
时间:2018-07-23 12:42:18

标签: hyperledger-composer

我正在尝试从交易中返回资产数组。因此,根据语法,我添加了@returns@commit(false) in cto file,但其抛出错误为

✖ Installing business network. This may take a minute...
ParseException: Expected ")", "-", "false", "true", comment, end of 
line, number, string or whitespace but "P" found. File 
models/org.zcon.healthcare.cto line 370 column 10
Command failed

当我删除@returns注释时,不会引发任何错误。 而且,当我从@returns批注中删除参数“ Patient []”时,它不会引发任何错误。但这违反了语法吗? 我正在使用docker swarm在本地运行应用程序。

我的docker composer版本是v0.19.12



transaction SearchPatient{
  o String firstName optional
  o String lastName optional


 * Sample transaction
 * @param {org.zcon.healthcare.SearchPatient} tx
 * @returns{org.zcon.healthcare.Patient[]}
 * @transaction
async function SearchPatient(tx){
    let queryString = `SELECT org.zcon.healthcare.Patient WHERE (`;
    let conditions = [];
    if (tx.hasOwnProperty('firstName')) {
        var firstName =tx.firstName;
        conditions.push(`(firstName == "${firstName}")`)
    if (tx.hasOwnProperty('lastName')) {
        var lastName = tx.lastName;
        conditions.push(`(lastName == "${lastName}")`)
    queryString += conditions.join(' AND ') + ')';
    let finalQuery =  buildQuery(queryString);
    const searchPatient = await query(finalQuery);
    if(searchPatient.length ==0){
        throw "No Patient Records found!!"
      return searchPatient;   

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我没有看到composer network install出现此错误(部署到正在运行的Fabric),我对模型和代码进行了网络安装(参见屏幕截图)。我建议您的错误可能出在您的业务网络中的其他地方?您可以添加得到错误的完整序列吗?您是如何建立bna文件的?


const searchPatient = await query(finalQuery);
    console.log("results are " + searchPatient);
    console.log("element 1 of array is " + searchPatient[0]);
    if(searchPatient.length ==0){
        throw "No Patient Records found!!"
    } else
     return searchPatient;   


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