
时间:2018-09-30 02:00:57

标签: java data-structures doubly-linked-list polynomials

我对这个代码片段有疑问,我试图通过它解决问题。 我在这里有一个提示,它将在解释这一方面做得更好:


3x4-2x2 + 3x + 7加到2x3 + 4x-5是3x4 + 2x3-2x2 + 7x + 2



A + B
B + C
A + C
A + B + C (Formatting issues)




public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args)
    // instance variables
    Term t1 = new Term(3, 4);
    Term t2 = new Term(-2,2);
    Term t3 = new Term(3,1);
    Term t4 = new Term(7,0);
    // 2x3 + 4x - 5
    //3x^4 - 2x^2 + 3x + 7
    Term t5 = new Term(2, 3);
    Term t6 = new Term(4,1);
    Term t7 = new Term(-5,0);

    KWLinkedList<Term> termList1 = new KWLinkedList<>();
    KWLinkedList<Term> termList2 = new KWLinkedList<>();
    KWLinkedList<Term> result = new KWLinkedList<>();

    // 3x4 + 2x3 - 2x2 + 7x + 2
    result = addition(termList1, termList2);


                        //3x4 + 2x3 - 2x2 + 7x + 2 RESULT
    // print(termList1);


public static KWLinkedList<Term> addition (KWLinkedList<Term> listA, KWLinkedList<Term> listB)
    Iterator<Term> firstIterator = listA.listIterator(0);
    Iterator<Term> secondIterator = listB.listIterator(0);
    KWLinkedList<Term> result = new KWLinkedList<Term>();

    Term temp1;
    Term temp2;
    boolean firstRun = true;

    temp1 = firstIterator.next();
    temp2 = secondIterator.next();

    while((temp1 != null && temp2 != null) || firstRun)
            firstRun = false;
            if (temp1.compareTo(temp2) == 0)
                System.out.println("Adding: " + temp1 + " " +  temp2);

                result.add(new Term(temp1.getCoefficent() + temp2.getCoefficent(),

                    temp1 = firstIterator.next();
                    temp2 = secondIterator.next();
            else if (temp1.compareTo(temp2) < 0)
                    temp2 = secondIterator.next();
                    temp1 = firstIterator.next();
        catch(Exception e)


            temp1 = firstIterator.next();

            temp2 = secondIterator.next();


    return result;


public static KWLinkedList<Term> subtraction(KWLinkedList<Term> listA, KWLinkedList<Term> listB)
    Iterator<Term> firstIterator = listA.listIterator(0);
    Iterator<Term> secondIterator = listB.listIterator(0);
    KWLinkedList<Term> result = new KWLinkedList<Term>();

    Term temp1;
    Term temp2;

    boolean firstRun = true;

    temp1 = firstIterator.next();
    temp2 = secondIterator.next();

    while((firstIterator.hasNext() && secondIterator.hasNext()) || firstRun)
            firstRun = false;
            if (temp1.compareTo(temp2) == 0)

                result.add(new Term(temp1.getCoefficent() - temp2.getCoefficent(),
                temp1 = firstIterator.next();
                temp2 = secondIterator.next();
            else if (temp1.compareTo(temp2) < 0)
                result.add(new Term(temp2.getCoefficent() * -1, temp2.getExponent()));
                temp2 = secondIterator.next();
                temp1 = firstIterator.next();
        catch(Exception e)

            temp1 = firstIterator.next();

            temp2 = secondIterator.next();

            result.add(new Term(temp2.getCoefficent() * -1, temp2.getExponent()));

    return result;

public static void print(KWLinkedList<Term> printList)

    Iterator<Term> printIterator = printList.listIterator(0);
    while (printIterator.hasNext())

