C ++向量迭代器输出垂直显示在列中

时间:2018-08-22 00:56:56

标签: c++ c++11

我正尝试使用向量迭代器按列输出我的字符串,如下图所示。 现在,我仅显示一个使用名称和苹果酒顺序的测试用例,然后再将其复制给其他人。 Desired output screenshot


// values for controlling format
const int name_width = 15 ;
const int int_width = 7 ;
const int dbl_width = 12 ;
const int num_flds = 7 ;
const std::string sep = " |" ;
auto total_width = name_width*2 + int_width*2 + dbl_width*3 + sep.size() * num_flds ;
const std::string line = sep + std::string( total_width-1, '-' ) + '|' ;

cout<<"How many people ordered? ";
cin>>odrs; // Store number of orders

for(int i=1; i<=odrs; i++){
    cout<<"Enter the name of person #"<<i<<":"<<endl;;
    cin>>names;  // Store names of users

    odrNames.push_back(names);  // Store names as entered as

    cout<<"How many orders of cider did "<<names<<" have? ";
    cin>>odrciderjuice;  // Store Cider order item
    sbCider = odrciderjuice * 5.5;    // Calculate Cider order per price
    odrCider.push_back(odrciderjuice); // Store Cider order item based on entry
    SbCider.push_back(sbCider);      // Store calculated Cider order per price

    cout<<"How many orders of apple juice did "<<names<<" have? ";
    cin>>odrapplejuice;     // Store Juice order item
    sbJuice = odrapplejuice * 4.5;    // Calculate Juice order per price
    odrApple.push_back(odrapplejuice);     // Store Juice order item based on entry
    SbJuice.push_back(sbJuice);      // Store calculated Juice order per price

    total = sbCider + sbJuice;   // Calculate total between Cider and Juice
    GTotal.push_back(total);     // Store total values after calculation

for(vector<string>::iterator naming = odrNames.begin(); naming!= odrNames.end(); ++naming)
    cout << sep << std::setw(name_width) << *naming<<"\v";

for(vector<int>::iterator ciderOdr = odrCider.begin(); ciderOdr!= odrCider.end(); ++ciderOdr)
    cout <<*ciderOdr;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



C ++是一种OO语言,而OO编程是一种将复杂程序拆分为较小单元(类)的方法,这些较小单元仅对较大程序的一小部分负责。这是为了使代码更易于测试和维护。


  • 客户名称的一个字符串
  • 苹果酒和果汁数量的2个整数
  • 可选的计算详细价格和总价格的方法


  • vector<Order>的引用
  • ostream的引用
  • 静态元素以获取格式详细信息
  • 显示标题行,水平虚线,订单行以及总计和平均行的方法。



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct Order {
    static constexpr double ciderPrice = 5.5;
    static constexpr double juicePrice = 4.5;
    std::string name;
    int cider;
    int juice;

    double sbCider() const {
        return cider * ciderPrice;
    double sbJuice() const {
        return juice * juicePrice;
    double total() const {
        return sbCider() + sbJuice();

class Bill {
    // values for controlling format
    static const int name_width = 10 ;
    static const int int_width = 6 ;
    static const int dbl_width = 17 ;

    const std::vector<Order>& orders;
    std::ostream& out;


    Bill(const std::vector<Order>& orders, std::ostream& out):orders(orders),out(out) { }
    Bill& show_line() {
        return *this;
    Bill& show_header() {
        return *this;
    Bill& show_order(const Order &order) {
        return *this
    Bill& show_total() {
        return *this
    Bill &show_average() {
        return *this;
    Bill& show() {
        for (const Order& order: orders) {
        return show_line().show_total().show_average().show_line();
int main() {
Order order;
vector<Order> orders;

int odrs;

cout<<"How many people ordered? ";
cin>>odrs; // Store number of orders

for(int i=1; i<=odrs; i++){
    cout<<"Enter the name of person #"<<i<<":"<<endl;;
    cin>>order.name;  // Store names of users

    cout<<"How many orders of cider did "<<order.name<<" have? "<<endl;
    cin>>order.cider;  // Store Cider order item

    cout<<"How many orders of apple juice did "<<order.name<<" have? "<<endl;
    cin>>order.juice;     // Store Juice order item

Bill bill(orders, std::cout);
return 0;   