
时间:2018-08-23 01:32:05

标签: netlogo


to go
  ask turtles with [pcolor = yellow] [walk] 

to walk
  ask turtles with [pxcor < 71 and pycor < 79 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 50]
  [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 58.57 and pxcor >= 49.42 and pycor = 50]] 
  ask turtles with [pxcor < 112 and pycor < 79 and pxcor > 71 and pycor > 50]
  [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 108.57 and pxcor >= 99.42 and pycor = 50]] 
  ask turtles with [pxcor < 82 and pycor < 36 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 0]
  [face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 79.575 and pxcor >= 70.425 and pycor = 36]] 
  ask turtles with [pxcor < 132 and pycor < 36 and pxcor > 82 and pycor > 0]
  [face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 93.575 and pxcor >= 84.425 and pycor = 36]] 
  fd 0.5

  ask turtles with [pxcor < 132 and pycor < 50 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 36]
  [face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 132 and pxcor >= 112 and pycor = 50]] 
  ask turtles with [pxcor < 132 and pycor < 79 and pxcor >= 112 and pycor >= 50]
  [face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 129.57 and pxcor >= 120.42 and pycor = 79]] 
  fd 1


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


在go语句中,您有turtles调用walk过程。在步行过程中,face命令位于ask turtles括号内,而fd命令位于括号之内。我假设这是有意的,并且您要尝试做的是让四个if语句使turtle朝向您想要的方向,然后fd将其移动。

但是,在步行过程中,您要重复ask turtles。您可能只想改变一只乌龟(被要求行走的一只乌龟)的方向。

to go
  ask turtles with [pcolor = yellow] [walk] 

to walk
  if pxcor < 71 and pycor < 79 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 50
  [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 58.57 and pxcor >= 49.42 and pycor = 50]
  if pxcor < 112 and pycor < 79 and pxcor > 71 and pycor > 50
  [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 108.57 and pxcor >= 99.42 and pycor = 50]
  if pxcor < 82 and pycor < 36 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 0
  [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 79.575 and pxcor >= 70.425 and pycor = 36]
  if pxcor < 132 and pycor < 36 and pxcor > 82 and pycor > 0
  [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 93.575 and pxcor >= 84.425 and pycor = 36]
  fd 0.5

  if pxcor < 132 and pycor < 50 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 36
  [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 132 and pxcor >= 112 and pycor = 50]
  if pxcor < 132 and pycor < 79 and pxcor >= 112 and pycor >= 50
  [face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 129.57 and pxcor >= 120.42 and pycor = 79]
  fd 1


此代码中还有其他一些问题。首先是您似乎混用了xcorpxcor(对于y坐标也是如此)。 xcor是乌龟坐标,pxcor是面块坐标。乌龟确实有权访问补丁的变量,包括坐标,因此代码不会产生错误。但是我对诸如face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 108.57 and pxcor >= 99.42 and pycor = 50]之类的声明感到担忧。这等效于face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 108 and pxcor >= 100 and pycor = 50],因为pxcorpycor是整数。您在其中使用小数的事实使我认为您对坐标感到困惑。

第二个是所有被要求行走的海龟都将向前移动1.5,但我认为您希望某些移动0.5,其他一些移动1。一旦海龟进入行走程序,{{1} }语句(或您的版本中的if)仅更改标题。 with语句适用于所有海龟。




我在过程中移动to go ask turtles with [pcolor = yellow] [walk] tick end to walk let room1 patches with [pxcor < 71 and pycor < 79 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 50] let room2 patches with [pxcor < 112 and pycor < 79 and pxcor > 71 and pycor > 50] let room3 patches with [pxcor < 82 and pycor < 36 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 0] let room4 patches with [pxcor < 132 and pycor < 36 and pxcor > 82 and pycor > 0] let corridor patches with [pxcor < 132 and pycor < 50 and pxcor > 0 and pycor > 36] let exitpoint patches with [pxcor < 132 and pycor < 79 and pxcor >= 112 and pycor >= 50] ask turtles-on room1 [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 58 and pxcor >= 50 and pycor = 50 fd 0.5 ] ask turtles-on room2 [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 108 and pxcor >= 100 and pycor = 50 fd 0.5 ] ask turtles-on room3 [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 79 and pxcor >= 71 and pycor = 36 fd 0.5 ] ask turtles-on room4 [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 93 and pxcor >= 85 and pycor = 36 fd 0.5 ] ask turtles on corridor [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 132 and pxcor >= 112 and pycor = 50] fd 1 ] ask turtles-on exitpoint [ face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 129 and pxcor >= 121 and pycor = 79] fd 1 ] end 的原因是补丁集仅创建了一次。如果您打算在其他地方使用这些房间等,那么将它们作为全局变量并将结构放入设置中是值得的。