使用R googleway进行批量地理编码时出错

时间:2018-11-06 20:02:24

标签: r geocoding googleway


值[3L]错误:   下载结果时出错。请通过向浏览器输入以下网址来手动检查其是否有效。如果有效,请引用此URL提交错误报告(注意:您的API密钥已删除,因此您需要重新添加该密钥)


 #A look at my dataframe called subset:

 ID<- c("XM-7393","XM-7138")
 Address<- c("175 College St #450, Toronto, ON M5T 1P7" ,"250 College St, Toronto, ON M5T 1R8")
 subset$Address<- as.character(subset$Address)
  require(googleway) #using google to get coordinates
  gkey<-"INSERT GOOGLE API KEY HERE" #google API Key needed to get lat/lon coordinates

  #a lat and lon vector to store the coordinates from the geocode
  lat = vector("numeric", length = nrow(subset))
  lng = vector("numeric", length = nrow(subset))

  #Function for batch geocoding a list of addresses in a dataframe
  for (i in 1:nrow(subset)) {
  coord = googleway::google_geocode(subset$Address[i], key=gkey)

  if (coord$status == "OK") {
coord = googleway::geocode_coordinates(coord)
lat[i] = coord$lat[1]  # sometimes returns multiple coordinates
lng[i] = coord$lng[1]  # sometimes returns multiple coordinates
} else {
lat[i] = NA
lng[i] = NA


 #adding the lat and lon coordinates to subset dataset
  subset$lat = lat
  subset$lng = lng



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您要检查地址中是否没有非法或保留字符,因为任何地理编码功能都将使用您的文本来创建用于查询地理编码API的URL。 google_geocode本身并不能提供非常有用的错误消息,但是通过查看您上面发布的URL,该错误消息表明未包含必需的参数。

在这种情况下,#在URL中具有特殊含义,因此会出现错误。仅供参考,我的Google API密钥保存为环境变量GOOGLE_KEY


Address <- c("175 College St #450, Toronto, ON M5T 1P7", "250 College St, Toronto, ON M5T 1R8")

geocode_results <- lapply(Address, google_geocode)
sapply(geocode_results, function(x) x[["status"]])

第一个地址有错误;它也有一个#字符。保留字符列表在including this language-agnostic SO question附近。使用正则表达式模式,我删除了地址中可能包含的所有#()字符,然后再次尝试进行地址解析。

clean_addresses <- gsub(pattern = "[#\\(\\)]", replacement = "", Address)
geocode_cleaned <- lapply(clean_addresses, google_geocode)
sapply(geocode_cleaned, function(x) x[["status"]])
#> [1] "OK" "OK"