如何将UTC日期从客户端传递到mongo db c#驱动程序和过滤器?

时间:2018-10-16 14:01:11

标签: c# mongodb datetime mongodb-.net-driver utc

是否有阻止mongodb c#驱动程序将在过滤器查询中传递的任何日期转换为UTC而是将日期接受为UTC的方法?

我正在将.net core 2.1与一些telerik控件一起使用以显示网格。在表格标题的内部,我有一个过滤器控件来过滤日期范围。

enter image description here


function onGridFilter(e) {
        // check if it is a date field
        if (e.filter && e.field === "created"){

    function convertDateToUTC(filter) {
        var filters = filter.filters;
        for (var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
            if (filters[i].field === "created") {
                var date = filters[i].value;
                var isoDate = new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds());                    
                filter.filters[i].value = isoDate;


// Update the dates to server times for filtering, mongo will accept dates and convert to UTC based on the server location
        foreach (var f in this.Filters)
            if (f.ConvertedValue.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                DateTime dt = (DateTime)f.Value;
                f.Value = dt.ToLocalTime();

使用telerik过滤器(DataSourceRequest对象)和mongodb c#驱动程序(从linq到mongo),我正在创建一个mongo查询以过滤mongo数据库中的记录。

 public DataSourceResult GetCollectionQuery(string organizationId, DataSourceRequest request)
        IMongoCollection<Case> casesCollection = _db.GetCollection<Case>(_collection);
        IMongoCollection<Person> personCollection = _db.GetCollection<Person>(_personCollection);
        IQueryable<CaseListViewModel> query;

        // Setup full results query
        query = (from c in casesCollection.AsQueryable()
                 where c.OrganizationId == organizationId
                 join p in personCollection.AsQueryable() on c.ClientId equals p.Id into p
                 from person in p.DefaultIfEmpty()
                 select new CaseListViewModel()
                     Id = c.Id,
                     DisplayName = person != null ? person.LastName + ", " + person.FirstName : string.Empty,
                     OrganizationCaseId = c.OrganizationCaseId,
                     ServiceName = c.ServiceName,
                     ClientType = c.ClientType,
                     Addresses = c.ClientTypeValue == ClientTypeValue.Person ? person.Addresses != null ?
                                    person.Addresses.Where(o => !o.End.HasValue).Select(o => o.AddressLine1) : null : null,
                     Worker = string.Empty, //c.Assignments,
                     Created = c.Created,
                     Status = c.Status,
                     OrganizationGeography = person != null ? person.OrganizationGeography != null ? person.OrganizationGeography.Name : string.Empty : string.Empty

        // Filter/Sort/Page results
        return query.ToDataSourceResult(request);


在网格上过滤日期似乎是很多不必要的工作。目前,该解决方案确实可以使用,但是我正在mongodb c#驱动程序方面寻找替代方案。我希望mongodb查询以UTC读取所有日期,而不是将检索到的日期转换为UTC。

我知道有一种方法可以通过BsonDateTimeOptions DateTimeKind告诉属性将其保存为utc:

[BsonElement(elementName: "created")]
[BsonDateTimeOptions(Kind = DateTimeKind.Utc)]
public DateTime Created { get; set; }


更新: 解决方案是指定要过滤的日期的DateTimeKind。

foreach (var f in this.Filters)
            if (f.ConvertedValue.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                DateTime dt = (DateTime)f.Value;
                dt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dt, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                f.Value = dt;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 在您的客户端代码中,您具有:

    var isoDate = new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds());

    这是一个常见的反模式,您永远不要这样做。 Date对象的参数期望以当地时间为单位的值,并且您正在传递以UTC为单位的值。这样做基本上与添加本地时区的UTC偏移量相同。换句话说,它不会将对象转换到不同的时区,而只是选择了不同的时间点。

    您可能想做的是date.toISOString()。这将以ISO 8601格式发出一个基于UTC的字符串,适合发送到服务器。

  • 在服务器端代码中,您具有:

    f.Value = dt.ToLocalTime();



答案 1 :(得分:1)


query = (from c in casesCollection.AsQueryable()
select new CaseListViewModel()
    Created = DateTime.SpecifyKind(c.Created, DateTimeKind.Utc)
