TGName: name1
setting1 value1
setting2 value2
setting3 value3
setting4 value4
setting5 value5
TGName: name47
setting1 value1
setting2 value2
setting3 value3
SGName: name1
my %TGName:name1= (
setting1 => 'value1',
setting2 => 'value2',
setting3 => 'value3',
setting4 => 'value4',
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Compare;
# create log.txt for writing
my $log = 'log.txt';
# create $f1 string and read in file1
open (my $f1, "<", "file1.txt") or die $!;
# create $f2 string and read in file2
open (my $f2, "<", "file2.txt") or die $!;
# initialize array and populate with the contents of $f1
my @content_f1=<$f1>;
# initialize array and populate with the contents of $f2
my @content_f2=<$f2>;
# create comparison string
my $lc = List::Compare->new(\@content_f1, \@content_f2);
# initialize array showing commonalities of file 1 and file 2
# and populate with the contents of get_intersection()
my @intersection = $lc->get_intersection;
# initialize array showing elements unique to new config
# and populate with the contents of get_unique()
my @firstonly = $lc->get_unique;
# initialize array showing elements unique to golden config
# and populate with the contents of get_complement()
my @secondonly = $lc->get_complement;
# create $out string to write contents into log
open(my $out, '>', $log) or die "Cannot open file '$log' for writing: $!";
# write the contents of the intersection and unique arrays to log.txt
print $out "Common Items:\n"."@intersection"."\n";
print $out "Items Only in file 1 \n"."@firstonly"."\n";
print $out "Items Only in file 2:\n"."@secondonly"."\n";
close $out;
close $f1;
close $f2;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在此示例中,我正在使用Test::Deep中的 eq_deeply 函数来测试两个文件之间的相等性。
如果您还要查找一个文件中的内容,而不是另一个文件中的内容,则可以使用List :: Compare函数。
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Deep::NoTest 'eq_deeply';
use List::Compare;
open my $fh, '<', \<<EOF;
TGName: name1
setting1 value1
setting2 value2
setting3 value3
setting4 value4
setting5 value5
TGName: name47
setting1 value1
setting2 value2
setting3 value3
SGName: name1
my %data1;
my $key1;
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^([A-Z]{2}Name: name\d+)/) {
$key1 = $1;
elsif (/^[-\s]+$/) {
else {
my ($setting, $val) = split;
$data1{$key1}{$setting} = $val;
open my $fh2, '<', \<<EOF;
TGName: name1
setting1 value1
setting2 value2
setting3 value3
setting4 value4
setting55 value5
TGName: name47
setting1 value1
setting2 value2
setting3 value3
SGName: name11
my %data2;
my $key2;
while (<$fh2>) {
if (/^([A-Z]{2}Name: name\d+)/) {
$key2 = $1;
elsif (/^(?:-+|\s+)$/) {
else {
my ($setting, $val) = split;
$data2{$key2}{$setting} = $val;
my $lc = List::Compare->new([keys %data1], [keys %data2]);
my @intersection = $lc->get_intersection;
for my $key (@intersection) {
if (eq_deeply($data1{$key}, $data2{$key})) {
print "key $key has the same hash for both files\n";
else {
print "key $key has different hashes\n";
key TGName: name1 has different hashes
key TGName: name47 has the same hash for both files
我自己没有使用 eq_deeply 函数,但是我相信它将为您提供所需的结果。