
时间:2018-11-06 13:02:31

标签: python-3.x bioinformatics greedy









如果在任何步骤中,您在给定的字符串中发现多个“概要文件”最可能的k-mer,请使用       一个先发生。


def GreedyMotifSearch(DNA, k, t):
    Documentation here
    import math
    bestMotifs = []
    bestScore = math.inf
    for string in DNA:
    base = DNA[0]
    for i in window(base, k):
        newMotifs = []
        for j in range(t):
            profile = ProfileMatrix([i])
            probable = ProfileMostProbable(DNA[j], k, profile)
        if Score(newMotifs) <= bestScore:
            bestScore = Score(newMotifs)
            bestMotifs = newMotifs
    return bestMotifs


    def SymbolToNumber(Symbol):
    Converts base to number (in lexicograpical order)

    Symbol: the letter to be converted (str)

    Returns: the number correspondinig to that base (int)
    if Symbol == "A":
        return 0
    elif Symbol == "C":
        return 1
    elif Symbol == "G":
        return 2
    elif Symbol == "T":
        return 3

def NumberToSymbol(index):
    Finds base from number (in lexicographical order)

    index: the number to be converted (int)

    Returns: the base corresponding to index (str)
    if index == 0:
        return str("A")
    elif index == 1:
        return str("C")
    elif index == 2:
        return str("G")
    elif index == 3:
        return str("T")

def HammingDistance(p, q):
    Finds the number of mismatches between 2 DNA segments of equal lengths

    p: first DNA segment (str)

    q: second DNA segment (str)

    Returns: number of mismatches (int)
    return sum(s1 != s2 for s1, s2 in zip(p, q))

def window(s, k):
    for i in range(1 + len(s) - k):
        yield s[i:i+k]

def ProfileMostProbable(Text, k, Profile):
    Finds a k-mer that was most likely to be generated by profile among
    all k-mers in Text

    Text: given DNA segment (str)

    k: length of pattern (int)

    Profile: a 4x4 matrix (list)

    Returns: profile-most probable k-mer (str)
    letter = [[] for key in range(k)]
    probable = ""
    hamdict = {}
    index = 1
    for a in range(k):
        for j in "ACGT":
    for b in range(len(letter)):
        number = max(letter[b])
        probable += str(NumberToSymbol(letter[b].index(number)))
    for c in window(Text, k):
        for x in range(len(c)):
            y = SymbolToNumber(c[x])
            index *= float(letter[x][y])
        hamdict[c] = index
        index = 1
    for pat, ham in hamdict.items():
        if ham == max(hamdict.values()):
            final = pat
    return final

def Count(Motifs):
    Documentation here
    count = {}
    k = len(Motifs[0])
    for symbol in "ACGT":
        count[symbol] = []
        for i in range(k):
    t = len(Motifs)
    for i in range(t):
        for j in range(k):
            symbol = Motifs[i][j]
            count[symbol][j] += 1
    return count

def FindConsensus(motifs):
    Finds a consensus sequence for given list of motifs

    motifs: a list of motif sequences (list)

    Returns: consensus sequence of motifs (str)
    consensus = ""
    for i in range(len(motifs[0])):
        countA, countC, countG, countT = 0, 0, 0, 0
        for motif in motifs:
            if motif[i] == "A":
                countA += 1
            elif motif[i] == "C":
                countC += 1
            elif motif[i] == "G":
                countG += 1
            elif motif[i] == "T":
                countT += 1
        if countA >= max(countC, countG, countT):
            consensus += "A"
        elif countC >= max(countA, countG, countT):
            consensus += "C"
        elif countG >= max(countC, countA, countT):
            consensus += "G"
        elif countT >= max(countC, countG, countA):
            consensus += "T"
    return consensus

def ProfileMatrix(motifs):
    Finds the profile matrix for given list of motifs

    motifs: list of motif sequences (list)

    Returns: the profile matrix for motifs (list)
    Profile = {}
    A, C, G, T = [], [], [], []
    for j in range(len(motifs[0])):
        countA, countC, countG, countT = 0, 0, 0, 0
        for motif in motifs:
            if motif[j] == "A":
                countA += 1
            elif motif[j] == "C":
                countC += 1
            elif motif[j] == "G":
                countG += 1
            elif motif[j] == "T":
                countT += 1
    Profile["A"] = A
    Profile["C"] = C
    Profile["G"] = G
    Profile["T"] = T
    return Profile

def Score(motifs):
    Finds score of motifs relative to the consensus sequence

    motifs: a list of given motifs (list)

    Returns: score of given motifs (int)
    consensus = FindConsensus(motifs)
    score = 0.0000
    for motif in motifs:
        score += HammingDistance(consensus, motif)
    return round(score, 4)

对我来说似乎很好。但是,当我针对测验问题运行此代码时,它给出了错误的答案。他们的code grading system显示此错误:



我已经尝试了所有可以想到的内容,并在所有示例数据和debug data上运行了此代码,但是我根本无法弄清楚如何使此代码有效。请为我提供任何可能的解决方案。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


def GreedyMotifSearch(DNA, k, t):
    Documentation here
    import math
    bestMotifs = []
    bestScore = math.inf
    for string in DNA:
    base = DNA[0]
    for i in window(base, k):
        # Change here. Should start with one element in motifs and build up.
        # As in the line "motifs ← list with only Dna[0](i,k)"
        # newMotifs = []
        newMotifs = [i]
        # Change here to iterate over len(DNA). 
        # Should go through "for j from 1 to |Dna| - 1"
        # for j in range(t):
        for j in range(1, len(DNA)):
            # Change here. Should build up motifs and build profile using them.
            # profile = ProfileMatrix([i])
            profile = ProfileMatrix(newMotifs)
            probable = ProfileMostProbable(DNA[j], k, profile)

        # Change to < rather < = to ensure getting the most recent hit. As referenced in the instructions:
        # If at any step you find more than one Profile-most probable k-mer in a given string, use the one occurring **first**.
        if Score(newMotifs) < bestScore:
        #if Score(newMotifs) <= bestScore:
            bestScore = Score(newMotifs)
            bestMotifs = newMotifs
    return bestMotifs