如何将其概括为遍历多个输入? Bash数组?

时间:2018-09-19 06:15:21

标签: bash




#Gathers info and creates the .json file needed to create distribution information for AWS domain sites

#Gather web-id and assign it to the variable "webid"
echo "Insert the webid for the site you are working with:"
read webid

#Gather sub domain info (www) for the site in question and assign it to the variable "subdomain"
echo "Insert the sub domain name for the site you are working with:"
read subdomain      

#Gather domain info (domain.com) for the site in question and assign it to the variable "domain"
echo "Insert the domain name for the site you are working with:"
read domain

#Check spelling with the user
printf "Your WebID is: $webid\nYour sub domain is: $subdomain\nYour domain 
is: $domain\n"
read -p "Is this correct? y/n " -n 1 -r
echo #
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
    exit 1
    printf "{\n  \"web_ids\": [\n    {\n      \"web_id\": \"$webid\",\n      
    \"domains\": {\n        \"$domain\": {\n          \"vhosts\": [\n            
    \"$domain\",\n            \"$subdomain.$domain\"\n          ]\n        }\n      
    }\n    }\n  ]\n}\n\n" > $domain.json

    #Run create-distribution on our newly created .json file
    create-distribution $domain.json

    #Display the arn line from the .json file after the fact so we can copy it into case notes per process
    cat $domain.json | grep dist

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


这只是在here document上循环,所以这里没有数组。

# Read input data from a here document
while read -r webid subdomain domain; do
    # use printf the way $dmr intended
    # print diagnostics to stderr
    printf "%s: Your WebID is: %s\nYour sub domain is: %s\nYour domain is: %s\n" "$0" "$webid" "$subdomain" "$domain" >&2
    # use single quotes to reduce backslashitis in format string
    printf '{\n  "web_ids": [\n    {\n      "web_id": "%s",\n              "domains": {\n        "%s": {\n          "vhosts": [\n                    "%s",\n            "%s.%s"\n          ]\n        }\n              }\n    }\n  ]\n}\n\n' "$webid" "$domain" "$domain" "$subdomain" "$domain" > "$domain".json
    # maybe this could read stdin to avoid temp file?
    create-distribution "$domain".json
    # avoid useless use of cat
    grep dist "$domain".json
    # you should probably use a proper JSON tool like jq though
    #jq -c .dist "$domain".json
done <<\____
    firstwebid   its-subdomain         itsdomain
    secondwebid  subdomain-for-second  domainforsecond

这是\________之间的文字;文档中的每一行都提供while ... done循环的一次迭代的值,以填充read语句中的三个变量。


webids=(first second third)
domains=(one two three)
subdomains=(one other different)
for ((i=0; i<${#webids[@]}; ++i)); do
    printf '...' "${webids[i]}" "${domains[i]}" "${subdomains[i]}"
