
时间:2018-07-22 16:52:42

标签: c parsing while-loop strtok


   `//Get characters from .j FILE`
    while (fgets(line, 1000, IN) != NULL)
        //Get each line of .j file

        //Compute length of each line
        len = strlen(line);

        //If length is zero or if there is newline escape sequnce
        if (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n')
            //Replace with null
            line[len-1] = '\0';

        //Search for semicolons in .J FILE
        semi_token = strpbrk(line, ";\r\n\t");

        //Replace with null terminator
        if (semi_token) 
            *semi_token = '\0';
        printf("line is %s\n",line );

        //Copy each line
        assign = line;

        // printf("line is %s\n",line );

        // len = strlen(line);

        // printf("line length is %d\n",len );

        // parse_tok = strtok(line, "\r ");



;; Basic

defun test arg3 arg2 arg1 min return 
;defun love arg2 arg1 * return
;defun func_1 6 6 eq return
;defun func_2 20 100 / return

defun main
0 -200 55 test printnum endl
;1 2 3 test printnum endl
;38 23 8 test printnum endl
;5 6 7 love printnum endl
;love printnum endl
;func_1 printnum endl
;func_2 printnum endl


line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is defun test arg3 arg2 arg1 min return 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is defun main
line is 0 -200 55 test printnum endl
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is return


;; program to test nested ifs

defun testIfs ;; called with one parameter n

arg1           ; get n to the top of the stack

dup 16 gt
if   ; 16 > n

    dup 8 gt
    if  ; 8 > n

        dup 4 gt
    if  ; 4 > n
    else        ; 4 <= n

    else        ; 8 <= n

else        ; 16 <= n

     dup 24 gt
     if ; 24 > n

        dup 20 gt
    if  ; 20 > n
        else        ; 20 <= n

     else           ; 24 <= n

        dup 32 gt
        if  ; 32 > n




defun main 
5 testIfs printnum endl
11 testIfs printnum endl
28 testIfs printnum endl
35 testIfs printnum endl


line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is defun testIfs 
line is 
line is arg1           
line is 
line is dup 16 gt
line is if   
line is 
line is     dup 8 gt
line is     if
line is 
line is     
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is 
line is     else
line is        2
line is     endif
line is 
line is else
line is 
line is      dup 24 gt
line is      if
line is 
line is      
line is 
line is            3
line is         else   
line is            4
line is 
line is 
line is      else   
line is 
line is         dup 32 gt
line is         if
line is            5
line is 
line is 
line is         endif
line is 
line is      endif
line is 
line is endif
line is 
line is return
line is 
line is 
line is defun main 
line is 5 testIfs printnum endl
line is 11 testIfs printnum endl
line is 28 testIfs printnum endl
line is 35 testIfs printnum endl
line is return


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


    //Search for semicolons in .J FILE
    semi_token = strpbrk(line, ";\r\n\t");


答案 1 :(得分:1)

正如其他人指出的那样,您对strpbrk (line, ";\r\n\t");的使用将返回指向';', '\r', '\n'中第一个\t'line的指针。如果您的文件包含缩进的 tab字符(除非它是Makefile,否则不应该),那么您可能在一开始会 nul-terminate 。这不是你想要的。

但是,您选择的strpbrk是完成任务的理想选择。如果从 accept 字符集中删除'\t',则您将更接近实现您的预​​期目标。 (您可以删除'\r',并且行尾在读取时将转换为'\n'

在非常简单的代码版本中,您不必担心在最后一个非空白字符和注释的开头(或行尾)之间修剪任何尾随空白,您可以执行以下操作: nul-终止 strpbrk返回的指针处的行,例如

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXC 1024

int main (void) {

    char line[MAXC] = "";
    size_t lineno = 0;

    /* read each line from stdin (e.g. redirect file, ./prog <file) */
    while (fgets(line, MAXC, stdin) != NULL)
        char *p = NULL;         /* pointer for strchr return */

        /* Search for semicolons in line or newline */
        if ((p = strpbrk (line, ";\n")))
            *p = 0;             /* nul-terminate at ';' or '\n' */

        /* output line (single-quotes simply show trim of whitespace) */
        printf ("%3zu: '%s'\n", ++lineno, line);

    return 0;



$ ./bin/parsesemisimple <dat/semicmtfile.txt
  1: ''
  2: ''
  3: ''
  4: ''
  5: 'defun testIfs '
  6: ''
  7: 'arg1           '

请注意,"arg1 ; get n to the top of the stack"arg1和注释字符之间如何有10个空格。离开悬挂的空白绝不是一个好主意。


您可以有条件地向您的strpbrk添加几行代码。 注意:备份时,您始终要确保(p > line)以便不备份到line的开头,并且您还知道是否p不大于line,则注释从此处开始或为空行。您可以执行以下操作:

#include <ctype.h>
        /* Search for semicolons in line or newline */
        if ((p = strpbrk (line, ";\n"))) {
            if (p > line) {         /* test characters in line */
                /* remove all trailing whitespace */
                while (p > line && isspace (*--p)) {}
                *++p = 0;   /* nul-terminate after last non-whitespace char */
            }               /* before ';' or end of line */
                *p = 0;     /* otherwise nul-terminate at ';' */

(如果您不熟悉C Operator Precedence,现在将是一个与之交朋友的好机会。请注意说明关联是right to left还是left to right的列,会有所不同)


现在,您可以检查完整的输出并确认注释和所有尾随空格已被删除。 (您可以在满意的情况下删除单引号)

$ ./bin/parsesemicmt <dat/semicmtfile.txt
  1: ''
  2: ''
  3: ''
  4: ''
  5: 'defun testIfs'
  6: ''
  7: 'arg1'
  8: ''
  9: 'dup 16 gt'
 10: 'if'
 11: ''
 12: '    dup 8 gt'
 13: '    if'
 14: ''
 15: '        dup 4 gt'
 16: '    if'
 17: '        0'
 18: '    else'
 19: '        1'
 20: '    endif'
 21: ''
 22: '    else'
 23: '       2'
 24: '    endif'
 25: ''
 26: 'else'
 27: ''
 28: '     dup 24 gt'
 29: '     if'
 30: ''
 31: '        dup 20 gt'
 32: '    if'
 33: '           3'
 34: '        else'
 35: '           4'
 36: '    endif'
 37: ''
 38: '     else'
 39: ''
 40: '        dup 32 gt'
 41: '        if'
 42: '           5'
 43: '    else'
 44: '        -10'
 45: '        endif'
 46: ''
 47: '     endif'
 48: ''
 49: 'endif'
 50: ''
 51: 'return'
 52: ''
 53: ''
 54: 'defun main'
 55: '5 testIfs printnum endl'
 56: '11 testIfs printnum endl'
 57: '28 testIfs printnum endl'
 58: '35 testIfs printnum endl'
 59: 'return'

