
时间:2018-11-02 15:08:27

标签: haskell



  • 将计算机显示为文本(定义或派生Show)。
  • 以精美的形式显示,例如为Graphviz发出dot表示法。
  • 确定有向图的正确性(对正确性的某些定义),终止条件和其他属性。
  • 使用状态机定义来帮助确保以其他语言实现FSM的测试覆盖范围(源代码生成,测试覆盖范围分析)。


import Data.List

data StateMachine s e a =
    StateMachine { 
                   states :: [s]                    -- ^states that the machine can be in
                 , events :: [e]                    -- ^events that the machine can process
                 , actions :: [a]                   -- ^actions the machine can perform
                 , initialStates :: [s]             -- ^starting states
                 , transitions :: [((s,e),(a,s))]   -- ^state transitions

-- |Find the action and next state for an event in the given state
nextOperation :: (Ord s, Ord e, Eq a) => 
                 StateMachine s e a -> s -> e -> Maybe (a, s)
nextOperation sm st ev = lookup (st, ev) (transitions sm)

-- |Find the next state from this state for an event, if present
nextTransition :: (Ord s, Ord e, Eq a) => StateMachine s e a -> s -> e -> Maybe s
nextTransition sm st ev = fmap snd $ nextOperation sm st ev
allNextStates :: (Ord s, Ord e, Eq a) => StateMachine s e a -> s -> [e] -> [s]
allNextStates _ _ [] = []
allNextStates sm st (ev:es) = case nextTransition sm st ev of
                                Just st' -> st': allNextStates sm st es
                                Nothing  -> allNextStates sm st es

-- |Compute the set of states reachable from a state
reachableStates :: (Ord s, Ord e, Eq a) => StateMachine s e a -> s -> [s]
reachableStates sm st = nub $ allNextStates sm st (events sm)

-- |Compute the transitive closure from the initial states
transitiveClosure :: (Ord s, Ord e, Eq a) => StateMachine s e a -> [s]
transitiveClosure sm = transitives sm (initialStates sm) (initialStates sm)
        transitives :: (Ord s, Ord e, Eq a) => StateMachine s e a -> [s] -> [s] -> [s]
        transitives _ [] reach = reach
        transitives stm reachable@(st: sts) reach =
             let r = reachableStates stm st
                 rs = [r' | r' <- r, not (r' `elem` reach)]
                if null rs
                then transitives stm sts reach
                else transitives stm (sts ++ rs) (reach ++ rs)

从那里开始,几乎所有测试可达性所需的操作都可以轻松构建传递闭包。但是,我到处都遇到了(Ord s, Ord e, Eq a)约束,并且一直遇到“模棱两可”的问题。就像我可以使用Java中的抽象类轻松定义它一样,这也激怒了我。


{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}


class (Ord s, Show s) => SMstate s
class (Ord e, Show e) => SMevent e
class (Eq a, Show a) => SMaction a

class (SMstate s, SMevent e, SMaction a) => MachineState s e a where
    data MS s e a
    allEvents      :: MS s e a -> [e]
    initialStates  :: MS s e a -> [s]
    allStates      :: MS s e a -> [s]
    allActions     :: MS s e a -> [a]
    nextOperation  :: MS s e a -> s -> e -> Maybe (a,s)
nextTransition :: MS s e a -> s -> e -> Maybe s
nextTransition sm st ev = fmap snd $ nextOperation sm st ev
nextState      :: MS s e a -> s -> e -> s
nextState sm st ev = case nextTransition sm st ev of
                        Just st' -> st'
                        Nothing  -> st
allNextStates  :: MS s e a -> s -> [e] -> [s]
allNextStates _ _ [] = []
allNextStates sm st (ev:evs) =
    let nextStates = allNextStates sm st evs
    in  (maybeToList $ nextTransition sm st ev) ++ nextStates
reachableStates :: MS s e a -> s -> [s]
reachableStates sm s = nub $ allNextStates sm s (allEvents sm)
transitiveClosure :: MS s e a -> [s]
transitiveClosure sm = transitivesOf sm (initialStates sm) (initialStates sm)
        transitivesOf :: MachineState s e a => MS s e a -> [s] -> [s] -> [s]
        transitivesOf _ [] reach = reach
        transitivesOf sm reachable@(st:sts) reach =
            let r = reachableStates sm st
                rs = [r' | r' <- r, r' `notElem` reach]
                if null rs
                then transitivesOf sm sts reach
                else transitivesOf sm (sts ++ rs) (reach ++ rs)



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


class (SMstate s, SMevent e, SMaction a) => MachineState s e a
 {- Empty! -}

data StateMachine s e a =
    StateMachine { states :: [s]
                 , ... }


{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
type MachineState s e a = (Ord s, Show s, Ord e, Show e, Eq a, Show a)

...尽管我会怀疑始终要求Show 是个好主意。





  1. 以签名启动功能,但没有任何约束且实现为空。

    nextOperation :: StateMachine s e a -> s -> e -> Maybe (a, s)
    nextOperation = _
  2. 让GHC的打孔功能有助于您编写实现。

  3. 添加编译器所需的任何约束。


  • FlexibleInstances(包括TypeSynonymInstances
  • FlexibleContexts
  • TypeFamilies
  • GADTs
  • ConstraintKinds


  • UndecidableInstances
  • LiberalTypeSynonyms
  • AllowAmbiguousTypes + TypeApplications
  • Rank2Types


  • OverlappingInstances(分别是Overlapping / Overlappable编译指示)
  • 绝对不是IncoherentInstances
  • ImpredicativeTypes

答案 1 :(得分:0)

过去我需要一些状态机,而AFAIR一切都归结为一个转换函数和一些基本类型类的使用。 您的nextOperation函数应该足够


type Transition s e a :: s -> e -> Maybe (a,s)

data State = Pending | InProgress | Processed 
data Even = Start | Finished

nextOperation :: Transition State Event (IO ())
nextOperation Pending Start = Just (print "started", InProgress)
nextOperation InProgress Finished = Just (print "finished", Processed)
nextOperation _ _ = Nothing


fromTransition :: [(s, e), (a,s)] -> s -> e -> Maybe (a,s)


要编写transitiveClosure函数,您需要所有状态,所有事件和所有初始状态的列表。使用[minBound .. maxBound]可以轻松完成所有状态和所有事件的处理,这需要从GHC自动生成的EnumBounded约束,所以您只需要

data State = Pending | InProgress | Processed deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)


class Initials a where
     initials :: [a]


实例首字母(),其中首字母= [()]    实例缩写(也许是a),其中缩写= [Nothing]    实例Initials Bool,其中缩写= [False]    实例编号a =>首字母a,其中首字母= [0]


instance (Initials a, Initials b) => Initials (a,b) 
     where initials = liftA2 (,) initials initials


instance Initials State where initials = [Pending]


transitiveClosure :: ( Bounded s, Enum s, Initials s
                     , Bounded e, Enum )
                  => (Transition s e a) -> [s]



TL; DR 简而言之,状态机只是转换函数s -> e -> Maybe (a,s)。 Haskell是一种功能性语言,因此我们实际上可以将其建模为一种功能。没有了