
时间:2018-11-10 19:44:00

标签: python

我不确定为什么这行不通。我正在尝试从一个很长的单词列表中进行迭代,并将字符转换为ASCII,然后将每个单词添加到一个列表中,该列表包含每个单词的长度集以及每个字符的占位符(0.0)。我试图修复它,假设读取文件的生成器返回了“ none”,但是错误出现在列表生成器中。追溯是:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-180a2950dd2d> in <module>()
     35 for item in read_words(r"*pathname*"):
     36     if item is not None:
---> 37         inputs.append(set([len(item.split(","))].extend([0.0 for i in range(1, len(item))])))
     38 print(inputs)
     39 #fitness function

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable


 import neat, random
#fast solution for iterating over large wordlist
# playing with the training data a bit

def convert(word):
    return [str(ord(i)/122) for i in word]

def read_words(inputfile):
    with open(inputfile, 'r') as f:
        while True:
            buf = f.read(10240)
            if not buf:

            # make sure we end on a space (word boundary)
            while not str.isspace(buf[-1]):
                ch = f.read(1)
                if not ch:
                buf += ch

            words = buf.split()
            for word in words:
                yield word
        yield '' #handle the scene that the file is empty

asciilist = open(r"*pathname*", "w+")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for word in read_words(r"*pathname2*"):

inputs = []

for item in read_words(r"pathname"):
    if item is not None:
        inputs.append(set([len(item.split(","))].extend([0.0 for i in range(1, len(item))])))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


这是为了避免与函数样式(如sorted())混淆,在函数样式中,返回值是新分配的对象,而原始值则保持不变。 source

如果要在一行中执行此操作,则可以在Python中添加带有“ +”号的列表,因为与extend不同,添加操作不会修改原始列表。

inputs.append(set([len(item.split(","))] + [0.0 for i in range(1, len(item))]))

我也要补充一点,似乎“ set”一词或“ [0.0 for range(1,len(item))]中的i”部分都需要添加,您正在创建一个包含多个0.0的列表只拿一套。照原样,您将不会为每个字符代表一个占位符。