
时间:2018-08-31 13:29:17

标签: javascript html css3 amp-html accelerated-mobile-page

我曾经使用类型为“ slides”的放大器轮播。当我滑动转盘时,效果很好。但是刷卡后,当我单击箭头转到下一个轮播项目时,它会闪烁。刷卡后才出现此问题。


  • 刷新浏览器
  • 滑动轮播(​​不要使用箭头)
  • 点击箭头以查看下一张幻灯片。
  • 结果)每次点击箭头时,轮播都会开始闪烁。

哪些浏览器受到影响? 在Andriod上使用Firefox。

哪个AMP版本受到影响? V0

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  <!-- content-section - Services-->
  <div class="content-section">

    <div class="content-heading">
        <div class="heading-dots">
    <div class="content-desc">
      <p> Here are our services all tailored to your preference.</p>

      <amp-carousel type="slides"  layout="fixed-height" width="auto"  height="140"  controls data-next-button-aria-label="Go to next slide"  data-previous-button-aria-label="Go to previous ide">
          <div class="box">
            <a href="">
               <h2> SOIL TESTS</h2>
                Test your soils before planting 
                for mineral content and
                pathological analysis.

          <div class="box">
            <a href="">
               <h2> PRE-SITE SURVEY</h2>
                Get a professional technician visit your farm and determine suitability.

          <div class="box">
            <a href="">
               <h2> GREENHOUSE CONSTRUCTION</h2>
                Construct affordable modern greenhouses.

              <div class="box">
            <a href="">
               <h2> AGRONOMIC SUPPORT</h2>
                Plant high value seeds and receive expert agronomic care with e-reports

              <div class="box">
            <a href="">
               <h2>DRIP IRRIGATION</h2>
               Farm all year round with high quality affordable drip irrigation kits.

              <div class="box">
            <a href="">
               <h2> SENSOR TECHNOLOGY</h2>
               Optimise operations and production in your farm with solar powered sensors


      <div class="view-all-link">
        <a href="#">View All Services</a>

  <!-- content-section - Services-->


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