
时间:2018-09-20 02:40:32

标签: python pandas sorting dataframe grouping

我有一个script,它根据columns pandas中的两个df分配一个值。下面的代码能够实现第一步,但是我正在努力进行第二步。


1)为Person中的每个string[Area]中的第一个3 unique values分配一个[Place]

2)希望重新分配少于People的{​​{1}} 示例。下面的3 unique valuesdf6 unique values中具有[Area]。但是[Place]被分配了。理想情况下,3 People个人将2每人

2 unique values


d = ({
    'Time' : ['8:03:00','8:17:00','8:20:00','10:15:00','10:15:00','11:48:00','12:00:00','12:10:00'],                 
   'Place' : ['House 1','House 2','House 1','House 3','House 4','House 5','House 1','House 1'],                 
    'Area' : ['X','X','Y','X','X','X','X','X'],    

df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

def g(gps):
        s = gps['Place'].unique()
        d = dict(zip(s, np.arange(len(s)) // 3 + 1))
        gps['Person'] = gps['Place'].map(d)
        return gps

df = df.groupby('Area', sort=False).apply(g)
s = df['Person'].astype(str) + df['Area']
df['Person'] = pd.Series(pd.factorize(s)[0] + 1).map(str).radd('Person ')

如您所见,第一步工作正常。或 Time Place Area Person 0 8:03:00 House 1 X Person 1 1 8:17:00 House 2 X Person 1 2 8:20:00 House 1 Y Person 2 3 10:15:00 House 3 X Person 1 4 10:15:00 House 4 X Person 3 5 11:48:00 House 5 X Person 3 6 12:00:00 House 1 X Person 1 7 12:10:00 House 1 X Person 1 中的每个string[Area]中的第一个3 unique values被分配给[Place]。这将Person保留为Person 1,将3 values保留为Person 2,将1 value保留为Person 3


如果为2 values分配的少于Person,请对其进行更改,以使每个3 unique values最多拥有Person


3 unique values


Time Place Area Person 0 8:03:00 House 1 X Person 1 1 8:17:00 House 2 X Person 1 2 8:20:00 House 1 Y Person 2 3 10:15:00 House 3 X Person 1 4 10:15:00 House 4 X Person 2 5 11:48:00 House 5 X Person 2 6 12:00:00 House 1 X Person 1 7 12:10:00 House 1 X Person 1 已将Person 1分配给所有商品。 3 unique valuesPerson 2的数量较少,因此我们应该结合使用。所有重复的值应保持不变。

enter image description here

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



d = ({'Time': ['8:03:00', '8:17:00', '8:20:00', '10:15:00', '10:15:00', '11:48:00', '12:00:00', '12:10:00'],
      'Place': ['House 1', 'House 2', 'House 1', 'House 3', 'House 4', 'House 5', 'House 1', 'House 1'],
      'Area': ['X', 'X', 'Y', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X']})

df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

def g(gps):
        s = gps['Place'].unique()
        d = dict(zip(s, np.arange(len(s)) // 3 + 1))
        gps['Person'] = gps['Place'].map(d)
        return gps

df = df.groupby('Area', sort=False).apply(g)
s = df['Person'].astype(str) + df['Area']

# added lines
t = s.value_counts()
df_sub = df.loc[s[s.isin(t[t < 3].index)].index].copy()
df_sub["tag"] = df_sub["Place"] + df_sub["Area"]
tags = list(df_sub.tag.unique())
f = lambda x: f'R{int(tags.index(x) / 3) + 1}'
df_sub['reassign'] = df_sub.tag.apply(f)
s[s.isin(t[t < 3].index)] = df_sub['reassign']

df['Person'] = pd.Series(pd.factorize(s)[0] + 1).map(str).radd('Person ')





  1. 我认识你:如果存在以下情况,我可以重复使用以前的标识符:给定标识符的“位置”和“区域”的值已经出现相同(有时间要做)。

  2. 我不认识您:如果出现以下情况,我将创建新的标识符:出现新的Area值(那么Place和Area扮演不同的角色吗?

