
时间:2018-08-29 18:25:54

标签: excel vba outlook



Sub Test2()
    Dim OutApp As Object
    Dim OutMail As Object
    Dim Subj As String
    Dim oiInsp As Object
    Dim wdDoc As Object
    Dim oRng As Object

    'Copy the email addresses to the clipboard
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

    'Create Outlook object
    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

    On Error Resume Next

    'Trying to add the email address to the "To" field in the email
    With OutMail
        Set olInsp = .GetInspector
        Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor
        Set oRng = wdDoc.Range
        .To = oRng.Paste

        'This will resolve all the addresses in the email to ensure they exist in your contacts, otherwise pops up error
        If Not .Recipients.ResolveAll Then
            For Each Recipient In .Recipients
                If Not Recipient.Resolved Then
                    MsgBox Recipient.Name & " could not be resolved"
                End If
        End If
    End With

    On Error GoTo 0

    Set OutApp = Nothing
    Set OutMail = Nothing
    Set olInsp = Nothing
    Set wdDoc = Nothing
    Set oRng = Nothing
End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub Test2()
    Dim OutApp As Object
    Dim OutMail As Object
    Dim Subj As String
    Dim oiInsp As Object
    Dim wdDoc As Object
    Dim oRng As Object

    Dim lastrow As Long, i As Long
    Dim recipstring As String

    lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row

    For i = 2 To lastrow
        If i = 2 Then
            recipstring = Range("B" & i).Value
            recipstring = recipstring & ";" & Range("B" & i).Value
        End If
    Next i

    'Create Outlook object
    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

    On Error Resume Next

    'Trying to add the email address to the "To" field in the email
    With OutMail
        Set olInsp = .GetInspector
        Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor
        Set oRng = wdDoc.Range
        .to = recipstring

        'This will resolve all the addresses in the email to ensure they exist in your contacts, otherwise pops up error
        If Not .Recipients.ResolveAll Then
            For Each Recipient In .Recipients
                If Not Recipient.Resolved Then
                    MsgBox Recipient.Name & " could not be resolved"
                End If
        End If
    End With

    On Error GoTo 0

    Set OutApp = Nothing
    Set OutMail = Nothing
    Set olInsp = Nothing
    Set wdDoc = Nothing
    Set oRng = Nothing
End Sub