Connecting n commands with pipes in a shell?
我对此很感兴趣,并尝试制作一个“动态”的字符串,其中我引入了一个带有n个进程的字符串,然后执行了n个进程(即ls | sort
int main()
char str[] = "ls | sort";
int length = (sizeof(str) / sizeof(*str))-1;
int sizeCMD = 1; //If the string has zero pipe, it means it has at least 1 process
vector<char> tempV;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (str[i] == '|')
{//If the string has one |, it means it has at least 2 process.
tempV.push_back(str[i]);//I was going to do something else with this, but I forgot.
//cout<<i<<" "<<tempV.at(i)<<endl;
int j = 0;//Current position of the cmd
string comLetter = "";//it will save every single letter in certain conditions
string comLine = "";//it will save all the characters of comLetter in certain conditions
struct command cmd[sizeCMD];
const char *ls[2];
const char *sort[2];
const char *toCChar;
for (int i = 0; i < tempV.size(); i++)
if (tempV.at(i) != ' ' && tempV.at(i) != '|')
{//comLetter will only save characters that are not equal to blank or |.
comLetter += tempV.at(i);
//cout<< comLetter <<endl;
if (tempV.at(i) == ' ' || i == tempV.size() - 1)
{//comLine will save everything of comLetter when it detects a blank or the very end
comLine = comLetter;
comLetter = "";
if (tempV.at(i) == '|' || i == tempV.size() - 1)
{//cmd will save everything of comLine when it detects a | or the very end.
cout << "." << comLine << "." << endl;
if(comLine == "ls"){
toCChar = comLine.c_str();
ls[0] = toCChar;
ls[1] = 0; //THIS IF
cmd[0] = {ls}; //WORKS
if(comLine == "sort"){
sort[0] = "sort";
sort[1] = 0; //THIS IF
cmd[1] = {sort}; //WORKS
/*const char *ls[2];
ls[0] = toCChar;
ls[1] = 0;
cout<< *ls[0] << " - "<< endl;
cmd[j] = {ls};
//cout << cmd << endl;
comLine = "";*/
j++; //The position will move by one.
return fork_pipes(sizeCMD, cmd);
一切对我来说都是有意义的,直到我发现const char*
不可能是暂时的,因为它需要数据,所以我需要为2个命令创建2个const char *数组。这就是为什么我有两个数组:*sort[]
toCChar = comLine.c_str();
ls[0] = toCChar;