要测试我的2D高斯拟合代码中明亮物体的图像,我将其运行在WISE团队构建并拟合的点扩散函数(PSF)上。他们在他们的网站上列出了每个频段的中央PSF参数:沿长轴和短轴的FWHM,以及位置角度(这是与y轴的夹角)。所有信息都可在此处使用:WISE PSF information,但以下是中央PSF的那些参数的图像,以及频段3的PSF的相应图像。
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
image = 'wise-w3-psf-wpro-09x09-05x05.fits' #WISE central PSF
stacked_image = fits.getdata(image)
# Center of image (the PSF is centered)
x0 = np.shape(stacked_image)[1]//2
y0 = np.shape(stacked_image)[0]//2
# Normalize image so peak = 1
def normalize(image):
image *= 1/np.max(image)
return image
stacked_image = normalize(stacked_image)
def gaussian_func(xy, x0, y0, sigma_x, sigma_y, amp, theta, offset):
x, y = xy
a = (np.cos(theta))**2/(2*sigma_x**2) + (np.sin(theta))**2/(2*sigma_y**2)
b = -np.sin(2*theta)/(4*sigma_x**2) + np.sin(2*theta)/(4*sigma_y**2)
c = (np.sin(theta))**2/(2*sigma_x**2) + (np.cos(theta))**2/(2*sigma_y**2)
inner = a * (x-x0)**2
inner += 2*b*(x-x0)*(y-y0)
inner += c * (y-y0)**2
return (offset + amp * np.exp(-inner)).ravel()
def Sigma2width(sigma):
return 2 * np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)) * sigma
def generate(data_set):
xvec = np.arange(0, np.shape(data_set)[1], 1)
yvec = np.arange(0, np.shape(data_set)[0], 1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xvec, yvec)
return X, Y
# METHOD 1: Fit subimage of PSF to Gaussian
# Guesses
theta_guess = np.deg2rad(96) #I believe that the angle in the Gaussian corresponds to CCW from the x-axis (so use WISE position angle + 90 degrees)
sigma_x = 5
sigma_y = 4
amp = 1 #I know this is true since I normalized it
subimage = stacked_image[y0-50:y0+50, x0-50:x0+50]
offset = np.min(subimage)
guesses = [np.shape(subimage)[1]//2, np.shape(subimage)[0]//2, sigma_x, sigma_y, amp, theta_guess, offset]
xx, yy = generate(subimage)
pred_params, uncert_cov = optimize.curve_fit(gaussian_func, (xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()), subimage.ravel(), p0=guesses)
width_x, width_y = Sigma2width(np.abs(pred_params[2]))*0.275, Sigma2width(np.abs(pred_params[3]))*0.275 #multiply by pixel scale factor (available on website) to get FWHMs in arcseconds
x_0, y_0 = pred_params[0]+(x0-50), pred_params[1]+(y0-50) #add back origin
theta_deg = np.rad2deg(pred_params[5])
pred_params[5] = theta_deg
pred_params[0] = x_0
pred_params[1] = y_0
if theta_deg < 90:
pos_angle = theta_deg+90
elif theta_deg >= 90:
pos_angle = theta_deg-90
print('PREDICTED FWHM x, y in arcsecs:', width_x, width_y)
print('FIT PARAMS [x0, y0, sigma_x, sigma_y, amp, theta, offset]:', pred_params)
print('POSITION ANGLE:', pos_angle)
# Output: PREDICTED FWHM x, y in arcsecs: 6.4917 5.4978
# FIT PARAMS [x0, y0, sigma_x, sigma_y, amp, theta, offset]: [3.195e+02 3.189e+02 1.002e+01 8.489e+00 8.695e-01 8.655e+01 2.613e-02]
# METHOD 2: Fit whole image to Gaussian
# Guesses
theta_guess = np.deg2rad(96)
sigma_x = 5
sigma_y = 4
amp = 1
offset = np.median(stacked_image)
guesses = [x0, y0, sigma_x, sigma_y, amp, theta_guess, offset]
# Sigmas - manual estimation
ylim, xlim = np.shape(stacked_image)
x, y = np.arange(0, xlim, 1), np.arange(0, ylim, 1)
ypix, xpix = np.where(stacked_image==amp)
y_range = np.take(stacked_image, ypix[0], axis=0)
x_range = np.take(stacked_image, xpix[0], axis=1)
xx, yy = generate(stacked_image)
pred_params, uncert_cov = optimize.curve_fit(gaussian_func, (xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()), stacked_image.ravel(), p0=guesses)
width_x, width_y = Sigma2width(np.abs(pred_params[2]))*0.275, Sigma2width(np.abs(pred_params[3]))*0.275 #in arcsecs
theta = pred_params[5]
print('PREDICTED FWHM x, y in arcsecs:', width_x, width_y)
print('FIT PARAMS [x0, y0, sigma_x, sigma_y, amp, theta, offset]:', pred_params)
# Output:
# PREDICTED FWHM x, y in arcsecs: 7.088 6.106
# FIT PARAMS [x0, y0, sigma_x, sigma_y, amp, theta, offset]: [3.195e+02 3.190e+02 1.095e+01 9.429e+00 8.378e-01 1.521e+00 7.998e-04]
if theta < 90:
pos_angle = 90+np.rad2deg(theta)
elif theta >= 90:
pos_angle = 90-np.rad2deg(theta)
print('POSITION ANGLE:', pos_angle)
您可以在(四舍五入的)输出中看到我的高斯拟合返回的振幅甚至都不为1,其他参数(FWHM和角度)也与表中显示的正确参数不匹配。 / p>