
时间:2018-09-13 06:25:59

标签: c++ opengl raycasting glm-math mouse-picking



在使用透视投影渲染场景(使用glm :: perspective创建)的同时,我可以成功地使用光线投射和鼠标“拾取”场景中的不同对象。这是demonstration



auto const coords = mouse.coords();
glm::vec2 const mouse_pos{coords.x, coords.y};

glm::vec3 ray_dir, ray_start;
if (perspective) { // This "works"
      auto const ar  = aspect_rate;
      auto const fov = field_of_view;

      glm::mat4 const proj_matrix = glm::perspective(fov, ar, f.near, f.far);
      auto const& target_pos      =  camera.target.get_position();
      glm::mat4 const view_matrix = glm::lookAt(target_pos, target_pos, glm::vec3{0, -1, 0});

      ray_dir   = Raycast::calculate_ray_into_screen(mouse_pos, proj_matrix, view_matrix, view_rect);
      ray_start = camera.world_position();
else if (orthographic) { // This "doesn't work"
      glm::vec3 const POS     = glm::vec3{50};
      glm::vec3 const FORWARD = glm::vec3{0, -1, 0};
      glm::vec3 const UP      = glm::vec3{0, 0, -1};

      // 1024, 768 with NEAR 0.001 and FAR 10000
      //glm::mat4 proj_matrix = glm::ortho(0, 1024, 0, 768, 0.0001, 10000);
      glm::mat4 proj_matrix = glm::ortho(0, 1024, 0, 768, 0.0001, 100);
      // Look down at the scene from above  
      glm::mat4 view_matrix = glm::lookAt(POS, POS + FORWARD, UP);
      // convert the mouse screen coordinates into world coordinates for the cube/ray test
      auto const p0 = screen_to_world(mouse_pos, view_rect, proj_matrix, view_matrix, 0.0f);
      auto const p1 = screen_to_world(mouse_pos, view_rect, proj_matrix, view_matrix, 1.0f);

      ray_start = p0;
      ray_dir = glm::normalize(p1 - p0);
bool const intersects = ray_intersects_cube(logger, ray_dir, ray_start,
                                                eid, tr, cube, distances);


在正交模式下,我要从屏幕投射两条射线(一条在z = 0处,另一条在z = 1处)并在这两点之间创建一条射线。我将射线起点设置为鼠标指针所在的位置(z = 0),并使用刚刚计算出的射线方向作为相同ray_cube_intersection算法的输入。



  1. 假设透视/正投影可以使用相同的ray_cube相交算法是否合理?
  2. 我是否想在正交情况下设置ray_start和ray_dir变量正确?


Raycast::calculate_ray_into_screen(glm::vec2 const& point, glm::mat4 const& proj,
                                   glm::mat4 const& view, Rectangle const& view_rect)
  // When doing mouse picking, we want our ray to be pointed "into" the screen
  float constexpr Z            = -1.0f;
  return screen_to_world(point, view_rect, proj, view, Z);

ray_cube_intersect(Ray const& r, Transform const& transform, Cube const& cube,
    float& distance)
  auto const& cubepos = transform.translation;

  glm::vec3 const                minpos = cube.min * transform.scale;
  glm::vec3 const                maxpos = cube.max * transform.scale;
  std::array<glm::vec3, 2> const bounds{{minpos + cubepos, maxpos + cubepos}};

  float txmin = (bounds[    r.sign[0]].x - r.orig.x) * r.invdir.x;
  float txmax = (bounds[1 - r.sign[0]].x - r.orig.x) * r.invdir.x;
  float tymin = (bounds[    r.sign[1]].y - r.orig.y) * r.invdir.y;
  float tymax = (bounds[1 - r.sign[1]].y - r.orig.y) * r.invdir.y;

  if ((txmin > tymax) || (tymin > txmax)) {
    return false;
  if (tymin > txmin) {
    txmin = tymin;
  if (tymax < txmax) {
    txmax = tymax;

