
时间:2018-10-02 08:59:25

标签: vba outlook-vba

aText = Left(aText, InStr(1, aText, "-") - 1)




Option Explicit

     Private WithEvents Items As Outlook.Items
                Private Sub Application_Startup()
                Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
                Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
                Set olApp = Outlook.Application
                Set objNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
                ' default local Inbox
                Set Items = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Test").Items
                End Sub
                Private Sub Items_ItemAdd(ByVal item As Object)

                 Dim Msg As Outlook.MailItem
                 If TypeName(item) = "MailItem" Then
                Set Msg = item
                ' ******************
    Dim patternRef As String
    Dim patternDemandeur As String
    Dim patternNumero As String
    Dim patternDescriptionPanne As String
    Dim patternAdresse As String
    Dim patternDomaine As String
    Dim patternStatut As String
    Dim patternMotifDemande As String

    item.UnRead = False

    patternRef = "Numéro de la demande[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)"
    patternDemandeur = "Emetteur[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)"
    patternNumero = "N° tel de l'émetteur de la demande[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)"
    patternDescriptionPanne = "Commentaires initial[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)"
    patternAdresse = "Localisation de la demande[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)"
    patternDomaine = "Famille motif[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)"
    patternStatut = "Statut[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)"
    patternMotifDemande = "Motif de la demande[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)"

' Creation des differentes variables récuperées dans l'émail de base        
    Dim sText As String 'Variable qui reprendra le corps de l'émail reçu.
    Dim xText As String 'Variable reférence de la demande.
    Dim yText As String 'Variable reférence du demandeur.
    Dim zText As String 'Variable reférence du numero de telephone.
    Dim dText As String 'Variable reférence de la description de la panne.
    Dim aText As String 'Variable reférence de l'adresse.
    Dim bText As String 'Variable reférence du domaine d'intervention.
    Dim cText As String 'Variable reférence du statut fournit par l'entreprise.
    Dim oText As String 'Variable reférence du motif de la demande.

    sText = Msg.Body ' affectation de la variable

    xText = TestRegExp(sText, patternRef, 0)
    yText = TestRegExp(sText, patternDemandeur, 0)
    zText = TestRegExp(sText, patternNumero, 0)
    dText = TestRegExp(sText, patternDescriptionPanne, 0)
    aText = TestRegExp(sText, patternAdresse, 0)
    aText = Left(aText, InStr(1, aText, "-") - 1) 'Permet de supprimer tout les charactères après le tiret. Garde dans le aText, du premier charactere au tiret -1 donc sans le tiret.
    oText = TestRegExp(sText, patternMotifDemande, 0)
    bText = TestRegExp(sText, patternDomaine, 1)
    cText = TestRegExp(sText, patternStatut, 0)

  Dim NewMail As MailItem ' nouvel email
    Dim obApp As Object
    Set obApp = Outlook.Application
    Set NewMail = obApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'ces 3 lignes creent le mail.

    With NewMail 'remplissage du mail
        .Subject = "Domain"

        .To = "email"

        .Body = "REF=" & xText & v`CrLf & "DOM=" & bText & vbCrLf & "OBJ=" & aText & vbCrLf & "DEMANDE D'INTERVENTION : " & oText & vbCrLf & dText & vbCrLf & "Appelant : " & yText & " / " & zText

        .Importance = olImportanceHigh

    End With

                End If

                End Sub

Function TestRegExp(myString As String, pattern As String, casDomaine As Integer)

'Create objects.
    Dim objRegExp As RegExp
    Dim objMatch As Match
    Dim colMatches  As MatchCollection
    Dim RetStr As String
    Dim result As String
    Dim resultPrep As String

' Create a regular expression object.
    Set objRegExp = New RegExp

'Set the pattern by  the Pattern property.
    objRegExp.pattern = pattern

' Set Case Insensitivity.
    objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True

'Set global applicability.
    objRegExp.Global = True

'Test whether the String can be compared.
    If (objRegExp.Test(myString) = True) Then

'Get the matches.
        Set colMatches = objRegExp.Execute(myString)   ' Execute search.

        If (objRegExp.Test(myString) = True) Then

'Get the matches.
            Set colMatches = objRegExp.Execute(myString)   ' Execute search.

            For Each objMatch In colMatches   ' Iterate Matches collection.

                If casDomaine = 0 Then

                    result = objMatch.SubMatches(0)

                End If

                If casDomaine = 1 Then

'Idealement ne demander que si le texte contient un mot clé pour éviter les erreurs de typo. Resolu par utilisation de conditions, à tester avec Case

' Select Case objMatch.SubMatches(0)

                    If trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Faible")) Then
' "Electricité (C.Faible)"

                        result = "28"

                    ElseIf trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Fort")) Then
'  "Electricité (C.Fort)"

                        result = "27"

                    ElseIf trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Plomberie")) Or trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Sanitaire")) Then
' "Plomberie / Sanitaire" / essayer d'eviter de lancer 2 cases (FaT)
                        result = "30"

                    ElseIf trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Clim")) Or trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Chauf")) Or trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Ventil")) Then
' "Clim / Chauf / Ventil"
                        result = "24"

                    ElseIf trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Sécurité")) Or trouverMotDomaine(LCase(objMatch.SubMatches(0)), LCase("Incendie")) Then
' "Sécurité / Incendie"
                        result = "32"

                        result = "3"
                    End If

                End If
        End If
    End If

    TestRegExp = result

 'Affichage de chaque resultat pour la phase test

    ' MsgBox result // Affiche resultat à chaque fois pour les phases de test.

End Function

Function trouverMotDomaine(domaine As String, motCle As String) As Boolean

    Dim intPos As Integer

    intPos = 0
    intPos = InStr(domaine, motCle)
    trouverMotDomaine = intPos > 0

End Function 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

如果Runtime Error 5不包含“-”,则会出现aText错误,因此您应该将代码重写为

If InStr(1, aText, "-") Then
    aText = Left(aText, InStr(1, aText, "-") - 1)
End If


If InStr(1, aText, Chr(45)) Then
    aText = Left(aText, InStr(1, aText, Chr(45)) - 1)
    MsgBox "Found a Dash"
ElseIf InStr(1, aText, Chr(151)) Then
    aText = Left(aText, InStr(1, aText, Chr(151)) - 1)
    MsgBox "Found a Hyphen"
End If

答案 1 :(得分:1)


If InStr(1, aText, "-") > 0 Then aText = Left(aText, InStr(1, aText, "-") - 1)