我相信问题在于,提取最小堆的根元素之后,即使擦除方法应该通过替换覆盖已删除的根元素,根元素本身也不会被擦除,它似乎仍保留在堆中它与堆中的最后一项一起使用,然后减小堆大小,然后重新应用“ heapify”方法以恢复堆属性。
g = new Graph();
readGraphInfo( g );
DelivB dB = new DelivB(inputFile, g);
int numElements = g.getNodeList().size();
ArrayList<Node> ordered_nodeList = new ArrayList<Node>(15);
ArrayList<Node> sorted_nodeList = new ArrayList<Node>(15);
h = new Heap(ordered_nodeList, g);
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
ordered_nodeList.add(i, g.getNodeList().get(i));
System.out.println("Heap: \n");
System.out.println("\n**********************" + "\nProg 340 line 147" +h.heapClass_toString(ordered_nodeList));
//System.out.println("the " + i + "th item added at index " + i + " is: " + ordered_nodeList.get(i).getAbbrev());
for (int j = 0; j < numElements; j++)
sorted_nodeList.add(j, h.heap_Extract(ordered_nodeList));
System.out.println("the "+j+"th item added to SORTED node list is: "+sorted_nodeList.get(j).getAbbrev()+ " "+ sorted_nodeList.get(j).getVal());
System.out.println("\nthe 0th remaining element in ordered node list is: " + ordered_nodeList.get(0).getVal());
for (Node n : sorted_nodeList)
System.out.println("sorted node list after extract method*****************\n");
the 0th remaining element in ordered node list is: 55
the 1th item added to SORTED node list is: F 55
the 0th remaining element in ordered node list is: 55
the 2th item added to SORTED node list is: F 55
the 0th remaining element in ordered node list is: 55
the 3th item added to SORTED node list is: F 55
the 0th remaining element in ordered node list is: 55
the 4th item added to SORTED node list is: F 55
the 0th remaining element in ordered node list is: 55
the 5th item added to SORTED node list is: F 55
the 0th remaining element in ordered node list is: 55
sorted node list after extract method*****************
sorted node list after extract method*****************
sorted node list after extract method*****************
sorted node list after extract method*****************
sorted node list after extract method*****************
sorted node list after extract method*****************
import java.util.*;
public class Heap
int heapSize;
ArrayList unordered_nodeList;
ArrayList ordered_nodeList;
Graph gr;
public Heap(ArrayList<Node> A, Graph g)
unordered_nodeList = g.getNodeList();
heapSize = unordered_nodeList.size();
ordered_nodeList = A;
gr = g;
public ArrayList getUnordered_nodeList() {
return unordered_nodeList;
public void setUnordered_nodeList(ArrayList unordered_nodeList) {
this.unordered_nodeList = unordered_nodeList;
public ArrayList getOrdered_nodeList() {
return ordered_nodeList;
public void setOrdered_nodeList(ArrayList ordered_nodeList) {
this.ordered_nodeList = ordered_nodeList;
public int getHeapSize() {
return heapSize;
public void setHeapSize(int heapSize) {
this.heapSize = heapSize;
//heap methods
public int Parent(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
//if (i == 1)
//return (Integer)null;
if (i%2 != 0)
return i/2;
return (i-1)/2;
public int Left(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
if (2*i < A.size()-1)
return (2*i)+1;
return i;
//return (Integer)null;
public int Right(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
if ((2*i)+1 < A.size()-1)
return 2*i+2;
return i;
//return (Integer)null;
public void Heapify(ArrayList<Node> A, int i)
Node smallest;
Node temp;
int index;
int l = Left(A,i);
int r = Right(A,i);
if (l <= heapSize-1 && Integer.parseInt(A.get(l).getVal()) < Integer.parseInt(A.get(i).getVal()))
//left child is smaller
smallest = A.get(l);
index = l;
//parent node is smaller
smallest = A.get(i);
index = i;
if (r <= heapSize-2 && Integer.parseInt(A.get(r).getVal()) < Integer.parseInt(smallest.getVal()))
//right child is smaller
smallest = A.get(r);
index = r;
if (index != i)
//if the smallest element is not the parent node
//swap the smallest child with the parent
temp = A.get(i);
A.set(i, A.get(index));
A.set(index, temp);
//recursively call heapify method to check next parent/child relationship
Heapify(A, index);
//System.out.println("\n**********************" + "\nHeapify line 123" + this.heapClass_toString(ordered_nodeList));
//method to construct min heap from unordered arraylist of nodes
public void Build_min_Heap(ArrayList<Node> A)
int i;
int heapSize = A.size();
for (i = (heapSize/2); i>=0; i--)
//System.out.println(gr.toString2() +"\n");
//System.out.println("build heap ********** line 138" +this.heapClass_toString(ordered_nodeList));
Heapify(A, i);
//method to sort in descending order, a min heap
public void heap_Sort(ArrayList<Node> A)
Node temp;
while (A.size() > 0)
///System.out.println("\n******************************\n heap_sort line 180" +this.heapClass_toString(ordered_nodeList));
//for (int i = 0; i <= A.size()-1; i++)
for(int i = A.size()-1; i >= 1; i--)
//exchange a[0] with a[i]
temp = A.get(0);
A.set(0, A.get(i));
A.set(i, temp);
//decrement heapSize
//recursive heapify call
Heapify(A, 0);
System.out.println("\n******************************\n heap_sort line 203" +this.heapClass_toString(ordered_nodeList));
System.out.println("\n******************************\n heap_sort line 206" +this.heapClass_toString(ordered_nodeList));
Heapify(A, A.size()-1);
public Node heap_Extract(ArrayList<Node> A)
//Node min = null;
//if (heapSize>0)
//while (A.get(0) != null && heapSize > 0)
Node min = A.get(0);
//min = A.get(0);
while (heapSize>0)
min = A.get(0);
A.set(0, A.get(heapSize-1));
//decrement heapSize
Heapify(A, 0);
return min;
//return min;
public String heapClass_toString(ArrayList A)
String s = "Graph g.\n";
if (A.size() > 0 )
for (int k = 0; k < A.size(); k++ )
//output string to print each node's mnemonic
String t = this.getOrdered_nodeList().get(k).toString();
s = s.concat(t);
return s;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
while (heapSize>0)
min = A.get(0);
A.set(0, A.get(heapSize-1));
//decrement heapSize
Heapify(A, 0);
的节点(如果{ {1}}正确实现)。随后的调用将看到Heapify
,完全跳过循环并立即返回heapSize == 0