C#-Discord Bot不一致发送私人消息

时间:2018-11-19 09:54:57

标签: c# message discord.net


[Command("accounts",RunMode = RunMode.Async)]
        public async Task AccountsCommandHelp()
            var user = UserAccounts.UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User);
            user = UserAccounts.UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User);
            string p = user.prefix;
            string message = "**Commands:**\n" +
                $"**{p}account stats @useryouwanttogetthestatsof** Gets the stats of the specified user. You don't have to specify a user. By default, the user specified is yourself \n \n" +
                $"**{p}account sendmsg** Disables some messsages the bot sends.";

            if (!Logic.IsPrivateMessage(Context.Message))
                var h = Context.User.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();
                SocketDMChannel c = await h as SocketDMChannel;
                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
                if (user.likesToSendMessages)
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: Sent you a DM with information :)");

                await c.SendMessageAsync(message);
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message);


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