因此,我有一个用于HTML文档的Binary Search Tree实现,该实现接受文档名称和一些HTML内容,并构造单词树以及它们在文档和文档名称中的计数。然后将树显示在TreeView控件中,如下所示:
- Root: html - d1, C: 4
- - Left: head - d1, C: 2
- - - Left: document - d1, C: 2
- - - - Left: body - d1, C: 2
- - Right: title - d1, C: 2
- - - Left: simple - d1, C: 2
- - - - Left: p - d1, C: 4
- - - - - Right: paragraphs - d1, C: 1
- - - Right: two - d1, C: 1
A Simple HTML Document
<p> This is a very simple HTML document</p>
<p>It only has two paragraphs</p>
- Root: html - d1, C: 4, d2, C: 2
-- Left: head - d1, C: 2, d2, C: 2, d3, C:3 (and so on)
public class Node
public string data;
public Node left { get; set; }
public Node right { get; set; }
public Node(string data)
this.data = data;
left = right = null;
public class Tree
public Node root;
public Tree()
root = null;
public void insert(string data, TreeView view)
Node newItem = new Node(data);
if (root == null)
root = newItem;
Node current = root;
Node parent = null;
while (current != null)
parent = current;
if (String.Compare(data, current.data) < 0)
current = current.left;
if (current == null)
parent.left = newItem;
current = current.right;
if (current == null)
parent.right = newItem;
public String search(string element, Node root)
Node current = root;
if (current == null)
return "Not found";
if (String.Compare(element, current.data) == 0)
return element;
if (String.Compare(element, current.data) < 0)
return this.search(element, current.left);
return this.search(element, current.right);
public void preOrder(Node node, TreeNode treeNode)
treeNode.Text += node.data;
if (node.left != null)
preOrder(node.left, treeNode.Nodes.Add("Left: "));
if (node.right != null)
preOrder(node.right, treeNode.Nodes.Add("Right: "));
void DisplayTree(Tree tree)
preOrder(tree.root, treeView1.Nodes.Add("Root: "));
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string d_name = textBox1.Text;
if(d_name == "")
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a document name.", "Indexing");
Tree glb_tree = new Tree();
string data = richTextBox1.Text;
if(data == "")
MessageBox.Show("Missing input.", "Indexing");
//creates a list of the needed words
List<string> dataList = createList(data, d_name);
glb_tree = createTree(dataList, treeView1, glb_tree, doc_names, d_name);
public Tree createTree(List<string> input, TreeView treeView, Tree bst, List<string> doc_names, string cur_name)
int word_count = 1;
string res = "";
string tree_res = "";
var match = doc_names.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Contains(cur_name));
// Do not allow existing document names
if (match == null)
MessageBox.Show("Document Name already exists!", "Tree Create");
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < input.Count; j++)
//Calculate word count
if (input[i] == input[j])
input[j] = "";
res = input[i] + " - " + cur_name + ", C:" + word_count;
//Some elements in word list are empty, skip them
if (res.StartsWith(" -"))
word_count = 1;
bst.insert(res, treeView);
word_count = 1;
return bst;
编辑: 没关系,解决了我的问题,这实际上很简单。我只需要修改输入到树的列表,而不修改树本身。所以我只是添加了一个简单的辅助函数来添加新数据:
public List<string> appendToList(List<string> cur_data, string data, string dname)
List<string> newDataList = createList(data, dname);
bool found = false;
if (newDataList != null && cur_data != null)
for(int i=0; i<newDataList.Count; i++)
found = false;
for(int j=0; j < cur_data.Count; j++)
string op1 = newDataList[i].Substring(0, newDataList[i].IndexOf(' '));
string op2 = cur_data[j].Substring(0, cur_data[j].IndexOf(' '));
if (op1.Equals(op2))
int wcsub = newDataList[i].IndexOf(':') + 2;
int wclength = newDataList[i].IndexOf(';') - wcsub;
string wc = newDataList[i].Substring(wcsub, wclength);
cur_data[j] += dname + ": " + wc + "; ";
found = true;
if (!found)
return cur_data;