        System.out.print(printIterator.next() + " ");



public class Term implements Comparable <Term>{
 // instance variables
 private int coefficent = 0;
 private int exponent = 0;

public Term()
    coefficent = 0;
    exponent = 0;

public Term(int passedCoefficent, int passedExponet)

public void setCoefficent(int passedCoefficent)

    coefficent = passedCoefficent;
public void setExponent(int passedExponet)

    exponent = passedExponet;

public int getCoefficent()
    return coefficent;
public int getExponent()
    return exponent;

public String toString()
    if(exponent != 0)
        return coefficent + "x^" + exponent; // if exponent is
        return coefficent + "";

public boolean equals(Object anObject)
    //equals method which trys to check if the object to be added
    if (anObject == null || getClass() != anObject.getClass())
        return false;
    Term otherTerm = (Term) anObject ;
    return (this.coefficent == otherTerm.getCoefficent()) &&
            this.exponent == otherTerm.getExponent();

public int compareTo(Term object)
    // what is the purpose and why does it work \\
    //  because the compare just to compare to object
    //  exp - object.exp give you a +, -, or 0
    return (this.exponent - object.exponent);


public class KWLinkedList<E> extends AbstractSequentialList<E> {

/************************ Instance variables ****************************/
private Node<E> head = null ;               // Reference to head of the list
private Node<E> tail = null ;               // Reference to tail end of the list
private int size = 0;                       // Number of nodes in the list

/**************************** Methods *******************************/

// Add an item at the specified index.
public void add(int index, E obj) {

// Get the element at position index.
public E get(int index)
    return listIterator(index).next();

// Return the size of the list
public int size() {
    return size;

public ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index) // added method
    return new KWListIter(index) ; // returns the new list


/********************************** Inner Classes*******************************/
// A Node is the building block for a double-linked list.
private static class Node<E> {

    private E data;                   // data value in the node
    private Node<E> next = null;      // line to next node in the list
    private Node<E> prev = null;      // link to previous node in the list

     * Construct a node with the given data value.
     * @param dataItem The data value
    private Node(E dataItem) {
        data = dataItem;
} //end class Node

/** Inner class to implement the ListIterator interface. */
private class KWListIter implements ListIterator<E> {

    // Instance variables
    private Node<E> nextItem ;                  // Reference to next item in the iterator
    private Node<E> lastItemReturned;           // Reference to the last item returned by iterator
    private int index = 0;                      // Index of the current item

     * Construct a KWListIter that will reference the ith item.
     * @param i The index of the item to be referenced
    public KWListIter(int i) {
        // Validate i parameter.
        if (i < 0 || i > size) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
                    "Invalid index " + i);
        lastItemReturned = null; // No item returned yet.
        // Special case of last item.
        if (i == size) {
            index = size;
            nextItem = null;
        } else { // Start at the beginning
            nextItem = head;
            for (index = 0; index < i; index++) {
                nextItem = nextItem.next;

    public void  set(E object) // added method
        // takes the object passed in and makes sure its not null and last item returned
            if(object != null && lastItemReturned != null)
                   lastItemReturned.data = object;
                   // sets the lastitemreturned data to the object
                    // throws exception
                throw new IllegalStateException();

    public int indexOf(Object anObject)
        int indexOf = 0;
        Node<E> currentIndex = head;

        while (currentIndex != null)
            if (currentIndex.equals(anObject)) // checks at run time
                return indexOf; // returns the index
            indexOf++; // increments the index
            currentIndex = currentIndex.next; // points to the next node

        return -1; // returns -1 if it couldnt find the index requested

    public int lastIndexOf(Object anObject)
        int indexOf = 0;
        int last = -1;
        Node<E> currentIndex = head;
        while (currentIndex != null)
            if (currentIndex.equals(anObject)) // checks at run time
                 last = indexOf; // sets the last int to the index found
            indexOf++; // increments the index
            currentIndex = currentIndex.next; // points to the next node


         return last; // returns the last occurrence of int

    public void addFirst(E object)
        if(head == null) // if head is null, then adds it to the beginning since its empty
            head = new Node<E>(object);
            // set the object to a temp
            // node then set the  temps next to head and then head to the temp
            Node <E> temp = new Node<E>(object);
            temp.next = head;
            head = temp;


