
时间:2018-08-22 23:51:03

标签: python matrix transformation coordinate-systems

基于以下主题:Calculating translation value and rotation angle of a rotated 2D image,我创建了一个python脚本,该脚本在源坐标系(传感器)中获取3D坐标并将其转换为目标坐标系(屏幕),该函数返回正确的转换矩阵据我所知(已在matlab中检查),但由于某种原因,当我将一个源数据点乘以所得的转换矩阵时,无法得到目标点。


%% [calibMatrix] = CalculateTransformationMatrix(SourcePoints,TargetPoitns)
% This script calculates the 4x4 transformation matrix given at least 4 points
% in 3-D and their corresponding transformed coordinates
% SourcePoints: a N * 3 set of N points in 3D, in the source coordinate system
% first column is x, second is y, third is z
% TargetPoints: a N * 3 matrix of N points in the target coordinate system
% Need at least 4 points (N>=4) otherwise underdetermined system
import numpy as np

def calcTransMat(SourcePoints, TargetPoints):
    N = SourcePoints.shape[0]

    if N < 4:
        CalibMat = np.zeros((4, 4))
        return CalibMat

    # Cast data as double to be sure
    SourcePoints = np.double(SourcePoints)
    TargetPoints = np.double(TargetPoints)

    # Extract relevant data
    xSource = SourcePoints[:, 0][np.newaxis]
    ySource = SourcePoints[:, 1][np.newaxis]
    zSource = SourcePoints[:, 2][np.newaxis]

    xTarget = TargetPoints[:, 0][np.newaxis]
    yTarget = TargetPoints[:, 1][np.newaxis]
    zTarget = TargetPoints[:, 2][np.newaxis]

    # create helper vectors
    vec0 = np.zeros(N)[np.newaxis]
    vec1 = np.ones(N)[np.newaxis]

    xSourcexTarget = -xSource.T * xTarget.T
    ySourcexTarget = -ySource.T * xTarget.T
    zSourcexTarget = -zSource.T * xTarget.T
    xSourceyTarget = -xSource.T * yTarget.T
    ySourceyTarget = -ySource.T * yTarget.T
    zSourceyTarget = -zSource.T * yTarget.T
    xSourcezTarget = -xSource.T * zTarget.T
    ySourcezTarget = -ySource.T * zTarget.T
    zSourcezTarget = -zSource.T * zTarget.T

    # Build A matrix
    A_1 = np.vstack((xSource.T, vec0.T, vec0.T))
    A_2 = np.vstack((ySource.T, vec0.T, vec0.T))
    A_3 = np.vstack((zSource.T, vec0.T, vec0.T))
    A_4 = np.vstack((vec1.T, vec0.T, vec0.T))
    A_5 = np.vstack((vec0.T, xSource.T, vec0.T))
    A_6 = np.vstack((vec0.T, ySource.T, vec0.T))
    A_7 = np.vstack((vec0.T, zSource.T, vec0.T))
    A_8 = np.vstack((vec0.T, vec1.T, vec0.T))
    A_9 = np.vstack((vec0.T, vec0.T, xSource.T))
    A_10 = np.vstack((vec0.T, vec0.T, ySource.T))
    A_11 = np.vstack((vec0.T, vec0.T, zSource.T))
    A_12 = np.vstack((vec0.T, vec0.T, vec1.T))
    A_13 = np.vstack((xSourcexTarget, xSourceyTarget, xSourcezTarget))
    A_14 = np.vstack((ySourcexTarget, ySourceyTarget, ySourcezTarget))
    A_15 = np.vstack((zSourcexTarget, zSourceyTarget, zSourcezTarget))

    A = np.hstack((A_1, A_2, A_3, A_4, A_5, A_6, A_7, A_8, A_9, A_10, A_11, A_12, A_13, A_14, A_15))

    # Build RHS vector
    b = np.vstack((xTarget.T, yTarget.T, zTarget.T))

    # Solve homography by least squares(this will return 15 * 1 vector)
    h, resid, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)

    # Reshape to a 4x4 matrix
    # Must transpose as reshape is performed in column major format
    h = np.append(h, 1)[np.newaxis].T  # Add in that h44 is 1 before we reshape
    CalibMat = np.reshape(h, (-1, 4))

    return CalibMat

Targets = np.array([[0.05, -0.1, 0],
                    [-0.1, 0 , 0.1],
                    [-0.2, 0, 0.2],
                    [-0.2, -0.15, 0],
                    [-0.1, -0.15, 0.1]])

Sources = np.array([[0.18951242, 0.2132337, -0.07491957],
                    [0.05004782, 0.29628516, -0.09634646],
                    [-0.05507707, 0.34084256, -0.05300118],
                    [-0.01769256, 0.18251753, -0.03618637],
                    [0.06959538, 0.23691658, 0.02355074]])

Calib = calcTransMat(Sources, Targets)
# Calib[3,] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
print Calib

print(np.matmul(np.array([0.18951242, 0.2132337, -0.07491957, 1]),Calib))


[-1.48402025 -2.70472551 -0.6893453   0.92650296]


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