def getCameraMatrix():
with np.load('System.npz') as X:
camera_matrix, dist_coeff, _, _ = [X[i] for i in ('mtx','dist','rvecs','tvecs')]
return camera_matrix, dist_coeff
Function Name : sin()
Input: angle (in degrees)
Output: value of sine of angle specified
Purpose: Returns the sine of angle specified in degrees
def sin(angle):
return math.sin(math.radians(angle))
Function Name : cos()
Input: angle (in degrees)
Output: value of cosine of angle specified
Purpose: Returns the cosine of angle specified in degrees
def cos(angle):
return math.cos(math.radians(angle))
Function Name : detect_markers()
Input: img (numpy array), camera_matrix, dist_coeff
Output: aruco list in the form [(aruco_id_1, centre_1, rvec_1, tvec_1),(aruco_id_2,
centre_2, rvec_2, tvec_2), ()....]
Purpose: This function takes the image in form of a numpy array, camera_matrix and
distortion matrix as input and detects ArUco markers in the image. For each
ArUco marker detected in image, paramters such as ID, centre coord, rvec
and tvec are calculated and stored in a list in a prescribed format. The list
is returned as output for the function
def detect_markers(img, camera_matrix, dist_coeff):
markerLength = 100
aruco_list = []
######################## INSERT CODE HERE ########################
return aruco_list
Function Name : drawAxis()
Input: img (numpy array), aruco_list, aruco_id, camera_matrix, dist_coeff
Output: img (numpy array)
Purpose: This function takes the above specified outputs and draws 3 mutually
perpendicular axes on the specified aruco marker in the image and
returns the modified image.
def drawAxis(img, aruco_list, aruco_id, camera_matrix, dist_coeff):
for x in aruco_list:
if aruco_id == x[0]:
rvec, tvec = x[2], x[3]
markerLength = 100
m = markerLength/2
pts = np.float32([[-m,m,0],[m,m,0],[-m,-m,0],[-m,m,m]])
pt_dict = {}
imgpts, _ = cv2.projectPoints(pts, rvec, tvec, camera_matrix, dist_coeff)
for i in range(len(pts)):
pt_dict[tuple(pts[i])] = tuple(imgpts[i].ravel())
src = pt_dict[tuple(pts[0])]; dst1 = pt_dict[tuple(pts[1])];
dst2 = pt_dict[tuple(pts[2])]; dst3 = pt_dict[tuple(pts[3])];
img = cv2.line(img, src, dst1, (0,255,0), 4)
img = cv2.line(img, src, dst2, (255,0,0), 4)
img = cv2.line(img, src, dst3, (0,0,255), 4)
return img
Function Name : drawCube()
Input: img (numpy array), aruco_list, aruco_id, camera_matrix, dist_coeff
Output: img (numpy array)
Purpose: This function takes the above specified outputs and draws a cube
on the specified aruco marker in the image and returns the modified
def drawCube(img, ar_list, ar_id, camera_matrix, dist_coeff):
for x in ar_list:
if ar_id == x[0]:
rvec, tvec = x[2], x[3]
markerLength = 100
m = markerLength/2
######################## INSERT CODE HERE ########################
return img
Function Name : drawCylinder()
Input: img (numpy array), aruco_list, aruco_id, camera_matrix, dist_coeff
Output: img (numpy array)
Purpose: This function takes the above specified outputs and draws a cylinder
on the specified aruco marker in the image and returns the modified
def drawCylinder(img, ar_list, ar_id, camera_matrix, dist_coeff):
for x in ar_list:
if ar_id == x[0]:
rvec, tvec = x[2], x[3]
markerLength = 100
radius = markerLength/2; height = markerLength*1.5
######################## INSERT CODE HERE ########################
return img
This main code reads images from the test cases folder and converts them into
numpy array format using cv2.imread. Then it draws axis, cubes or cylinders on
the ArUco markers detected in the images.
if __name__=="__main__":
cam, dist = getCameraMatrix()
img = cv2.imread("..\\TestCases\\image_1.jpg")
aruco_list = detect_markers(img, cam, dist)
for i in aruco_list:
img = drawAxis(img, aruco_list, i[0], cam, dist)
## img = drawCube(img, aruco_list, i[0], cam, dist)
## img = drawCylinder(img, aruco_list, i[0], cam, dist)
cv2.imshow("img", img)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
要检测需要图像或框架的aruco标记,用于创建标记的aruco词典(视情况而定),aruco原始图像或5x5的其他信息,请点击此处:https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d5/d0b/classcv_1_1aruco_1_1Dictionary.html < / p>
aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(aruco.YOUR ARUCO DICTIONARY HERE)
parameters = aruco.DetectorParameters_create()
corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(img, aruco_dict, parameters=parameters)