  3. 我知道吗?:如果发生以下情况,我可能会重复使用以前使用的标识符:标识符未分配给至少三个事件(如果多个标识符发生这种情况?我会假设我使用了最早的...)。

  4. 不,我:如果前面的规则都不适用,我将创建一个新的标识符。


# dict of list of past events assigned to each person. key is person identifier
people = dict()
# new column for df (as list) it will be appended at the end to dataframe
persons = list()

# first we define the rules
def i_know_you(people, now):
    def conditions(now, past):
        return [e for e in past if (now.Place == e.Place) and (now.Area == e.Area)]
    i_do = [person for person, past in people.items() if conditions(now, past)]
    if i_do:
        return i_do[0]
    return False

def i_do_not_know_you(people, now):
    conditions = not bool([e for past in people.values() for e in past if e.Area == now.Area])
    if conditions:
        return f'Person {len(people) + 1}'
    return False

def do_i_know_you(people, now):
    i_do = [person for person, past in people.items() if len(past) < 3]
    if i_do:
        return i_do[0]
    return False

# then we process the sequential data
for event in df.itertuples():
    print('event:', event)
    for rule in [i_know_you, i_do_not_know_you, do_i_know_you]:
        person = rule(people, event)
        print('\t', rule.__name__, person)
        if person:
    if not person:
        person = f'Person {len(people) + 1}'
        print('\t', "nah, I don't", person)
    if person in people:
        people[person] = [event]

df['Person'] = persons


event: Pandas(Index=0, Time='8:00:00', Place='House 1', Area='X', Person='Person 1')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you Person 1
event: Pandas(Index=1, Time='8:30:00', Place='House 2', Area='X', Person='Person 1')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you False
     do_i_know_you Person 1
event: Pandas(Index=2, Time='9:00:00', Place='House 1', Area='Y', Person='Person 2')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you Person 2
event: Pandas(Index=3, Time='9:30:00', Place='House 3', Area='X', Person='Person 1')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you False
     do_i_know_you Person 1
event: Pandas(Index=4, Time='10:00:00', Place='House 4', Area='X', Person='Person 2')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you False
     do_i_know_you Person 2
event: Pandas(Index=5, Time='10:30:00', Place='House 5', Area='X', Person='Person 2')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you False
     do_i_know_you Person 2
event: Pandas(Index=6, Time='11:00:00', Place='House 1', Area='X', Person='Person 1')
     i_know_you Person 1
event: Pandas(Index=7, Time='11:30:00', Place='House 6', Area='X', Person='Person 3')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you False
     do_i_know_you False
     nah, I don't Person 3
event: Pandas(Index=8, Time='12:00:00', Place='House 7', Area='X', Person='Person 3')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you False
     do_i_know_you Person 3
event: Pandas(Index=9, Time='12:30:00', Place='House 8', Area='X', Person='Person 3')
     i_know_you False
     i_do_not_know_you False
     do_i_know_you Person 3


       Time    Place Area    Person
0   8:00:00  House 1    X  Person 1
1   8:30:00  House 2    X  Person 1
2   9:00:00  House 1    Y  Person 2
3   9:30:00  House 3    X  Person 1
4  10:00:00  House 4    X  Person 2
5  10:30:00  House 5    X  Person 2
6  11:00:00  House 1    X  Person 1
7  11:30:00  House 6    X  Person 3
8  12:00:00  House 7    X  Person 3
9  12:30:00  House 8    X  Person 3

备注:请注意,我有意避免使用按操作分组并按顺序处理数据。我认为这种复杂性(并不真正了解您想做什么... )要求采用这种方法。另外,您可以使用上面的相同结构,使规则变得更复杂(真的在扮演角色吗?)。


看看新数据,很明显我不理解您要做什么(特别是,分配似乎没有遵循顺序规则)。 我将有一个适用于您的第二个数据集的解决方案,但是对于第一个数据集它会给出不同的结果。


df["tag"] = df["Place"] + df["Area"]
tags = list(df.tag.unique())
f = lambda x: f'Person {int(tags.index(x) / 3) + 1}'
df['Person'] = df.tag.apply(f)


       Time    Place Area       tag    Person
0   8:00:00  House 1    X  House 1X  Person 1
1   8:30:00  House 2    X  House 2X  Person 1
2   9:00:00  House 3    X  House 3X  Person 1
3   9:30:00  House 1    Y  House 1Y  Person 2
4  10:00:00  House 1    Z  House 1Z  Person 2
5  10:30:00  House 1    V  House 1V  Person 2


