index route start stop
0 1 a b
1 1 b c
2 1 c d
3 1 d e
4 2 g h
5 2 h i
6 2 i j
index start stop passengers
0 a b 2
1 b d 4
2 a c 1
3 c d 2
4 g j 5
index route start stop passengers
0 1 a b 2
1 1 b c 4
2 1 c d 4
3 1 a b 1
4 1 b c 1
5 1 c d 2
6 2 g h 5
7 2 h i 5
8 2 i j 5
答案 0 :(得分:0)
table = pd.DataFrame({'route':['g','g','g','g','r','r','r'],'start':[101,102,103,104,201,202,203],
passenger = pd.DataFrame({'start':[101,102,202],'stop':[104,103,204],
count = list(zip(passenger.start.tolist(),passenger.stop.tolist(),passenger.passenger.tolist())) #merge the start, stop and count into one list for each entry
for c in count:
for x in range(c[0],c[1]+1): #go through each stop and add the count to the train table
table['count'] = np.where(table.start == x, table['count'] + c[2], table['count'])
table #Now with the passenger data