
时间:2018-10-11 01:49:17

标签: python oop scikit-learn pipeline

我想编写一个类,该类基于目标变量中用其他变量标识的k个最近邻居来替换一个目标变量中DataFrame的缺失值。 此类将“拟合”火车集上的KNN,稍后再“预测”火车和测试集的缺失值。

此类必须包含在sklearn.Pipeline 中,这意味着它必须包含fit()和transform()函数,这些函数将由管道调用。我找不到找到记录此类的好方法。


  1. 准备KNN的数据: (a)使用标准技术填充空值 (b)一个Hot Encode分类变量
  2. 在已删除目标变量的数据帧上安装KNN
  3. 在target为null的行上预测目标变量




col = 'native-country' #one specific column where nans should be replaced using KNN
n_neighbors = 3

#I guess this block should be in a pipeline so that we transform the test set with the same dict as the train set
miss = TreatMissingsWithCommons() #this class replaces numerical nans by mean() and categorical nans by most frequent value
data_full = miss.transform(data)

#One Hot Encode categorical variables to pass the data to KNN
ohe = DummyTransformer()
#OHE categorical features on lines where col is not null
data_ohe_full = ohe.transform(data_full[~data[col].isnull()].drop(col, axis=1))

#Fit the classifier on lines where col is null
if data[col].dtype in ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']:
    knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = n_neighbors)
    knn.fit(data_ohe_full, data[col][~data[col].isnull()])
    knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = n_neighbors)
    knn.fit(data_ohe_full, data[col][~data[col].isnull()])

#OHE on lines where col is null, and make the prediction
ohe_nulls = ohe.transform(data_full[data[col].isnull()].drop(col,axis=1))


data = pd.DataFrame({'age': {0: 39,
  4: 28,
  10777: 53,
  14430: 21,
  19061: 19,
  19346: 39,
  24046: 39,
  25524: 43,
  30902: 18},
 'education-num': {0: 13,
  4: 13,
  10777: 9,
  14430: 7,
  19061: 8,
  19346: 13,
  24046: 4,
  25524: 10,
  30902: 5},
 'native-country': {0: 'United-States',
  4: 'Cuba',
  10777: np.nan,
  14430: 'United-States',
  19061: 'El-Salvador',
  19346: np.nan,
  24046: 'Dominican-Republic',
  25524: 'United-States',
  30902: np.nan},
 'workclass': {0: 'State-gov',
  4: 'Private',
  10777: 'Private',
  14430: np.nan,
  19061: 'Private',
  19346: 'Private',
  24046: 'Private',
  25524: np.nan,
  30902: 'Private'}})


class KnnImputer(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):

    def __init__(self, target, n_neighbors = 5):
        self.col = target
        self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors

    def fit(self, X, y=None):

        #this class replaces numerical nans by mean() and categorical nans by most frequent value
        miss = TreatMissingsWithCommons() 
        self.X_full = miss.transform(X)

        #One Hot Encode categorical variables to pass the data to KNN
        self.ohe = DummyTransformer()
        #Create a Dataframe that does not contain any nulls, categ variables are OHE, with all each rows 
        X_ohe_full = self.ohe.transform(self.X_full[~X[self.col].isnull()].drop(self.col, axis=1))

        #Fit the classifier on lines where col is null
        if X[self.col].dtype in ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']:
            self.knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = self.n_neighbors)
            self.knn.fit(X_ohe_full, X[self.col][~X[self.col].isnull()])
            self.knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = self.n_neighbors)
            self.knn.fit(X_ohe_full, X[self.col][~X[self.col].isnull()])

        return self

    def transform(self, X, y=None):

        #OHE on lines where col is null, and make the prediction
        ohe_nulls = self.ohe.transform(self.X_full[X[self.col].isnull()].drop(self.col,axis=1))

        #Get prediction for nulls in target
        preds = self.knn.predict(ohe_nulls)

        ## Concatenate non nulls with nulls + target preds
        #Nulls + target preds
        X_nulls = X[X[self.col].isnull()].drop(self.col,axis=1)
        X_nulls[self.col] = preds

        X_imputed = pd.concat([X[~X[self.col].isnull()], X_nulls], ignore_index=True)

        return X_imputed#should return the dataframe with a full target

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