       Time    Place Area       tag    Person
0   8:00:00  House 1    X  House 1X  Person 1
1   8:30:00  House 2    X  House 2X  Person 1
2   9:00:00  House 1    Y  House 1Y  Person 1
3   9:30:00  House 3    X  House 3X  Person 2
4  10:00:00  House 4    X  House 4X  Person 2
5  10:30:00  House 5    X  House 5X  Person 2
6  11:00:00  House 1    X  House 1X  Person 1
7  11:30:00  House 6    X  House 6X  Person 3
8  12:00:00  House 7    X  House 7X  Person 3
9  12:30:00  House 8    X  House 8X  Person 3


答案 1 :(得分:3)



n = 3
df['complete'] = df.Person.apply(lambda x: 1 if df.Person.tolist().count(x) == n else 0)
df['num'] = df.Person.str.replace('Person ','')
df.sort_values(by=['num','complete'],ascending=True,inplace=True) #get all persons that are complete to the top

c = 0
person_numbers = []
for x in range(0,999): #Create the numbering [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,...] with n defining how often a person is 'repeated'
    if x % n == 0:
        c += 1        

df['Person_new'] = person_numbers[0:len(df)] #Add the numbering to the df
df.Person = 'Person ' + df.Person_new.astype(str) #Fill the person column with the new numbering

答案 2 :(得分:0)


import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
import random

# --- helper functions for demo

random.seed( 0 )

def makeRandomTimes( nHours = None, mMinutes = None ):
    nHours = 10 if nHours is None else nHours
    mMinutes = 3 if mMinutes is None else mMinutes
    times = []
    for _ in range(nHours):
        hour = random.randint(8,18)
        for _ in range(mMinutes):
            minute = random.randint(0,59)
            times.append( datetime.combine( datetime.today(), time( hour, minute ) ) )
    return times

def makeDf():
    times   = makeRandomTimes()
    houses  = [ str(random.randint(1,10)) for _ in range(30) ]
    areas   = [ ['X','Y'][random.randint(0,1)] for _ in range(30) ]
    df      = pd.DataFrame( {'Time' : times, 'House' : houses, 'Area' : areas } )
    return df.set_index( 'Time' ).sort_index()

# --- real code begins

def evaluateLookback( df, idx, dfg ):

    mask = df.index >= dfg.Lookback.iat[-1]
    personTotals = df[ mask ].set_index('Loc')['Person'].value_counts()
    currentPeople = set(df.Person[ df.Person > -1 ]) 
    noAllocations = currentPeople - set(personTotals.index)
    available = personTotals < 3
    if noAllocations or available.sum():
        # allocate to first available person
        person = min( noAllocations.union(personTotals[ available ].index) )
        # allocate new person
        person = len( currentPeople )
    df.Person.at[ idx ] = person
    # debug
    df.Verbose.at[ idx ] = ( noAllocations, available.sum() )

def lambdaProxy( df, colName ):
    [ dff[1][colName].apply( lambda f: f(df,*dff) ) for dff in df.groupby(df.index) ]

lookback = timedelta( minutes = 120 )

df1 = makeDf()
df1[ 'Loc' ] = df1[ 'House' ] + df1[ 'Area' ]
df1[ 'Person' ] = None
df1[ 'Lambda' ] = evaluateLookback
df1[ 'Lookback' ] = df1.index - lookback
df1[ 'Verbose' ] = None
lambdaProxy( df1, 'Lambda' )

print( df1[ [ col for col in df1.columns if col != 'Lambda' ] ] )