  float tzmin = (bounds[    r.sign[2]].z - r.orig.z) * r.invdir.z;
  float tzmax = (bounds[1 - r.sign[2]].z - r.orig.z) * r.invdir.z;

  if ((txmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > txmax)) {
    return false;

  distance = tzmin;
  return true;


namespace boomhs::math::space_conversions

inline glm::vec4
clip_to_eye(glm::vec4 const& clip, glm::mat4 const& proj_matrix, float const z)
  auto const      inv_proj   = glm::inverse(proj_matrix);
  glm::vec4 const eye_coords = inv_proj * clip;
  return glm::vec4{eye_coords.x, eye_coords.y, z, 0.0f};

inline glm::vec3
eye_to_world(glm::vec4 const& eye, glm::mat4 const& view_matrix)
  glm::mat4 const inv_view  = glm::inverse(view_matrix);
  glm::vec4 const ray       = inv_view * eye;
  glm::vec3 const ray_world = glm::vec3{ray.x, ray.y, ray.z};
  return glm::normalize(ray_world);

inline constexpr glm::vec2
screen_to_ndc(glm::vec2 const& scoords, Rectangle const& view_rect)
  float const x = ((2.0f * scoords.x) / view_rect.right()) - 1.0f;
  float const y = ((2.0f * scoords.y) / view_rect.bottom()) - 1.0f;

  auto const assert_fn = [](float const v) {
    assert(v <= 1.0f);
    assert(v >= -1.0f);
  return glm::vec2{x, -y};

inline glm::vec4
ndc_to_clip(glm::vec2 const& ndc, float const z)
  return glm::vec4{ndc.x, ndc.y, z, 1.0f};

inline glm::vec3
screen_to_world(glm::vec2 const& scoords, Rectangle const& view_rect, glm::mat4 const& proj_matrix,
                glm::mat4 const& view_matrix, float const z)
  glm::vec2 const ndc   = screen_to_ndc(scoords, view_rect);
  glm::vec4 const clip  = ndc_to_clip(ndc, z);
  glm::vec4 const eye   = clip_to_eye(clip, proj_matrix, z);
  glm::vec3 const world = eye_to_world(eye, view_matrix);
  return world;

} // namespace boomhs::math::space_conversions

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我为此工作了几天,因为我遇到了同样的问题。 我们用来使用的非投影方法在这里也 100% 正确 - 即使使用正交投影。但是对于正交投影,从相机位置到屏幕的方向向量总是相同的。因此,在这种情况下,以相同的方式取消投影光标不会按预期工作。



Vector3 worldUpDirection = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); // if your world is y-up

// Get mouse coordinates (2d) relative to window position:
Vector2 mousePosRelativeToWindow = GetMouseCoordsRelativeToWindow(); // (0,0) would be top left window corner

// get camera direction vector:
Vector3 camDirection = Vector3.Normalize(cameraTarget - cameraPosition);

// get x and y coordinates relative to frustum width and height.
// glOrthoWidth and glOrthoHeight are the sizeX and sizeY values 
// you created your projection matrix with. If your frustum has a width of 100, 
// x would become -50 when the mouse is left and +50 when the mouse is right.
float x = +(2.0f * mousePosRelativeToWindow .X / viewportWidth  - 1) * (glOrthoWidth  / 2);
float y = -(2.0f * mousePosRelativeToWindow .Y / viewPortHeight - 1) * (glOrthoHeight / 2);

// Now, you want to calculate the camera's local right and up vectors 
// (depending on the camera's current view direction):
Vector3 cameraRight = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(camDirection, worldUpDirection));
Vector3 cameraUp = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(cameraRight, camDirection));

// Finally, calculate the ray origin:
Vector3 rayOrigin = cameraPosition + cameraRight * x + cameraUp * y;
Vector3 rayDirection = camDirection;

现在您有了正交投影的射线原点和射线方向。 有了这些,您可以像往常一样运行任何光线平面/体积相交。