If (Cells(k, 5) = buafd1 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd2 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd3 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd4 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd5 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd6 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd7 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd8 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd9 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd10 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd11 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd12 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd13) And Cells(k, 6) = LCSPnavn1 Then
Amount = Cells(k, 13)
LCSPsum1 = LCSPsum1 + Amount
接下来的事情是我有很多“ LCSPsums”
like this:
'LCSPsum 2
ElseIf (Cells(k, 5) = buafd1 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd2 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd3 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd4 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd5 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd6 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd7 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd8 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd9 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd10 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd11 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd12 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd13) And Cells(k, 6) = LCSPnavn2 Then
Amount = Cells(k, 13)
LCSPsum2 = LCSPsum2 + Amount
'LCSPsum 3
ElseIf (Cells(k, 5) = buafd1 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd2 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd3 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd4 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd5 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd6 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd7 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd8 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd9 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd10 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd11 _
Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd12 Or Cells(k, 5) = buafd13) And Cells(k, 6) = LCSPnavn3 Then
Amount = Cells(k, 13)
LCSPsum3 = LCSPsum3 + Amount
一直到28 xD
它正在工作,但是我现在正尝试添加更多的“ buafd”,这是一个相当缓慢的过程,因为我必须添加7次“ cells(k,5)= buafd ...” 28次。
致谢 尼古拉斯
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Dim oBuafd(12) As String
Dim oLCSPnavn(27) As Double
Dim oLCSPsum(27) As Double ' or you could do a multi-dimensional array with oLCSPnavn
Private Function InList(ByVal SearchValue As String, ByRef List() As String) As Boolean
InList = False
Dim oCounter As Integer
For oCounter = 0 To UBound(List)
If StrComp(SearchValue, List(oCounter), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
InList = True
Exit For
End If
End Function
Dim Amount As Double
Dim oCounter As Integer
For oCounter = 0 To UBound(oLCSPnavn)
If InList(Sheet1.Cells(11, 5), oBuafd) And oLCSPnavn(oCounter) = Sheet1.Cells(11, 6) Then
Amount = Sheet1.Cells(11, 13)
oLCSPsum(oCounter) = oLCSPsum(oCounter) + Amount ' Is this all your doing with amount or does it have another purpose?
End If