                    House Area  Loc Person            Lookback         Verbose
2018-09-30 08:16:00     6    Y   6Y      0 2018-09-30 06:16:00         ({}, 0)
2018-09-30 08:31:00     4    Y   4Y      0 2018-09-30 06:31:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 08:32:00    10    X  10X      0 2018-09-30 06:32:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 09:04:00     4    X   4X      1 2018-09-30 07:04:00         ({}, 0)
2018-09-30 09:46:00    10    X  10X      1 2018-09-30 07:46:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 09:57:00     4    X   4X      1 2018-09-30 07:57:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 10:06:00     1    Y   1Y      2 2018-09-30 08:06:00         ({}, 0)
2018-09-30 10:39:00    10    X  10X      0 2018-09-30 08:39:00        ({0}, 1)
2018-09-30 10:48:00     7    X   7X      0 2018-09-30 08:48:00         ({}, 2)
2018-09-30 11:08:00     1    Y   1Y      0 2018-09-30 09:08:00         ({}, 3)
2018-09-30 11:18:00     2    Y   2Y      1 2018-09-30 09:18:00         ({}, 2)
2018-09-30 11:32:00     9    X   9X      2 2018-09-30 09:32:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 12:22:00     5    Y   5Y      1 2018-09-30 10:22:00         ({}, 2)
2018-09-30 12:30:00     9    X   9X      1 2018-09-30 10:30:00         ({}, 2)
2018-09-30 12:34:00     6    X   6X      2 2018-09-30 10:34:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 12:37:00     1    Y   1Y      2 2018-09-30 10:37:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 12:45:00     4    X   4X      0 2018-09-30 10:45:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 12:58:00     8    X   8X      0 2018-09-30 10:58:00         ({}, 1)
2018-09-30 14:26:00     7    Y   7Y      0 2018-09-30 12:26:00         ({}, 3)
2018-09-30 14:48:00     2    X   2X      0 2018-09-30 12:48:00     ({1, 2}, 1)
2018-09-30 14:50:00     8    X   8X      1 2018-09-30 12:50:00     ({1, 2}, 0)
2018-09-30 14:53:00     8    Y   8Y      1 2018-09-30 12:53:00        ({2}, 1)
2018-09-30 14:56:00     6    X   6X      1 2018-09-30 12:56:00        ({2}, 1)
2018-09-30 14:58:00     9    Y   9Y      2 2018-09-30 12:58:00        ({2}, 0)
2018-09-30 17:09:00     2    Y   2Y      0 2018-09-30 15:09:00  ({0, 1, 2}, 0)
2018-09-30 17:19:00     4    X   4X      0 2018-09-30 15:19:00     ({1, 2}, 1)
2018-09-30 17:57:00     6    Y   6Y      0 2018-09-30 15:57:00     ({1, 2}, 1)
2018-09-30 18:21:00     3    X   3X      1 2018-09-30 16:21:00     ({1, 2}, 0)
2018-09-30 18:30:00     9    X   9X      1 2018-09-30 16:30:00        ({2}, 1)
2018-09-30 18:35:00     8    Y   8Y      1 2018-09-30 16:35:00        ({2}, 1)


  • lookback变量控制着向后看以考虑分配给某人的位置的时间长度
  • Lookback列显示截止时间
  • 对表中的每一行重复调用
  • evaluateLookback,其中df是整个DataFrame,idx是当前索引/标签,而dfg是当前行。
  • lambdaProxy控制evaluateLookback的调用。
  • 每人的地点数量设置为3,但可以根据需要进行调整
  • 可以通过设置另一个func列来管理回溯期的任意复杂要求,该func列首先由lambdaProxy进行评估,然后在evaluateLookback内存储和使用该结果



答案 3 :(得分:0)


def reduce_df(df):
    values = df['Area'] + df['Place']
    df1 = df.loc[~values.duplicated(),:] # ignore duplicate values for this part..
    person_count = df1.groupby('Person')['Person'].agg('count')
    leftover_count = person_count[person_count < 3] # the 'leftovers'

    # try merging pairs together
    nleft = leftover_count.shape[0]
    to_try = np.arange(nleft - 1)
    to_merge = (leftover_count.values[to_try] + 
                leftover_count.values[to_try + 1]) <= 3
    to_merge[1:] = to_merge[1:] & ~to_merge[:-1]
    to_merge = to_try[to_merge]
    merge_dict = dict(zip(leftover_count.index.values[to_merge+1], 
    def change_person(p):
        if p in merge_dict.keys():
            return merge_dict[p]
        return p
    reduced_df = df.copy()
    # update df with the merges you found
    reduced_df['Person'] = reduced_df['Person'].apply(change_person)
    return reduced_df

    reduce_df(reduce_df(df)) # call twice in case 1,1,1 -> 2,1 -> 3


Area    Place      Time    Person
0    X  House 1   8:03:00  Person 1
1    X  House 2   8:17:00  Person 1
2    Y  House 1   8:20:00  Person 2
3    X  House 3  10:15:00  Person 1
4    X  House 4  10:15:00  Person 2
5    X  House 5  11:48:00  Person 2
6    X  House 1  12:00:00  Person 1
7    X  House 1  12:10:00  Person 1