
时间:2018-08-31 14:26:38

标签: arrays swift algorithm recursion


PLAY [f5-test] *****************************************************************************

TASK [Add servers to connection pool ] *****************************************************
changed: [f5-test -> localhost]

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f5-test              : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0


let A: [String] = ["a","b","c",...] ,其中正好有n!。





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在“代码查看”中使用Sequence-based enumeration of permutations in lexicographic order中的代码(已针对 Swift 4,并实施了Hamish的答案中的建议):

extension Array where Element: Comparable {

    /// Replaces the array by the next permutation of its elements in lexicographic
    /// order.
    /// It uses the "Algorithm L (Lexicographic permutation generation)" from
    ///    Donald E. Knuth, "GENERATING ALL PERMUTATIONS"
    ///    http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/fasc2b.ps.gz
    /// - Returns: `true` if there was a next permutation, and `false` otherwise
    ///   (i.e. if the array elements were in descending order).

    mutating func permute() -> Bool {

        // Nothing to do for empty or single-element arrays:
        if count <= 1 {
            return false

        // L2: Find last j such that self[j] < self[j+1]. Terminate if no such j
        // exists.
        var j = count - 2
        while j >= 0 && self[j] >= self[j+1] {
            j -= 1
        if j == -1 {
            return false

        // L3: Find last l such that self[j] < self[l], then exchange elements j and l:
        var l = count - 1
        while self[j] >= self[l] {
            l -= 1
        self.swapAt(j, l)

        // L4: Reverse elements j+1 ... count-1:
        var lo = j + 1
        var hi = count - 1
        while lo < hi {
            self.swapAt(lo, hi)
            lo += 1
            hi -= 1
        return true

struct PermutationSequence<Element : Comparable> : Sequence, IteratorProtocol {

    private var current: [Element]
    private var firstIteration = true

    init(startingFrom elements: [Element]) {
        self.current = elements

    init<S : Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Iterator.Element == Element {
        self.current = elements.sorted()

    mutating func next() -> [Element]? {

        var continueIterating = true

        // if it's the first iteration, we avoid doing the permute() and reset the flag.
        if firstIteration {
            firstIteration = false
        } else {
            continueIterating = current.permute()

        // if the array changed (and it isn't the first iteration), then return it,
        // else we're at the end of the sequence.
        return continueIterating ? current : nil


let a = ["a", "b", "c"]
let permSeq = PermutationSequence(startingFrom: a)

for tuple in permSeq {

每次调用迭代器都会创建下一个排列,并且只有一个 需要固定数量的额外存储空间(用于 当前排列和一个布尔变量)。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


func tuple(_ input:[String])->[String]{
    if input.count == 1 {return input}
    var output = Array<String>()
    for a in 0...input.count-1 {
        var temp = input
        temp.remove(at: a)
        output += tuple(temp).map{input[a]+$0}
    return output