SQL Server中层次结构的递归克隆

时间:2018-10-17 13:06:02

标签: sql sql-server tsql recursion common-table-expression


    ConfigurationId int identity primary key,
    Name nvarchar(100),
    Value nvarchar(100),
    ParentId` int foreign key referencing ConfigurationId



ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Configuration_Save]
    @ConfigurationId INT,
    @Name NVARCHAR(500),
    @Value NVARCHAR(500),
    @ParentId INT,
    @IsClone BIT
    IF @IsClone = 0
        IF (@ConfigurationId = 0)
            INSERT INTO [Configuration]([Name], [Value], [ParentId])
            VALUES (@Name, @Value, @ParentId)
            UPDATE [Configuration] 
            SET [Name] = @Name, 
                [Value] = @Value, 
                ParentId = @ParentId
            WHERE ConfigurationId = @ConfigurationId
    ELSE -- IF IsClone = 1
        DECLARE @SourceConfigid INT
        SET @SourceConfigid = @ConfigurationId

        DECLARE @ClonedConfigId INT

        INSERT INTO [Configuration] ([Name], [Value], ParentId)
        VALUES (@Name, @Value, NULL)

        SET @ClonedConfigId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

       -- solution goes here


    SELECT @ConfigurationId


  ConfigurationId    Name          Value   ParentId
    1                prod          NULL      NULL
    2                Security      NULL        1
    3                SecurityKey   NULL        2
    4                Issuer        NULL        2
    5                Audience      NULL        2
    6                SyncServer    NULL        1
    7                Address       NULL        6
    8                SmtpClient    NULL        1
    9                Host          NULL        8
    10               Port          NULL        8
    11               EnableSsl     NULL        8
    12               Username      NULL        8
    13               Password      NULL        8
    14               FromEmail     NULL        8
    15               Proxy         NULL        1
    16               UseProxy      NULL       15
    17               ProxyAddress  NULL       15
    18               AddressList   NULL       15
    19               Report        NULL        1
    20               ApiUrl        NULL       19

我希望能够通过插入具有我输入的名称的新根配置来克隆根配置(例如,用ParentId = NULL,例如上面的一个用ConfigurationId = 1Name = prod)。执行存储过程并将行复制到当前行,唯一的区别是ConfigurationId(即身份)和ParentId(应根据新的ConfigurationId进行更改,同时保持层次结构)。


   ConfigurationId   Name          Value   ParentId
    1                prod          NULL      NULL
    2                Security      NULL         1
    3                SecurityKey   NULL         2
    4                Issuer        NULL         2
    5                Audience      NULL         2
    6                SyncServer    NULL         1
    7                Address       NULL         6
    8                SmtpClient    NULL         1
    9                Host          NULL         8
    10               Port          NULL         8
    11               EnableSsl     NULL         8
    12               Username      NULL         8
    13               Password      NULL         8
    14               FromEmail     NULL         8
    15               Proxy         NULL         1
    16               UseProxy      NULL        15
    17               ProxyAddress  NULL        15
    18               AddressList   NULL        15
    19               Report        NULL         1
    20               ApiUrl        NULL        19
    21               prod2         NULL      NULL
    22               Security      NULL        21
    23               SecurityKey   NULL        22
    24               Issuer        NULL        22
    25               Audience      NULL        22
    26               SyncServer    NULL        21
    27               Address       NULL        26
    28               SmtpClient    NULL        21
    29               Host          NULL        28
    30               Port          NULL        28
    31               EnableSsl     NULL        28
    32               Username      NULL        28
    33               Password      NULL        28
    34               FromEmail     NULL        28
    35               Proxy         NULL        21
    36               UseProxy      NULL        35
    37               ProxyAddress  NULL        35
    38               AddressList   NULL        35
    39               Report        NULL        21
    40               ApiUrl        NULL        39


编辑1: 示例数据的格式

编辑2: 只能克隆根节点,这意味着只有ParentId = NULL的条目才是克隆选项。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


;with cteHierarchy  AS (
SELECT ConfigurationId, NAme, Value, ParentId,
    CAST(ConfigurationID AS varchar(255)) As HierarchyPath
FROM #Configuration WHERE ParentId IS NULL
SELECT C.ConfigurationId, C.NAme, C.Value, C.ParentId,
    --I prefer CONCAT(), but not sure of your SQL version
    CAST(P.HierarchyPath + '.' + CAST(C.ConfigurationID AS varchar(255)) as varchar(255)) As HierarchyPath
FROM #Configuration C
JOIN cteHierarchy P ON C.ParentId = P.ConfigurationId

SELECT * FROM cteHierarchy Order By HierarchyPath

答案 1 :(得分:0)