    public void addLast(E object)
        if(tail == null) // if tail null then just add the object to the end/beginning since its empty
            tail = new Node<E>(object);
            // set the object to a temp node then set the tails next to temp and then tail to the temp
            Node <E> temp = new Node<E>(object);
            tail.next = temp;
            tail = temp;
    public E getFirst()
        if(head == null) // does this if head is 'empty'/null
            throw new NoSuchElementException();

        return head.data; // returns the element contained in head
    public E getLast()
        if(tail == null) // does this if tail is 'empty'/null
            throw new NoSuchElementException();

        return tail.data; // returns the element contained in tail
    public Iterator<E> iterator()
        return new  KWListIter(0) ; // returns a new iterator
    public void remove() // added method
        // makes sure lastitemreturned is not null
        if(lastItemReturned != null)
            // removes the last item from this list and then sets it to null
            lastItemReturned = null;

            // throws exception
            throw new IllegalStateException();
     * Construct a KWListIter that is a copy of another KWListIter
     * @param other The other KWListIter
    public KWListIter(KWListIter other) {
        KWListIter itr = new KWListIter(0);
        itr.index = other.index;
        itr.lastItemReturned = other.lastItemReturned;
        itr.nextItem = other.nextItem;

     * Indicate whether movement forward is defined.
     * @return true if call to next will not throw an exception
    public boolean hasNext() {
        return nextItem != null;

    /** Move the iterator forward and return the next item.
    @return The next item in the list
    @throws NoSuchElementException if there is no such object
    public E next() {
        if (!hasNext()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        lastItemReturned = nextItem;
        nextItem = nextItem.next;
        return lastItemReturned.data;

     * Indicate whether movement backward is defined.
     * @return true if call to previous will not throw an exception
    public boolean hasPrevious() {
        return (nextItem == null && size != 0)
                || nextItem.prev != null;

     * Return the index of the next item to be returned by next
     * @return the index of the next item to be returned by next
    public int nextIndex() {
        return index;

     * Return the index of the next item to be returned by previous
     * @return the index of the next item to be returned by previous
    public int previousIndex() {
        return index - 1;

     * Move the iterator backward and return the previous item.
     * @return The previous item in the list
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if there is no such object
    public E previous() {
        if (!hasPrevious()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        if (nextItem == null) { // Iterator past the last element
            nextItem = tail;
        } else {
            nextItem = nextItem.prev;
        lastItemReturned = nextItem;
        return lastItemReturned.data;

     * Add a new item between the item that will be returned
     * by next and the item that will be returned by previous.
     * If previous is called after add, the element added is
     * returned.
     * @param obj The item to be inserted
    public void add(E obj) {
        if (head == null) { // Add to an empty list.
            head = new Node<E>(obj);
            tail = head;
        } else if (nextItem == head) { // Insert at head.
            // Create a new node.
            Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(obj);
            // Link it to the nextItem.
            newNode.next = nextItem; // Step 1
            // Link nextItem to the new node.
            nextItem.prev = newNode; // Step 2
            // The new node is now the head.
            head = newNode; // Step 3
        } else if (nextItem == null) { // Insert at tail.
            // Create a new node.
            Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(obj);
            // Link the tail to the new node.
            tail.next = newNode; // Step 1
            // Link the new node to the tail.
            newNode.prev = tail; // Step 2
            // The new node is the new tail.
            tail = newNode; // Step 3
        } else { // Insert into the middle.
            // Create a new node.
            Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(obj);
            // Link it to nextItem.prev.
            newNode.prev = nextItem.prev; // Step 1
            nextItem.prev.next = newNode; // Step 2
            // Link it to the nextItem.
            newNode.next = nextItem; // Step 3
            nextItem.prev = newNode; // Step 4
        // Increase size and index and set lastItemReturned.
        lastItemReturned = null;
    } // End of method add.

} //end class KWListIter} // end of KWLinkedList class

我的问题 当我运行main方法时,我会陷入无限循环,我确实相信这与我的while循环情况有关。这是一件令人头疼的事情,我开始在其中抛出随机try-cat以帮助捕获抛出的异常以查看其打印内容。我需要休息一下,这是不得已的方法。


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