I have trouble with rotating and scalling my UIView and I haven't found any solution.
Here is sample:
@IBAction func rotateMazeView(_ sender: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {
mazeView.transform = mazeView.transform.rotated(by: sender.rotation)
@IBAction func scaleMazeView(_ sender: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {
let scaleFactor = sender.scale
mazeView.transform = mazeView.transform.concatenating((CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scaleFactor, y: scaleFactor)))
When I rotate this view, rotation speed is unbelievable fast. The same problem with scale function.
Why I don't use just view.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scaleFactor, y: scaleFactor)
? In this case, when the view was rotate and I am starting to scale, the view return to origin position.
I need to implement difficult transforming with this view. Hope that the answer help many other people.