#Last Updated by _________ on September 30, 2018
#Import tkinter to create the GUI:
from tkinter import *
#For creating message boxes:
import tkinter.messagebox as popup
#Import any other necessary, non-specific modules:
import pickle , os
#Declare all of the global variables:
firstRun = True
#KEY: windowAttsList = [window title , window resolution , make window fullscreen , remove toolbar , stop alt + f4 from working , window background color , main heading text , main heading background color , main heading foreground color , main heading typeface , main heading font size , id prompt text , id prompt background color , id prompt foreground color , id prompt typeface , id prompt font size , entry box input length , entry box typeface entry box font size , entry box background color , entry box foreground color , hide entry , allow changing input hiding setting , button background color , button foreground color , button active background color , button active foreground color]
#Default Values:
windowAttsList = ['___ Sign In' , '1080x720' , False , False , False , '#000000' , 'BHS Library Sign In' , '#000000' , '#FF5000' , 'Times New Roman' , 70 , 'Please Enter Your Student I.D. Below:' , '#000000' , '#FFFFFF' , 'Times New Roman' , 25 , 4 , 'Times New Roman' , 250 , '#FFFFFF' , '#000000' , True , True , '#0061FF' , '#FFFFFF' , '#FF5000' , '#000000']
#Updates all of the design variables for the window:
def updateWindowAtts(save = False , newAttsToSave = []):
global windowAttsList
#Check for a custom design file; if none exists, create one with the default values:
if (not(os.path.exists('Data'))):
if (save):
with open('Data/mainWindowAtts.dat' , 'wb') as windowAttsFile:
pickle.dump(newAttsToSave , windowAttsFile)
return 0
if (not(os.path.isfile('Data/mainWindowAtts.dat'))):
#Use a with statement to ensure that the file automatically gets closed, even if an exception is thrown:
with open('Data/mainWindowAtts.dat' , 'wb') as windowAttsFile:
pickle.dump(windowAttsList , windowAttsFile)
with open('Data/mainWindowAtts.dat' , 'rb') as windowAttsFile:
windowAttsList = pickle.load(windowAttsFile)
#Define a function to enable/disable the private mode feature, that obscures the input:
def enablePrivateMode(box):
if (windowAttsList[21]):
box.configure(show = '')
box.configure(show = '*')
#Define a function to be called once the enter key is pressed:
def enterPressed(enteredDataSource):
enteredData = enteredDataSource.get()
enteredData = int(enteredData)
popup.showerror('Invalid Input' , 'Error\nThe Input You Have Entered Is Not Valid.\nPlease Make Sure You Are Entering Only Integers.')
return [False]
if (len(enteredData) != (windowAttsList[16])):
popup.showerror('Invalid Input' , 'Error\nThe Input You Have Entered Is Not Valid.\nPlease Make Sure The Length Of Your Input Is ' + str(windowAttsList[16]) + ' Integers.')
return [False]
return [True , enteredData]
#Creates and launches the GUI:
def startWindow():
#If this is the first run, force an attributes check and update:
global firstRun
if (firstRun):
firstRun = False
#Create the GUI window object:
window = Tk()
#Title the window:
#Determine the specific size of the window:
#Make the window fullscreen:
if (windowAttsList[2]):
window.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
#Disable/Remove the toolbar, allowing for window closing, resizing, minimizing, etc.:
if (windowAttsList[3]):
#Stop alt + f4 from working to close the window:
if (windowAttsList[4]):
window.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', passRequest)
#Set the window background color:
window.configure(bg = windowAttsList[5])
#Create and pack a heading to display the title of the program:
heading1 = Label(window , text = windowAttsList[6] , bg = windowAttsList[7] , fg = windowAttsList[8] , font = (windowAttsList[9] , windowAttsList[10]))
heading1.pack(side = 'top' , pady = 10)
#Add a text label asking for input:
enterIDLabel = Label(window , text = windowAttsList[11] , bg = windowAttsList[12] , fg = windowAttsList[13] , font = (windowAttsList[14] , windowAttsList[15]))
enterIDLabel.pack(side = 'top' , pady = 10)
#Add an input box to enter the student I.D. number into:
studentIDBox = Entry(window , width = windowAttsList[16] , font = (windowAttsList[17] , windowAttsList[18]) , bg = windowAttsList[19] , fg = windowAttsList[20])
if (windowAttsList[21]):
studentIDBox.configure(show = '*')
studentIDBox.configure(show = '')
studentIDBox.pack(side = 'top' , pady = 125)
#Make the box automatically selected, and ready for text entry:
#Add a button allowing for switching in and out of private mode:
if (windowAttsList[22]):
if (windowAttsList[21]):
privateModeButtonText = 'Show Input'
privateModeButtonText = 'Hide Input'
privateModeButton = Button(window , text = privateModeButtonText , bd = 0 , bg = windowAttsList[23] , fg = windowAttsList[24] , activebackground = windowAttsList[25] , activeforeground = windowAttsList[26] , command = lambda: enablePrivateMode(studentIDBox))
privateModeButton.place(x = 0 , y = 0)
#Bind the return key, so that when it is pressed, the appropriate function will be called:
window.bind('<Return>' , enterPressed(studentIDBox))
window.bind('<KP_Enter>' , enterPressed(studentIDBox))
#Run the event listener main window loop:
P.S。如果技术上不正确或不正确,请随时更正注释中使用的任何术语。我知道我可能不正确地使用了一些术语,并且我总是感谢建设性的批评。 :)