| Row | Description | X-value | Y-value | Score |
| 1 | "Something" | 3.4 | 4.5 | 7.0 |
| 2 | "Something" | 2.3 | 2.4 | 5.6 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| 100 | "Something" | 6.5 | 4.2 | 8.0 |
Private Sub Chart_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
Dim ElementID As Long
Dim Arg1 As Long
Dim Arg2 As Long
Dim chart_data As Variant
Dim chart_label As Variant
Dim last_point As Long
Dim chrt As Chart
Dim ser As Series
Dim score As Double
Dim desc As String
On Error Resume Next
Me.GetChartElement x, y, ElementID, Arg1, Arg2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set chrt = ActiveChart
Set ser = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(Arg1)
'x and y values
chart_data = ser.Values
chart_label = ser.XValues
If Arg1 = 1 Then
score = Sheet1.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "E").Value
desc = Sheet1.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "B").Value
End If
If Arg1 = 2 Then
score = Sheet2.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "E").Value
desc = Sheet2.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "B").Value
End If
例如。分数> 6
| Row | Description | X-value | Y-value | Score |
| 1 | "Something" | 3.4 | 4.5 | 7.0 |
| 100 | "Something" | 6.5 | 4.2 | 8.0 |
Set txtbox = ActiveSheet.Shapes("hover")
If ElementID = xlSeries And Arg1 <= 2 Then
' Original code that only works on un-filtered rows in Sheet 1 & 2
' If Arg1 = 1 Then
' score = Sheet1.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "E").Value
' desc = Sheet1.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "B").Value
' ElseIf Arg1 = 2 Then
' score = Sheet2.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "E").Value
' desc = Sheet2.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "B").Value
' End If
' Code from DisplayName
With Worksheets(Choose(Arg1, Sheet1.Name, Sheet2.Name)) ' reference Sheet1 if Arg1=1 and Sheet2 if Arg1=2
With .Range("C2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp)).Find(what:=chart_label(Arg2), LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole) ' search reference referenced sheet x-values range for current x-value
If .Offset(, 1).Value = chart_data(Arg2) Then 'check y-value
score = .Offset(, 2).Value ' assign 'score' the value of found cell offset two columns to the right
desc = .Offset(, -1).Value ' assign 'desc' the value of found cell offset one column to the left
End If
End With
End With
If Err.Number Then
Set txtbox = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox _
(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, x - 150, y - 150, 300, 50)
txtbox.Name = "hover"
txtbox.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 9
txtbox.Line.DashStyle = msoLineSolid
chrt.Shapes("hover").TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Y: " & Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(chart_data(Arg2), "?.?") & _
", X: " & Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(chart_label(Arg2), "?.?") & _
", Score: " & Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(score, "?.?") & ", " & desc
With chrt.Shapes("hover").TextFrame.Characters.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 12
.ColorIndex = 16
End With
last_point = Arg2
End If
txtbox.Left = x - 150
txtbox.Top = y - 150
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
更新2:正如蒂姆·威廉姆斯(Tim Williams)指出的那样,如果不遍历整个范围,就无法解决这个问题。我将他的伪代码与DisplayName的示例结合在一起,以获得所需的行为,其中将x,y进行比较以获取分数和描述。这是起作用的代码:
With Worksheets(Choose(Arg1, Sheet1.Name, Sheet2.Name))
For Each row In .Range("C2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If row.Value = chart_label(Arg2) And row.Offset(, 1).Value = chart_data(Arg2) Then
score = row.Offset(, 2).Value
desc = row.Offset(, -1).Value
Exit For
End If
Next row
End With
我希望我可以在Tim Williams和Display Name之间分配赏金。由于我只能选择一个,所以奖项归Tim。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
'called from your event class using Arg1 and Arg2
Sub HandlePointClicked(seriesNum As Long, pointNum As Long)
Dim vis As Range, c As Range, i As Long, rowNum As Long
Dim sht As Worksheet
' which sheet has the source data?
Set sht = GetSheetFromSeriesNumber(seriesMum)
'Get only the visible rows on the source data sheet
' (adjust to suit your specific case...)
Set vis = sht.Range("A2:A100").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'You can't index directly into vis
' eg. vis.Cells(pointNum) may not work as you might expect
' so you have (?) to do something like this loop
For Each c In vis.Cells
i = i + 1
If i = pointNum Then rowNum = c.Row
Next c
Debug.Print rowNum '<< row number for the activated point
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
为弥补我先前尝试不回答您问题的细节并防止专家删除我删除的答案的尝试,我提供了另一种解决方案。但是在讨论所有代码之前,我必须承认@Tim Williams已经提供了最佳解决方案,并且认为只有他的回答值得接受(直到日期)。我发现没有其他选择可以获取不循环的行号。
避免禁用屏幕更新和错误旁路。 您可以根据需要修改代码。
Public WithEvents Scatter As Chart
Private Sub Scatter_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim ElementID As Long
Dim Arg1 As Long
Dim Arg2 As Long
Dim chart_data As Variant
Dim chart_label As Variant
Dim last_point As Long
Dim chrt As Chart
Dim Ser As Series
Dim score As Double
Dim desc As String
Dim VRng, Cl As Range, SerStr As String, part As Variant, Txt As Shape
'On Error Resume Next
Set chrt = ActiveChart
chrt.GetChartElement X, Y, ElementID, Arg1, Arg2
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'x and y values
If ElementID = xlSeries And Arg1 <= 2 Then
Set Ser = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(Arg1)
SerStr = Ser.Formula
part = Split(SerStr, ",")
Set VRng = Range(part(1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Vrw = 0
For Each Cl In VRng.Cells
Vrw = Vrw + 1
If Vrw = Arg2 Then
Exit For
End If
score = Cl.Offset(, 2).Value
desc = Cl.Offset(, -1).Value
chart_data = Cl.Value
chart_label = Cl.Offset(, 1).Value
Set Txt = ActiveSheet.Shapes("TextBox 2")
'Txt.Name = "hover"
Txt.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 9
Txt.Line.DashStyle = msoLineSolid
Txt.TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Y: " & chart_label & ", X: " & chart_data & ", Score: " & score & ", " & vbCrLf & desc
With Txt.TextFrame.Characters.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 12
.ColorIndex = 16
End With
last_point = Arg2
'Txtbox.Left = X - 150
'Txtbox.Top = Y - 150
'Txt.Visible = msoFalse
End If
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Dim XCEvent As New CEvent
Sub InitializeChart()
Set XCEvent.Scatter = Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1).Chart
Worksheets(1).Range("I25").Value = "Scatter Scan Mode On"
Worksheets(1).ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
End Sub
Sub ReleaseChart()
Set XCEvent.Scatter = Nothing
Worksheets(1).Range("I25").Value = "Scatter Scan Mode Off"
End Sub
sub InitializeChart() & ReleaseChart()
答案 2 :(得分:0)
"Cannot set property 'dependencies' of undefined"
If Arg1 = 1 Then
score = Sheet1.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "E").Value
desc = Sheet1.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "B").Value
End If
If Arg1 = 2 Then
score = Sheet2.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "E").Value
desc = Sheet2.Cells(Arg2 + 1, "B").Value
End If