
时间:2018-11-20 15:27:00

标签: sql sql-server tsql

使用SQL Server 2016



Web Order Sample

SAMPLE# Row orderid ocustomerid odate   ofirstname  customer_pmntprofileid itemid   numitems    unitprice   itemamount
1   1   171476  5230    11/14/2018  Scott   1324426745  R22046  1   269.95  269.95
1   2   171476  5230    11/14/2018  Scott   1324426745  R81100  12  7.5 90
3   1   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF49972 6   39.95   239.7
3   2   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF49973 4   39.95   159.8
3   3   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF47970 1   43.95   43.95
3   4   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44090 1   43.95   43.95
3   5   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44091 1   43.95   43.95
3   6   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44092 1   43.95   43.95
3   7   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44093 1   43.95   43.95
3   8   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44094 1   43.95   43.95
3   9   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44114 1   50.95   50.95
3   10  171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44139 1   46.95   46.95
3   11  171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44138 1   46.95   46.95
3   12  171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44066 1   43.95   43.95
4   1   171702  6120    11/14/2018  Tim 1382791806  L81313  5   17.95   89.75
4   2   171702  6120    11/14/2018  Tim 1382791806  L81314  1   30.95   30.95
4   3   171702  6120    11/14/2018  Tim 1382791806  L82039  6   8.95    53.7
4   4   171702  6120    11/14/2018  Tim 1382791806  L82013  1   69.95   69.95

我需要将样本1变成1行,将样本3变成3行,并将样本4变成1行。 需要的输出:

Order Import Sample

SAMPLE #    orderid ocustomerid odate   ofirstname  customer_pmntprofileid  ITEM_ID1    QTY1    PRICE1  AMOUNT1 ITEM_ID2    QTY2    PRICE2  AMOUNT2 ITEM_ID3    QTY3    PRICE3  AMOUNT3 ITEM_ID4    QTY4    PRICE4  AMOUNT4 ITEM_ID5    QTY5    PRICE5  AMOUNT5 Continue
1   171476  5230    11/14/2018  Scott   1324426745  R22046  1   269.95  269.95  R81100  12  7.5 90                                                  N
3   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF49972 6   39.95   239.7   AF49973 4   39.95   159.8   AF47970 1   43.95   43.95   AF44090 1   43.95   43.95   AF44091 1   43.95   43.95   Y
3   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44092 1   43.95   43.95   AF44093 1   43.95   43.95   AF44094 1   43.95   43.95   AF44114 1   50.95   50.95   AF44139 1   46.95   46.95   Y
3   171690  6119    11/14/2018  Joe 1382758196  AF44138 1   46.95   46.95   AF44066 1   43.95   43.95                                                   N
4   171702  6120    11/14/2018  Tim 1382791806  L81313  5   17.95   89.75   L81314  1   30.95   30.95   L82039  6   8.95    53.7    L82013  1   69.95   69.95                   N
5   171706  70  11/14/2018  Bruce   1382821080  L84264  1   584.99  584.99  L84409  1   584.99  584.99  L84410  1   584.99  584.99  L84633  1   539.99  539.99  L84634  1   539.99  539.99  Y

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


select SAMPLE, orderid, ocustomerid, odate, ofirstname, customer_pmntprofileid,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 1 then itemid end) as itemid_1,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 1 then numitems end) as numitems_1,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 1 then unitprice end) as unitprice_1,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 1 then itemamount end) as itemamount_1,  
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 2 then itemid end) as itemid_2,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 2 then numitems end) as numitems_2,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 2 then unitprice end) as unitprice_2,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 2 then itemamount end) as itemamount_2,  
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 3 then itemid end) as itemid_1,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 3 then numitems end) as numitems_1,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 3 then unitprice end) as unitprice_1,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 3 then itemamount end) as itemamount_1,  
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 4 then itemid end) as itemid_4,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 4 then numitems end) as numitems_4,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 4 then unitprice end) as unitprice_4,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 4 then itemamount end) as itemamount_4,  
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 0 then itemid end) as itemid_5,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 0 then numitems end) as numitems_5,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 0 then unitprice end) as unitprice_5,
       max(case when seqnum % 5 = 0 then itemamount end) as itemamount_5,
       (case when max(seqnum) < max(cnt) then 'Y' else 'N' end) as continuation_flag 
from (select wo.*,
             row_number() over (partition by orderid order by row) as seqnum,
             row_number() over (partition by orderid) as cnt
      from web_orders wo
     ) wo
group by SAMPLE, orderid, ocustomerid, odate, ofirstname, customer_pmntprofileid,
         (seqnum - 1) / 5;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


t1 AS (select * FROM mytable WHERE row % 5 = 1),
t2 AS (select * FROM mytable WHERE row % 5 = 2),
t3 AS (select * FROM mytable WHERE row % 5 = 3),
t4 AS (select * FROM mytable WHERE row % 5 = 4),
t5 AS (select * FROM mytable WHERE row % 5 = 0)
       ceiling(t1.Row/5.0) AS Row,
       t1.itemid AS itemid1,
       t1.numitems AS numitems1,
       t1.unitprice AS unitprice1,
       t1.itemamount AS itemAmount1,
       t2.itemid AS itemId2,
       t2.numitems AS numitems2,
       t2.unitprice AS unitprice2,
       t2.itemamount AS itemamount2,
       t3.itemid AS itemId3,
       t3.numitems AS numitems3,
       t3.unitprice AS unitprice3,
       t3.itemamount AS itemamount3,
       t4.itemid AS itemId4,
       t4.numitems AS numitems4,
       t4.unitprice AS unitprice4,
       t4.itemamount AS itemamount4,
       t5.itemid AS itemId5,
       t5.numitems AS numitems5,
       t5.unitprice AS unitprice5,
       t5.itemamount AS itemamount5
LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.orderid = t2.orderid AND CEILING(t1.row/5.0)=ceiling(t2.row/5.0)
LEFT JOIN t3 ON t1.orderid = t3.orderid AND CEILING(t1.row/5.0)=ceiling(t3.row/5.0)
LEFT JOIN t4 ON t1.orderid = t4.orderid AND CEILING(t1.row/5.0)=ceiling(t4.row/5.0)
LEFT JOIN t5 ON t1.orderid = t5.orderid AND CEILING(t1.row/5.0)=ceiling(t5.row/5.0);

DBFiddle demo