo Multi Tune is %multiTune%
if "%multiTune%"=="y" (set /p tuneCount="How many sequences will need to share your tune file? ")
Echo Tune count is %tuneCount%
if "%multiTune%"=="y" (SET /p tuneName="Enter the file letter/number combination for the R quant of your tune file. ") else (@ECHO The user specified there is no need for a second tune.)
Echo Tune Name is %tuneName%
if "%multiTune%"=="y" (SET /a tuneCount+=1) else(set /a tuneCount-=tuneCount)
Echo Tune count is now %tuneCount%
if "%tuneCount%"=="0" goto exitloop
Set /p seqNumber="Enter the number for one of the sequences." 
copy %tuneName%.D.pdf "S%seqNumber%-TUN1_%tuneName%.D.pdf" 
echo %tuneName%.D.pdf renamed to S%seqNumber%-TUN1_%tuneName%.D.pdf
Set /a tuneCount-=1
if "%tuneCount%"=="1" DEL "%tuneName%.D.pdf"
if "%tuneCount%"==1 goto exitloop
Echo %tuneCount%
goto loop

所有回声和暂停仅用于测试目的,以确保变量中的值正确。 批处理文件可以正常运行,其中的变量包含正确的字符串和值,直到该行为止:

if "%multiTune%"=="y" (SET /a tuneCount+=1) else(set /a tuneCount-=tuneCount)

该文件说有什么意外,并在此刻关闭,因此我没有机会弄清循环部分是否有效。 +1的点是这样,它进入循环并执行命令,直到达到1为止;如果等于0,则跳过循环。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我真的认为您正在使事情变得如此非常复杂 ...


@echo off

choice /m "Does your tune file need to be shared with multiple element sequences? (y/n) " /C:yn /N
rem Echo Multi Tune is %errorlevel%
rem If errorlevel equals to 1 user input is "Y", it is 2 it is "N". (I commented the "echo" command as it changes the errorlevel value).

if errorlevel 2 goto question_N
if errorlevel 1 goto question_Y

set /p tuneCount="How many sequences will need to share your tune file? "
set /p tuneName="Enter the file letter/number combination for the R quant of your tune file. "
SET /a "tuneCount+=1"
goto loop

set /p tuneCount="How many sequences will need to share your tune file? "
ECHO The user specified there is no need for a second tune.
set /a "tuneCount-=tuneCount"
goto loop

rem [Code you provided above]
