如何在Vazco Uniforms AutoFields omitFields中定位子模式?

时间:2018-10-24 08:34:36

标签: reactjs meteor simpl-schema


const SomeItem = new Mongo.Collection("someitems");
Schemas.SomeItem = new SimpleSchema({
    _id: {
        type: String,
        autoValue: function() { return Random.id(); },
    normalvalue: String,
    hiddenvalue: String,
    }, {
    /* Options for cleaning up the input before insert/update */
    clean: {
        filter: true,
        autoConvert: true,
        removeEmptyStrings: true,
        trimStrings: true,
        getAutoValues: true,
        removeNullsFromArrays: true,

const SomeItemList = new Mongo.Collection("someitemlist");

Schemas.SomeItemList = new SimpleSchema({
    _id: {
        type: String,
        autoValue: function() { return Random.id(); },
        label: false,
    title: String,
    SomeItems: {
        type: Array,
        optional: true,
    "SomeItems.$": Schemas.SomeItem,
    unhidablevalue: String,
}, {
    /* Options for cleaning up the input before insert/update */
    clean: {
        filter: true,
        autoConvert: false,
        removeEmptyStrings: true,
        trimStrings: true,
        getAutoValues: true,
        removeNullsFromArrays: true,


const SomeItemListForm = (props) =>
        // pre-populate model with auto values
        model={ Schemas.SomeItemList.clean({}) }
        schema={ Schemas.SomeItemList }
            omitFields={ [
                "unhidablevalue", // This doesn't work
                "SomeItems.unhidablevalue", // This also doesn't work
                "SomeItems.$._id", // Also doesn't hide the id
                "SomeItems.$.unhidablevalue", // Also not working
            ] }
        <ErrorsField />
        <SubmitField />


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