我大约有100行,其中一列和另一列中均包含一个随机数生成器,其中基于该随机数和其他因素,计算值= A。我用if语句设置了一个列,以检查A是否在上限和下限之内,如果为true,则返回“ 1”(如果命中,则为命中),否则为“ 0”。我想运行一个循环并计算这些单元中随着时间推移的点击数。本质上,我需要一个累积结果的列,以便最终我可以看到哪个范围的点击次数最高,等等。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
为简化起见,让我们先说一下,在开始之前,数据存储在工作表“ ws”上:
A | B | C
1 Random Numbers | Calculated Value | Accumulated Value
2 0 | 1 |
3 5 | 0 |
4 8 | 1 |
5 73 | 0 |
6 2 | 0 |
Sub AccumulateValues
Dim MaxIterations As Long: MaxIterations = 10000
Dim curRow as Long, LastRow as Long, it as Long
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'Required to set it to manual
With ws
LastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For it = 1 to MaxIterations
'Force the Recalculation of Cells in columns A and B:
For curRow = 2 To LastRow
'Sum the result of this iteration with the accumulated value
'until the previous iteration and stores it.
ws.Cells(curRow, 3) = ws.Cells(curRow, 3) + ws.Cells(curRow, 2)
Next curRow
Next it
End With
End Sub