
时间:2018-08-31 14:23:50

标签: python-3.x tree

我想创建一个alogritmo,让我说一棵树是否包含在另一棵树中。感谢this site,我管理了一种算法,该算法可以让我知道二叉树,但是我想将其概括化。

def isSubtree(T,S):
    function to say if a tree S is a subtree of another one, T
    # Base Case
    if S is None:
        return True

    if T is None:
        return True

    # Check the tree with root as current node
    if (areIdentical(T, S)):
        return True

    # IF the tree with root as current node doesn't match
    # then try left and right subtreee one by one
    return isSubtree(T.children, S) or isSubtree(T.children, S) # won't work because we have several children

def areIdentical(root1, root2):
    function to say if two roots are identical
    # Base Case
    if root1 is None and root2 is None:
        return True
    if root1 is None or root2 is None:
        return False

    # Check if the data of both roots their and children are the same
    return (root1.data == root2.data and
            areIdentical(root1.children, root2.children)) # Here problem because it won't work for children



>>># first tree creation
>>>text = start becoming popular
>>>textSpacy = spacy_nlp(text1)
>>>treeText = nltk_spacy_tree(textSpacy)
>>>t = WordTree(treeText[0])

>>># second tree creation
>>>question = When did Beyonce start becoming popular?
>>>questionSpacy = spacy_nlp(question)
>>>treeQuestion = nltk_spacy_tree(questionSpacy)
>>>q = WordTree(treeQuestion[0])

>>># tree comparison


class WordTree:
    '''Tree for spaCy dependency parsing array'''
    def __init__(self, tree, is_subtree=False):
        Construct a new 'WordTree' object.

        :param array: The array contening the dependency
        :param parent: The parent of the array if exists
        :return: returns nothing
        self.parent = []
        self.children = []
        self.data = tree.label().split('_')[0] # the first element of the tree # We are going to add the synonyms as well.

        for subtree in tree:
            if type(subtree) == Tree:
                # Iterate through the depth of the subtree.
                t = WordTree(subtree, True)
            elif type(subtree) == str:
                surface_form = subtree.split('_')[0]


question = "When did Beyonce start becoming popular?"
questionSpacy = spacy_nlp(question)
treeQuestion = nltk_spacy_tree(questionSpacy)
t = WordTree(treeQuestion[0])

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以遍历T的所有子树,如果ST的任何子树的子树,则ST的子树False。另外,当TNone时,您应该返回T,因为这意味着您已经到了S的叶子,并且仍然找不到def isSubtree(T,S): if S is None: return True if T is None: return False if areIdentical(T, S): return True return any(isSubtree(c, S) for c in T.children) 子树:

import mp3play as mP

file = 'C:\path\to\your\*.mp3'
song = mP.load(file)
