import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Noto Serif CJK TC']
Df["time_hour"] = pd.to_datetime(df['time_hour'])
grp = df.groupby(by=[df.time_hour.map(lambda x : (x.hour, x.minute))])
plt.scatter(a.index, a['flight'], c='b', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('index value', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('flight', fontsize=16)
plt.title('scatter plot - index value vs. flight (data range A row & E row )', fontsize=20)
产生以下错误 追溯(最近一次通话):
中的文件“ I:/PycharmProjects/1223/raise1/char3.py”,第10行 Plt.scatter(a.index,a ['flight'],c ='b',marker ='o')
散布在文件“ C:\ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ matplotlib \ pyplot.py”中,行3470 Edgecolors = edgecolors,data = data,** kwargs)
内部文件1855行中的文件“ C:\ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ matplotlib__init __。py” 返回func(ax,* args,** kwargs)
文件“ C:\ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ matplotlib \ axes_axes.py”,第4320行,分散显示 Alpha = alpha
init 中的文件“ C:\ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ matplotlib \ collections.py”,第927行 收集。初始化(自己,**假人)
init 中的文件“ C:\ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ matplotlib \ collections.py”,第159行 偏移量= np.asanyarray(偏移量,浮点数)
文件“ C:\ ProgramData \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ numpy \ core \ numeric.py”,行544,以asanyarray格式显示 返回数组(a,dtype,copy = False,order = order,subok = True)
如何产生以下结果?谢谢。 http://python2018.byethost10.com/image.png
答案 0 :(得分:2)
a = df.groupby(by=[df.time_hour.dt.strftime('%H:%M')]).sum()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Noto Serif CJK TC']
#first column is index and second clumn is parsed to datetimes
df=pd.read_csv('flights.csv', index_col=[0], parse_dates=[1])
a = df.groupby(by=[df.time_hour.dt.strftime('%H:%M')]).sum()
print (a)
year sched_dep_time flight air_time distance hour minute
05:00 122793 37856 87445 11282.0 72838 366 1256
05:01 120780 44810 82113 11115.0 71168 435 1310
05:02 122793 52989 99975 11165.0 72068 515 1489
05:03 120780 57653 98323 10366.0 65137 561 1553
05:04 122793 67706 110230 10026.0 63118 661 1606
05:05 122793 75807 126426 9161.0 55371 742 1607
05:06 120780 82010 120753 10804.0 67827 799 2110
05:07 122793 90684 130339 8408.0 52945 890 1684
05:08 120780 93687 114415 10299.0 63271 922 1487
05:09 122793 101571 99526 11525.0 72915 1002 1371
05:10 122793 107252 107961 10383.0 70137 1056 1652
05:11 120780 111351 120261 10949.0 73350 1098 1551
05:12 122793 120575 135930 8661.0 57406 1190 1575
05:13 120780 118272 104763 7784.0 55886 1166 1672
05:14 122793 37289 109300 9838.0 63582 364 889
05:15 122793 42374 67193 11480.0 78183 409 1474
05:16 58377 22321 53424 4271.0 27527 216 721
plt.scatter(a.index, a['flight'], c='b', marker='o')
#rotate labels of x axis
plt.xlabel('index value', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('flight', fontsize=16)
plt.title('scatter plot - index value vs. flight (data range A row & E row )', fontsize=20)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'Noto Serif CJK TC'
df=pd.read_csv('flights.csv', index_col=[0], parse_dates=[1])
a = df.groupby(by=[df.time_hour.dt.time]).sum()
print (a)
year sched_dep_time flight air_time distance hour minute
05:00:00 122793 37856 87445 11282.0 72838 366 1256
05:01:00 120780 44810 82113 11115.0 71168 435 1310
05:02:00 122793 52989 99975 11165.0 72068 515 1489
05:03:00 120780 57653 98323 10366.0 65137 561 1553
05:04:00 122793 67706 110230 10026.0 63118 661 1606
05:05:00 122793 75807 126426 9161.0 55371 742 1607
05:06:00 120780 82010 120753 10804.0 67827 799 2110
05:07:00 122793 90684 130339 8408.0 52945 890 1684
05:08:00 120780 93687 114415 10299.0 63271 922 1487
05:09:00 122793 101571 99526 11525.0 72915 1002 1371
05:10:00 122793 107252 107961 10383.0 70137 1056 1652
05:11:00 120780 111351 120261 10949.0 73350 1098 1551
05:12:00 122793 120575 135930 8661.0 57406 1190 1575
05:13:00 120780 118272 104763 7784.0 55886 1166 1672
05:14:00 122793 37289 109300 9838.0 63582 364 889
05:15:00 122793 42374 67193 11480.0 78183 409 1474
05:16:00 58377 22321 53424 4271.0 27527 216 721
plt.scatter(a.index, a['flight'], c='b', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('index value', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('flight', fontsize=16)
plt.title('scatter plot - index value vs. flight (data range A row & E row )', fontsize=20)