然后我要创建一个嵌入层(嵌入大小= 300)。并且每个输入将先经过此嵌入式层,然后再馈送到LSTM层(LSTM输入shape =(1,6577,300))。
在我的模型中,我有一个LSTM层(大小= 200)和一个隐藏层(大小= 25)。我为此在tensorflow中使用dynamic_rnn单元格,并将序列长度参数设置为帖子的实际长度(没有填充0s的长度)以避免分析填充0s。然后,从LSTM层的输出中,我仅将相关的输出馈送到隐藏层。
from collections import Counter
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
import matplotlib as mplt
mplt.use('agg') # Must be before importing matplotlib.pyplot or pylab!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from string import punctuation
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
import numpy as np
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import nltk
def pre_process():
newsgroups_data = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
words = []
temp_post_text = []
for post in newsgroups_data.data:
all_text = ''.join([text for text in post if text not in punctuation])
all_text = all_text.split('\n')
all_text = ''.join(all_text)
temp_text = all_text.split(" ")
for word in temp_text:
if word.isalpha():
temp_text[temp_text.index(word)] = word.lower()
# temp_text = [word for word in temp_text if word not in stopwords.words('english')]
temp_text = list(filter(None, temp_text))
temp_text = ' '.join([i for i in temp_text if not i.isdigit()])
words += temp_text.split(" ")
# temp_post_text = list(filter(None, temp_post_text))
dictionary = Counter(words)
# deleting spaces
# del dictionary[""]
sorted_split_words = sorted(dictionary, key=dictionary.get, reverse=True)
vocab_to_int = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(sorted_split_words,1)}
message_ints = []
for message in temp_post_text:
temp_message = message.split(" ")
message_ints.append([vocab_to_int[i] for i in temp_message])
# maximum message length = 6577
# message_lens = Counter([len(x) for x in message_ints])AAA
seq_length = 6577
num_messages = len(temp_post_text)
features = np.zeros([num_messages, seq_length], dtype=int)
for i, row in enumerate(message_ints):
# print(features[i, -len(row):])
# features[i, -len(row):] = np.array(row)[:seq_length]
features[i, :len(row)] = np.array(row)[:seq_length]
# print(features[i])
lb = LabelBinarizer()
lbl = newsgroups_data.target
labels = np.reshape(lbl, [-1])
labels = lb.fit_transform(labels)
sequence_lengths = [len(msg) for msg in message_ints]
return features, labels, len(sorted_split_words)+1, sequence_lengths
def get_batches(x, y, sql, batch_size=1):
for ii in range(0, len(y), batch_size):
yield x[ii:ii + batch_size], y[ii:ii + batch_size], sql[ii:ii+batch_size]
def plot(noOfWrongPred, dataPoints):
font_size = 14
fig = plt.figure(dpi=100,figsize=(10, 6))
mplt.rcParams.update({'font.size': font_size})
plt.title("Distribution of wrong predictions", fontsize=font_size)
plt.ylabel('Error rate', fontsize=font_size)
plt.xlabel('Number of data points', fontsize=font_size)
plt.plot(dataPoints, noOfWrongPred, label='Prediction', color='blue', linewidth=1.8)
# plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=14)
plt.savefig('distribution of wrong predictions.png')
# plt.show()
def train_test():
features, labels, n_words, sequence_length = pre_process()
# Defining Hyperparameters
lstm_layers = 1
batch_size = 1
lstm_size = 200
learning_rate = 0.01
# --------------placeholders-------------------------------------
# Create the graph object
graph = tf.Graph()
# Add nodes to the graph
with graph.as_default():
inputs_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], name="inputs")
# labels_ = tf.placeholder(dtype= tf.int32)
labels_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None], name="labels")
sql_in = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name= 'sql_in')
# output_keep_prob is the dropout added to the RNN's outputs, the dropout will have no effect on the calculation of the subsequent states.