以下代码使用CTE和update来复制指定层次结构。 CTE从根到叶递归遍历并馈送insert,该行添加了行的“副本”。 output上的insert子句产生一张修正对表,其中包含每个新行的新旧ConfigurationId值。由于output子句只能访问插入的列值,因此我们“借用”一列(Value)来存储旧的ConfigurationId值。然后,使用update来设置两列:ParentId的值将更新以引用复制的行,而Value的值将从原始行中恢复。


-- Sample data.
declare @Configuration as Table (
  ConfigurationId Int Identity,
  Name NVarChar(100),
  Value NVarChar(100),
  ParentId Int );

insert into @Configuration ( Name, Value, ParentId ) values
  ( 'prod', NULL, NULL ),
  ( 'Security', NULL, 1 ),
  ( 'SecurityKey', NULL, 2 ),
  ( 'Issuer', NULL, 2 ),
  ( 'Audience', NULL, 2 ),
  ( 'SyncServer', NULL, 1 ),
  ( 'Address', NULL, 6 );
    --8                SmtpClient    NULL        1
    --9                Host          NULL        8
    --10               Port          NULL        8
    --11               EnableSsl     NULL        8
    --12               Username      NULL        8
    --13               Password      NULL        8
    --14               FromEmail     NULL        8
    --15               Proxy         NULL        1
    --16               UseProxy      NULL       15
    --17               ProxyAddress  NULL       15
    --18               AddressList   NULL       15
    --19               Report        NULL        1
    --20               ApiUrl        NULL       19

-- Raw sample data.
select * from @Configuration;

-- Tree sample data.
with Configuration as (
  select ConfigurationId, Name, Value, ParentId,
    Cast( Right( '0000' + Cast( ConfigurationId as NVarChar(4) ), 4 ) as NVarChar(1024) ) as Path
    from @Configuration
    where ParentId is NULL
  union all
  select CC.ConfigurationId, CC.Name, CC.Value, CC.ParentId,
    Cast( Path + N'→' + Right( '0000' + Cast( CC.ConfigurationId as NVarChar(4) ), 4 ) as NVarChar(1024) )
    from Configuration as PC inner join
      @Configuration as CC on CC.ParentId = PC.ConfigurationId )
  select *
    from Configuration
    order by Path;

-- Copy the tree.
declare @RootConfigurationId as Int = 1;
declare @Fixups as Table ( OriginalConfigurationId NVarChar(10), CopyConfigurationId Int );

-- NB: The isolation level needs to guarantee that the   Value   in the
--   source rows doesn't get changed whilst we fiddle about, nor do we want anyone else peeking.
begin transaction;

-- Copy the tree and save the new identity values.
--   We cheat and tuck the old   ConfigurationId   into the   Value   column so that the
--   output   clause can save the original and copy   ConfigurationId   values for fixup.
with Configuration as (
select ConfigurationId, Name, Value, ParentId
  from @Configuration
  where ConfigurationId = @RootConfigurationId
union all
select CC.ConfigurationId, CC.Name, CC.Value, CC.ParentId
  from Configuration as PC inner join
    @Configuration as CC on CC.ParentId = PC.ConfigurationId )
insert into @Configuration ( Name, Value, ParentId )
  output inserted.Value, inserted.ConfigurationId into @Fixups
  select Name, Cast( ConfigurationId as NVarChar(10) ), ParentId
    from Configuration as C;

-- Display the intermediate results.
select * from @Fixups;
select * from @Configuration;

-- Fix up the parentage and replace the original values.
update C
  set C.ParentId = F2.CopyConfigurationId, Value = CV.Value
  from @Configuration as C inner join -- New rows to be fixed.
    @Fixups as F on F.CopyConfigurationId = C.ConfigurationId inner join -- New row identity values.
    @Configuration as CV on CV.ConfigurationId = F.OriginalConfigurationId left outer join -- Original   Value .
    @Fixups as F2 on F2.OriginalConfigurationId = C.ParentId; -- Lookup the new   ParentId , if any, for each row.

-- Raw sample data.
select * from @Configuration;

-- Tree sample data.
with Configuration as (
  select ConfigurationId, Name, Value, ParentId,
    Cast( Right( '0000' + Cast( ConfigurationId as NVarChar(4) ), 4 ) as NVarChar(1024) ) as Path
    from @Configuration
    where ParentId is NULL
  union all
  select CC.ConfigurationId, CC.Name, CC.Value, CC.ParentId,
    Cast( Path + N'→' + Right( '0000' + Cast( CC.ConfigurationId as NVarChar(4) ), 4 ) as NVarChar(1024) )
    from Configuration as PC inner join
      @Configuration as CC on CC.ParentId = PC.ConfigurationId )
  select *
    from Configuration
    order by Path;

commit transaction;