import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
# Fill in the codes between "%PLACEHOLDER#start" and "PLACEHOLDER#end"
# Ground-truth Cashier
groundUnitPrice = np.array([20, 25, 8]) # for fish, chip, and ketchup, respectively
# step 1: initialize your guess on the unit prices of fish, chip and ketchup.
estimatedUnitPrice = np.array([10, 10, 10]) # initial unit prices.
# estimatedUnitPrice = np.random.randint(MAX_POSSIBLE_UNIT_PRICE, size=3) # choose random initial guesses
# PLACEHOLDER_1#start: set your own stopping conditions and learning rate
# condition 1: maximal iterations, stop.
# condition 2: if the difference between your prediction and the cashier's price is smaller than a threshold, stop.
MIN_DELTA = 0.01
# learning rate
ALPHA = .001 # 1e-3
# Y coordinates for plotting
deltaHistory = []
# step 2: iterative method
for i in range(0, MAX_ITERATION):
# order a meal (simulating training data)
randomMealPortions = np.random.randint(10, size=3)
# calculate the estimated price
expectedTotalPrice = np.sum(estimatedUnitPrice * randomMealPortions)
# calculate cashier/true price;
cashierPrice = np.sum(groundUnitPrice * randomMealPortions)
# %%%PLACEHOLDER_2#start
# calculate current error - difference between estimated price and true price
iterError = expectedTotalPrice - cashierPrice
# append iterError to the history array
if len(deltaHistory) == 1:
delta = abs(deltaHistory[-1])
print("The delta value after iteration ", i, " is: ", delta)
delta = abs(deltaHistory[-1]-deltaHistory[-2])
print("The delta value after iteration ", i, " is: ", delta)
# update unit prices
estimatedUnitPrice = estimatedUnitPrice - ALPHA*(estimatedUnitPrice - cashierPrice)
# %%%%PLACEHOLDER_2#end
# check stop conditions
if abs(delta) < MIN_DELTA:
print('iteration:{}, delta:{}'.format(i, abs(delta)))
# step 3: evaluation
error = np.mean(abs(estimatedUnitPrice - groundUnitPrice))
print('estimation error:{}'.format(error))
# visualize convergence curve: error v.s. iterations
plt.plot(range(0, len(deltaHistory)), deltaHistory)
plt.xlabel('iteration (cnt:{})'.format(len(deltaHistory)))
plt.title('Final:{} est err:{} actl Δ:{}'.format(['%.4f' % elem for elem in estimatedUnitPrice], round(error, 4), round(delta, 4)))
因此,我认为随着算法从自身中学到的值,delta值会开始变大,然后变得越来越小,但是似乎只是在跳跃。我编写的唯一代码在#%%% PLACEHOLDER_2#start和#%%% PLACEHOLDER_2#end之间,因为是的,这是一个分配。我是在做错什么,还是有人可以提供一些见解或解释?请谢谢!