
时间:2018-11-26 14:14:53

标签: python celery jupyter

here所述,我们可以通过将工人定义为HTTP API端点,或使用宿主语言编写客户端(使用来自代理的消息并对其采取行动)来创建不同语言的工作者。

有另一种方法可以通过使用jupyter_kernels来实现,我正在尝试实现这一目标。 这是扩展工作人员蓝图的步骤     从芹菜进口芹菜     从芹菜导入启动步骤     从jupyter_client导入MultiKernelManager

from tornado import gen
from zmq.eventloop import ioloop
from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream

app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://', backend='redis://')

reply_futures = {}

class KernelStep(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
    # Don't actually know on which step it should depend !!!
    requires = {'celery.worker.components:Pool'}

    def __init__(self, worker,**kwargs):
        worker.kernel_manager = MultiKernelManager()

    def start(self, worker):
        # Setting a kernel_client here for worker
        kid = worker.kernel_manager.start_kernel()
        kernel_client = worker.kernel_manager.get_kernel(kid).client()
        # initializing the zmq streams and attaching the callback to receive message
        # from the kernel
        shell_stream = ZMQStream(kernel_client.shell_channel.socket)
        iopub_stream = ZMQStream(kernel_client.iopub_channel.socket)
        shell_stream.on_recv_stream(partial(reply_callback, kernel_client.session))
        iopub_stream.on_recv_stream(partial(reply_callback, kernel_client.session))
        worker.kernel_client = kernel_client

    def stop(self, worker):

    def terminate(self, worker):

    # defining the callback which will be executed when message arrives on
    # zmq stream
    def reply_callback(cls,session, stream, msg_list):
        idents, msg_parts = session.feed_identities(msg_list)
        reply = session.deserialize(msg_parts)
        parent_id = reply['parent_header'].get('msg_id')
        reply_future = reply_futures.get(parent_id)
        if reply_future:



def pythontask(code):
    # I don't know how to get the kernel_client for current celery worker !!?
    kernel_client = self.get_current_worker().kernel_client

    # create a IOLoop
    loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
    # listen on the streams 
    # any way to leverage here the event loop of worker ???
    msg_id = loop.run_sync(lambda: execute(kernel_client,code))
    reply_msgs[msg_id] = []

    def execute(kernel_client, code):
        msg_id = kernel_client.execute(code)
        f = reply_futures[msg_id] = Future()
        yield f
        raise gen.Return(msg_id)

在这里我找不到任何方法可以在python任务中获取工作人员的kernel_client对象!! 此外,是否有任何方法可以利用worker的事件循环来侦听语言内核发送的套接字中的消息?

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