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_prob")
# Size of the embedding vectors (number of units in the embedding layer)
embed_size = 300
# generating random values from a uniform distribution (minval included and maxval excluded)
embedding = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform((n_words, embed_size), -1, 1),trainable=True)
embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, inputs_)
# Your basic LSTM cell
lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(lstm_size)
# Getting an initial state of all zeros
initial_state = lstm.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
outputs, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(lstm, embed, initial_state=initial_state, sequence_length=sql_in)
out_batch_size = tf.shape(outputs)[0]
out_max_length = tf.shape(outputs)[1]
out_size = int(outputs.get_shape()[2])
index = tf.range(0, out_batch_size) * out_max_length + (sql_in - 1)
flat = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, out_size])
relevant = tf.gather(flat, index)
# hidden layer
hidden = tf.layers.dense(relevant, units=25, activation=tf.nn.relu,trainable=True)
logit = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(hidden, num_outputs=20, activation_fn=None)
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logit, labels=labels_))
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
# ----------------------------online training-----------------------------------------
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
iteration = 1
state = sess.run(initial_state)
wrongPred = 0
noOfWrongPreds = []
dataPoints = []
for ii, (x, y, sql) in enumerate(get_batches(features, labels, sequence_length, batch_size), 1):
feed = {inputs_: x,
labels_: y,
sql_in : sql,
keep_prob: 0.5,
initial_state: state}
predictions = tf.nn.softmax(logit).eval(feed_dict=feed)
print("sez: ",sql)
print("Iteration: {}".format(iteration))
isequal = np.equal(np.argmax(predictions[0], 0), np.argmax(y[0], 0))
print(np.argmax(predictions[0], 0))
print(np.argmax(y[0], 0))
if not (isequal):
wrongPred += 1
print("nummber of wrong preds: ",wrongPred)
if iteration%50 == 0:
loss, states, _ = sess.run([cost, outputs, optimizer], feed_dict=feed)
print("Train loss: {:.3f}".format(loss))
iteration += 1
saver.save(sess, "checkpoints/sentiment.ckpt")
errorRate = wrongPred / len(labels)
print("ERRORS: ", wrongPred)
print("ERROR RATE: ", errorRate)
plot(noOfWrongPreds, dataPoints)
if __name__ == '__main__':
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您的模型无法正确学习权重。 运行您的代码,模型仅预测类0。请看一下您的预测和预测1。预测始终为0。
迭代次数:1 0 10 错误的数量:1
迭代次数:2 0 3 错误的数量:2
迭代次数:3 0 17 错误的数量:3
迭代次数:4 0 3 错误的数量:4
迭代次数:5 0 4 错误的数量:5
迭代次数:6 0 12 错误的数量:6
迭代次数:7 0 4 错误的举动数量:7
迭代次数:8 0 10 错误的数量:8
迭代次数:9 0 10 错误的举动数量:9
迭代次数:10 0 19 错误的数量:10
迭代次数:11 0 19 错误的举动数量:11
迭代次数:12 0 11 错误的举动数量:12
迭代次数:13 0 19 错误的举动数量:13
迭代次数:14 0 13 错误的举动数量:14
迭代次数:15 0 0 错误的举动数量:14
迭代次数:16 0 17 错误的数量:15
迭代次数:17 0 12 错误的举动数量:16
迭代次数:18 0 12 错误的举动数量:17
迭代次数:19 0 11 错误的举动数量:18
迭代次数:20 0 8 错误的举动数量:19
迭代次数:21 0 7 错误的数量:20
迭代次数:22 0 5 错误的举动数量:21
迭代次数:23 0 1个 错误的举动数量:22
迭代次数:24 0 8 错误的举动数量:23
迭代次数:25 0 10 错误的举动数量:24
迭代次数:26 0 14 错误的举动数量:25
迭代次数:27 0 16 错误的举动数量:26
迭代次数:28 0 1个 错误的举动数量:27
迭代次数:29 0 6 错误的数量:28
迭代次数:30 0 0 错误的数量:28
迭代次数:31 0 7 错误的数量:29
迭代次数:32 0 16 错误的数量:30
迭代次数:33 0 5 错误的数量:31
迭代次数:34 0 9 错误的数量:32
迭代次数:35 0 13 错误的举动数量:33
迭代次数:36 0 4 错误的举动数量:34
迭代次数:37 0 4 错误的举动数量:35
迭代次数:38 0 18岁 错误的举动数量:36
迭代次数:39 0 8 错误的举动数量:37
迭代次数:40 0 8 错误的举动数量:38
迭代次数:41 0 19 错误的举动数量:39
迭代次数:42 0 1个 错误的举动数量:40
迭代次数:43 0 12 错误的举动数量:41
迭代次数:44 0 7 错误的举动数量:42
迭代次数:45 0 10 错误的举动数量:43
迭代次数:46 0 5 错误的举动数量:44
迭代次数:47 0 2 错误的数量:45
迭代次数:48 0 6 错误的举动数量:46
迭代次数:49 0 11 错误的举动数量:47
迭代次数:50 0 2 错误的举动数量:48
迭代次数:51 0 12 错误的举动数量:49
迭代次数:52 0 7 错误的数量:50